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  Topic Name: Singlespeed ZONE on: August 09, 2010, 10:39:41 AM

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« on: August 09, 2010, 10:39:41 AM »

The zone

My ride started early, I had a sleepless night and needed to get out and burn off some steam.  

It was a cool morning but the forecast was for a warm sunny day.  I made a quick stop at the local co-op for a banana and a few power bars.  I wasn't hungry but I knew if I didn't force feed myself I would bonk.  It was colder than I had expected in the shade as I organized my pack.  

I had looked forward to a good hard ride letting my         I-Pod drowned the outside world and keep my mind at bay.  I couldn't find my headphones anywhere.  looks like I am going to be stuck with my thoughts for the day.  I had seriously considered riding back to the boat to grab the headphones but the small hills leading up to the were I sat now already had me winded and my weak muscles pumped. I had to keep moving forward.

Slowly I tried to find a rhythm but couldn't find my pace.  I was surprised how loud the world seemed today.  Cars zoomed by missing me by only a few inches.  The sounds of hundreds of vehicles speeding by deafened me.  As I rode further away from town the traffic got lighter, now the roar of screaming lawn mowers replaced the traffic sounds.  

I wasn't sure exactly how to get where I was going.  I had been here dozens of times but always by car.  Everything seems and feels so different now.  Each new hill raises my heart rate and wears at my now exhausted legs.  I haven't even made the trail yet and I'm blown.  One last hill and I find the trail head, I'm warm and my body is warmed up.

I ride through the barrier and my tires hit the soft damp earth and my world goes silent.  Its cool in the timber and it feels good to be surrounded with nature.  Birds chirp and the occasional rustle in the bushes gets my attention as I push ever upward.  The sounds of my breathing has taken over.  It moves its way into my ears and I'm all alone in my tiny bubble.  My lungs struggle with my legs for attention.  I'm tired they scream take a break, I need rest.  I cant get into a groove.  I've been out of the saddle too long and I ride like a drunken sailor. My tires are all over the place and there is no harmony my ride.

Somewhere between here and there my body starts to find my bike, my motion becomes fluid.  I push as hard as can the top is only a hundred yards away.  My legs and lungs tell me I cant make it, I wont make it.  My mind is strong now alert and crisp.  I command my body to push forward, don't stop till the top.

I made it, my heart is pounding through my chest.  Foam blowing from my lips as my lungs struggle for air.  I drop my bike and walk in circles my lungs straining and screaming for oxygen.  

I look out over the bay and am surprised how high up I am.  I started at sea level but now can see over the top of the San Juan Islands, perhaps all the way to Vancouver Island.

I have made it, I recompose myself.  I round the crest and my bike starts to roll effortlessly down the hill.  The earth is dryer now and crunches as my tires roll over it.  My bike is a singlespeed and is very quit as I roll down the trail.

Gravity has taken over and its pointless to try and pedal, I get a free ride from here and I have earned it.  My bike picks up speed and the only sounds in my world are the chatter of my tires the occasional squeaking of rubber bouncing off the rocks. or my involuntary whoops as I catch more air than expected.  

I have always compared mountain biking skills to those of a ballet dancer.  It isn't enough to have immense strength and endurance, you also need balance and grace.  Training will only get you so far.  You either have it or you don't.

I fly passed several less experienced riders all on bikes costing thousands more than mine.  I loosen the grip on my bars and let the bike take over with occasional nudge of guidance from me.  They call it riding for a reason.  I have completely let go.  My bike dances and glides gaining speed with every second.  My mind is empty and happy.  I have found my groove and entered the zone.

* kona_008[1].jpg (26.35 KB, 408x401 - viewed 534 times.)

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