Hello bikepackers,
Several days ago I returned home from a bike road trip (well, 99% of it was road). In prepaation for it, I decided to neglect the fact that I have a rear rack and use a DIY attachment on my fork instead.
For the purpose I used a 5" pipe, 10" long cut into two halves, each half attached independently with hose clamps on on the two sides of the fork. It did a perfect job and the bike was stable.
However, I did notice two issues during and after the ride. First, I hadn't drilled holes for adjusting the brake pads in case it was needed.
Secondly, when I was home, I noticed that one of the half-pipes had started cracking.
Regarding the modes of attachment of the bags (one was of hardcore material 20 l dry bag; the other - 20 l OR very light dry bag) - I used two bungee cords.
My observations - although the bags were really very well attached to the fork, wowuld it not be better to use two bungee cords in order to secure the upper and the lower part of the bags instead of using only one for securing the bag in the middle? This way, I think, I will be able to avoid the bulging of the top and the bottom parts of the bags as well as avoid putting too much stress on the points of attachment of the half-pipes to the fork. In addition, any advice regarding limiting the friction beween the bag and the bungee cord will be highly appreciated.
If anybody has used similar attachments, please comment and share experience.
In addition, I tried the method of attaching lighter items as a sleeping mat, a helmet and other smaller items under my handlebar. I used the instructions
http://www.bikepacking.net/forum/diy-make-your-own-gear-(myog)/super-simple-handebag-bag/ and a longer bungee cord. It also performed perfectly and didn't mess around my hands as was before.
There are some photos here: