Hi ... I'm Andy , got the tag Whistle after playing in a diddly band for years and years ...
Since the band has now disbanded (Hahaha LOL) I am returning to previous interests and hobbies , principally Photography ... Landscape and wildlife ... but I hate walking so the bike is an ideal way of getting into areas of interest and as a load carrier when a little stealthy overnighting is required !
I have been browsing the Bikepacking site for a while now and have been very impressed by all the MYOG gear ...
and I thought I'd like to try ...
This is my take on making a handlebar harness / sling ...
I needed something completely versatile as I have 3 bikes and use them all at different times ...
I have been very impressed with Military Molle webbing systems as a flexible adaptable system and thought that would be a good starting point ... I enjoy the simplicity and ease of use of Velcro and thought that would enhance the Molle capabilities too ...
One thing other people seem to have trouble with is the harness interfering with their controls and cables and found MYOG gear by JerryW on this site that used a foam block to space the harness away from the handlebars... My take on that is to use modified saddle bumpers or buffers or whatever you call'em ...
on an old Brooks saddle they used to be called springs ... You'll recognise them anyway ...

You can see how the molle and velcro works and how the straps and handlebar spacers can be moved accross the molle webbing field ... the harness is completly flexible and can be adapted to take small dry bags , exra large dry bags , tents , bedrolls even my Camera bag !!!
More photos of construction and design can be seen with anotation on my Flicker site ...
Cheers Whistle