Just a follow up to my weekend, it did not turn out to be the pure bikepacking adventure i had hoped for, but i had a ton of fun sticking to self containment as much as posable. I got dropped off at the top of sunrise highway by the start of the big laguna trail, i was supposed to meet my buddy at about 3, but he was way behind, so i set out to kill a few hours by myself. I had about an hour down when i ran into some friends of some friends, so i rode with them for a couple hours. For those in the southwest that have not ben to the cuyamaca area, do yourself a favor and treat yourself sometime. My buddy showed up finally, I met up with him, ditched my heavy gear, and went back out for some more riding. We finnished into the dark and went back to his truck for portage to the area of the poker ride about 30 miles away. here we met up with the folks from IMBA that were hosting the poker ride, had some dinner, sat around the fire before retiring to my bivy sack on the ground beneath a big pine tree. This was my first test of my new bag bivy and sleeping pad. Considering it got down to 26f that night, i think it did great, my feet got a bit cold, but after i covered them with my jersey i had few issues. The next morning i awoke to anxious poker riders and there nauseating debates of proper training regimen and weather cytomax or gu20 is better
. I got up and fixed myself a nice cup of instant coffee and freeze dried lasagna. I then got my poker card and took off, the course was a fun 25 mile loop with more than its fair share of climbing, it was here that i was reminded why i ride alone most of the time. For some reason there are a HANDFUL (not everyone) of people that find it necessary to shove, push and curse there way around a trail with little regard for others fun or safety. Oh well they are what they are, and i can only do my best to avoid them. I finished with a 6 high straight, but the guy at the end said there was already 4, 4 of a kind hands turned in. They put on a great pasta lunch that i enjoyed quite a bit. I then packed all my stuff up and headed out another 10 miles to my pickup point and back to AZ. Not quite a true bikepacking weekend, but fun none the less. I would recommend the poker run next year to anybody, it was allot of fun for a great cause.