Hello Everyone, I'm Laurens, and here's a small report of one of my bike trips I did last summer.
. 19.55 av
I intended to take the train to luxemburg and go touring there for a few days, leaving from a camping site where my tent's located. Things turned out totally different. I planned to ride over there and have a few days of fun, double fun!
So on june the 19th I packed my bike and prepared to leave for a trip of 300km. Here's a picture of my bike setup. Wasn't planning of racing to Luxemburg so packed my bike to have a much comfort as possible.
***8 hours of sleep later***
Looking at the geography of Belgium, the first 80kms were flat as a pooltable. The following 100 kms went from 50 tot eventually 450-550 hight. The last 200 were all at 550m hight max. The further I drove, the harder it got, combining that with a lot of rain and winds, excellent biking weather. Whoohoo.
Oh what do we have here... The bridge of Namen, means only about 6 more hours to go. Had some spaghetti in a local bar, finally something different than energy gells.
Late at night, finally arrived at the campingsite, where I couldn't find the owner, so picked a spot randomly and set up my tent, longing for some food, but most of all a hot shower and some sleep.
My bike sleeps next to me on trips, wouldn't want it to dissapear over the night. Got some reasons to be suspicious too...
The day after, I went swimming in a lake nearby, talking about re energising!:) only had about 50km, while i had so much more things to see, but my legs wouldn't support it just yet.
The next few days did trips of 75-100kms, mostly offroad, re-explored luxemburg all over again, but by mtb, one of the things on my to-do list that had collected dust over the years.
On day 6 I took the train all the way home, happy, lots of photo's, even more good memories. Enjoying a nice beer at the balcony at thome, and thinking "oh joy, gotta work tomorrow"
Here's a link with a few more pictures from my trip. So a message to you all, "come to Belgium"!
http://img339.imageshack.us/slideshow/webplayer.php?id=sdc112120.jpgBesides this trip I did several other "bike challenges". Mostly 1 day jumps (a trip like this one above, a lot of kms in 1 day) or a few 2-3 days trips. and 1 8 days trip.