Hea DL loved your video. Way to make what you got work for you.
There are lots of DIY projects out there to help you build your equipment list for very little money.
There are pop can alky stoves and accessories, goodwill stores carry tons of clothing for camping.
Heck you could even make you own hammock for next to nothing. Check this thread out.
http://www.hammockforums.net/forum/showthread.php?t=15205 Something I really enjoy doing, and I do this 3-4 days out of the week I'm retired, is to take my bike, pack a lunch, my hammock, a good book an alky stove
with some instant coffee and ride to a local park and hang the hammock eat my lunch read a little then make a cup of coffee and ride home.
I'll usually take the long way home.
I'm pretty good at DIY camping gear let me know if I can help.