You can help make the AZT the best it can be.
Saguaro National Park is taking comments on allowing mountain bikes on the AZT to the Hope Camp trail. This will only add a little bit of single track but will make for a great section of continuous trail.!documentDetail;D=NPS-2012-0001-0001Please take the time to comment. For some reason the link won't paste in complete and you have to cut and paste it in.
Here's my comment.
The Arizona Trail offers mountain bikers a unique opportunity, We the mountain biking community owe a debt of thanks for Dale Shewalter for including us in his vision for the trail. Now that the hiking route is basically complete now is the time to start planning what the official bike route should be. Allowing bikes to continue on the trail to the Hope Camp trail will create a very diverse passage for bicyclist. From the pine trees of upper Gardner Canyon to the Saguaro Forest of the park. The Arizona Trail is already an amazing journey this small addition will help to make the AZT bike route the most it can be.
Thank you for your consideration.
Tim McCabe 2 time thru biker of the AZT.