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  Topic Name: Tarptent Moment ! on: August 30, 2013, 06:55:20 PM

Posts: 17

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« on: August 30, 2013, 06:55:20 PM »

This is a Tarptent Moment.

It is awesome.

It fits one person.

I slept in it for about a month straight on a bike tour and then I broke my collarbone.

Look at for more detailed specs, you know, weights and details on how amazingly technical its fabrics are. This is a go to tent for solo people looking for a super light weight shelter with the bug protection a tarp or Megamid doesn't offer. Many folks on the PCT and AT hiking trails take this tent too -- and they have to WALK (not ride!) up hills with it.

Single wall (so NOT the new double wall version -- but the online weights and measurements are about the same). Seam sealed with McNett's silnylon seam grip. I have both poles, the one it comes with AND the additional and optional one you need to make this freestanding. No stakes -- you'll need two if pitching it nonfreestanding, otherwise you won't need any. There are two small holes on the door, about the size of the end a brake lever from when your bike falls on the tent twice. Because this is what happened. I did not patch them.

That photo of the tent is from near Chisasibi, Quebec. That's a Surly Troll for scale purposes.

Free delivery if you live in Anchorage, AK.

$150 plus shipping if you don't live in Anchorage.

* IMG_0774 copy.JPG (601.66 KB, 1260x945 - viewed 255 times.)
« Last Edit: August 30, 2013, 07:03:37 PM by Dylan » Logged
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