I'm looking to build my first frame bag, and was wondering what the best way to handle the velcro straps.
Are there any advantages to sewing material onto the back of the velcro before attaching to the bag? I see some bags with and some without and not sure what the advantage of added material is.
Also, what would be a good length length for the velcro straps on a steel road frame and 3" wide bag?
I don't sew fabric onto my Velcro. What I do is just to tack a piece of webbing along the bag so that it acts like a daisy chain. That way you can move the Velcro around to see how it fits best. This is also good if you are competing for frame space with a top tube bag or something.
As far as the length of the Velcro, it depends on the bike and tubing. I use double sided Velcro tape, and I just measure and cut it when I'm first putting the bag on.
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