Six of us turned out to do a multi-day ride in Death Valley this past weekend. A few others turned out to hang out, check out the sites, and ferry beer coolers and tired riders from place to place. Thanks to all the drivers, and thanks to Gilamonster (Phil) for setting this up!
We started Saturday morning from the Exchange Club in Beatty NV. There was a few miles of pavement before turning off onto dirt.
John and Ilya pause to rest at the top of the day's first climb
Scenery starts to get interesting as we ride into the mountains
Following a short descent there is some more climbing
We finally top out, Phil finds a bit of singletrack to hit (this would be all the s/t on the trip!)
Group shot before dropping Titus Canyon. John (Freeskier46), Sabina, Eszter, Ilya (Isignay), Phil (Gilamonster), Evan (evdog)
John and Eszter lead off down the canyon
There was 2/3" of rain the night before. A few puddles for now...
The road would drop a full mile into Death Valley
Mining remnants were everywhere
We finally reach lower Titus Canyon and the rain damage becomes obvious.
When Phil pre-rode the canyon in December it was nicely graded and fine to drive in a passenger car
Not anymore! These folks (and us) started down before the park service closed the road
Once we got to the lowest 2-3 miles it turned into a soupy mess.
The brown middle is wet silty mud mixed with gravel
It went from "this is cool" to "ok my bike is filthy but I don't care anymore" to "holy crap this is outrageous"
Wet muck
Having fun yet? Exiting Titus
The bike, after scraping off excess muck. My cranks wouldn't even turn at first
We scraped off what we could, and left the rest to dry which would make it easier to brush off. My drivetrain was fine by the time I descended the couple miles to Scotty's Castle Rd. Others had problems shifting. We had 30mi to go to Furnace Creek.
Looking back up at the mountains we had crossed
This was our view for the next couple hours
We rode through some cool landscapes
Map of the first half of our day at the Visitor Center
From Furnace Cr to Camp 1 we had a 40 mile ride along the west side road, located at its junction with Warm Springs Canyon
Leaving Furnace Creek
By the time we departed for the final 40 miles we didn't have a lot of daylight left. John and Eszter were a bit ahead of us and took the dirt road. Since most would be in the dark, Phil Sabina and I opted for pavement thinking it would be faster. Wrong! It was exposed to wind, and skirting the edge of each alluvial fan made the distance longer plus the junction was beyond camp by a couple miles so we ended up with 113 miles for day 1. I have done plenty of hike a bike in my time but almost never on pavement and definitely never on FLAT pavement, but we did some of that this night. Butts were hurting! We did not get in til 10:45 or so, by which time everyone else was sleeping soundly. There were no congratulatory beers, we just ate quickly and got to sleep. Was a beautiful night, so all was good!