Hello all,
I will be doing a bikepacking tour from Germany to Portugal this summer.
I am planning 28 days for the around 3.000 kilometers. So I will have enough time for some restdays and to see the countries and meet locals.
I will be doing this tour without a tent - so I will have a shower and a bed in the evening. Let?s call it "luxury bikepacking"
Route: From Germany via Luxembourg to France. South in the Rhone valley and then westwards through the Pyrenees to San Sebastian. Via the spanish North Coast to Santiago de Compostela and then to Porto and Lisbon.
I am happy if you are interested to follow my trip via Instagram - just let me know that you are from here please :)on hier kommt, dann wei? ich Bescheid
Instagram: @bonn.to.lisbon
The account is mostly in German but should be understandable for english speaking people as well. If not, just let me know and I will start do add english texts as well.
I will connect my tour with a donation for a good purpose but will tell more about it closer to the start of the tour. Until then I will post about the preparation and some tours