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Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Sleeping in restrooms?
on: April 06, 2021, 02:13:41 AM
What I want to know is if any larger discussion has ever happened on the ethics of the practice?
Mike - No larger discussion of the uses of Montana Hiltons has taken place. ... sleeping on one of the filthiest surfaces imaginable.
Seeing the act continually popping up in trip reports suggests that many people are willing to gamble a few ounces of kit with the possibility of getting really sick.
On the TD, I used toilets 4 times and they were very clean and quite odorless. Early season and low use I guess. Came across a few next to busier roads or popular spots which were impossible to use due to smell. Ethics - "don't be a jerk" rule applies. (Given that leading racers have locked the door at Butts Cabin in the past, I think occupying a remote toilet for a few hours at through the night is unlikely going to get close to being an ethical issue ... don't lock the door, if someone knocks vacate). Also, IIRC nearly all toilets were dual blocks. Kit - I've not seen any trip reports where racers DID NOT have sleep kit ... it was just a better choice in the circumstances. e.g. quicker than setting up tent, warmer, drier. no wind, no bears.
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2021 Preparation & Planning
on: January 14, 2021, 03:11:22 PM
I saw that (the 50+ record of 16 days) and I wonder if that's a "Mike Hall-type" of record, meaning it's pretty far apart from 2nd, 3rd, etc, or if the top 3-5 50+ times are close to 16 days.
Yeah, it's a solid time with a big 2 day gap from Brian's record to next racer. 2nd fastest is Rob Orr's 18:07:41 in 2015 (also over 60 record) and 3rd fastest is Rob Davidson 18:10:53 in 2017.
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2021 Preparation & Planning
on: September 21, 2020, 03:24:49 PM
I raced in '16 with a Rohloff (with chain). I now prefer my 1xEagle with grip shift. Belt drive is perhaps a solution looking for a problem - nice in the city though. If you run it, think about taking a spare belt (passed a racer in SRMR with snapped belt).
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2021 Preparation & Planning
on: September 16, 2020, 06:32:13 AM
Lets talk gearing - what's everyone thinking?
1xEagle with 32 AB oval ... good for knees, tired days ... loose a bit on the flat or long descents, but resting the legs a bit is OK too. I really like just changing up/down on one lever and not having to think or muck around with the gears. 2x and 3x are good too - better chain line, bigger range possible ... more gear changes, bit heavier, another cable to break.
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide Cordillera 2019 - PUBLISHED
on: February 07, 2020, 04:35:27 AM
Well done Dave on taking this on and pulling it together .... there's a lot work there .... and also special mention to Chris for his previous years of commitment to the cause. You've got some brownie points ... spend and enjoy when the opportunity presents. Cheers Steve
Cheers - I think all the brownie points were cashed in getting an entry to the HT550. Which means I have to do a 2020 edition too as there's a few more events to take on.
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2020 Preparation and Planning
on: December 11, 2019, 04:05:26 PM
I have read some divide the route into sections in basecamp. Is that necessary? All I have done is load the 10000 point file straight to my etrex. Is that ok?
Splitting is good as it means that the "distance to go" data field becomes very useful. If you split to resupply points then you've got a good heads-up without your sleep deprived brain having to do the maths. I used 6 segments, but 13 would have been better. Eureka / Ovando / Butte / Lima / Pinedale / Wamsutter / Steamboat / Salida / Del Norte / Abiquiu / Grants / Silver City / Antelope Wells.
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: HT550 2020
on: December 05, 2019, 04:06:11 AM
Lizzy - I'm lining up too as a Rookie and am going with the bivvy and ride to shelter option. I'm taking an anti-midge head net to deal with them as my bivvy has no screen.
Any idea of tyres? I'm thinking Ikons or Mezcals.
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide Cordillera 2019
on: November 26, 2019, 03:48:20 PM
Any news on this?
Yep - nearly finished the editing. Great contributions as usual and bumper edition with about 300 pages. Still time for more submissions if anyone has a something to contribute.
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2020 Preparation and Planning
on: September 11, 2019, 11:18:31 PM
I’m not planning on 2020, but I am curious about the inclusion of a start in Jasper in the start list. Is that an unofficial unofficial thing or unofficial? , if ya know what I mean.
David - Jasper start was also there last year. It's unofficial unofficial as TD starts in Banff, but one day someone will want to ride a FKT from there as a prolougue like used to happen before the GDMBR started in Rooseville so just throwing it out there to capture the data.