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1  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2016 - race discussion thread on: July 08, 2016, 01:35:46 AM
UpDate on Connor OLeary's BRAVE attempt to smash Mike Hall's InSane World Record time!!! .

I feel ~ He's not done , yet. Its maybe, come back time later or soon!
Connor ~ When you read this buddy ~ Here's hoping YOU get well .... and a GOOD Solid fast recovery. Wink
We're ALL wishing you well.....because Dude! We're all on the same team. We are lovers of Epic Endurance rides and all that it challenges us to do and become. Wink
*Much joy, satisfaction is found in the joy of making our hearts sing.


here it is...

The WHY? Connor's GPS SPOT is not moving no more.

This is what I found out ~ from a guest Rancher /Owner.
via direct phone call.

Connor rode into the Heart Six Guest Ranch...late last night.
he wanted a place to stay. They were outta cabins. So being a NEW owner,and hearing about there are going to be more and more riders coming through...he STILL wanted to be nice and so gave him the tepee at the back of the property.

Connor hit the Ranch Cafe; he gave him some towels; soap and things so at least he could take a shower.
HE didn't look good he said.

His face, looked swollen and he just didn't look good. probably not; he just bolted and caught Mike Hall's W.R. pace time. + 1hr and a few.

So someone offered to bring him to the hospital as he requested to go to one.
So he said he would like to see his mom and go to the Salt Lake City hospital but pass right by his mom's house before doing so.
So they gave him a ride; allowed him to keep his bike and things right on site.

So THAT is the reason why his GPS SPOT is STILL tracking.

He's already left the area to go to a hospital but before doing so...see his mom; as she was leaving to go somewhere's ? Re: a trip or something. So they went and left the Ranch.

So I Thanked him profusely for being so so nice to one of our TD riders; as I said, there will be MUCH more in the future, I'm sure !
Especially, hearing if you's were so nice to one rider; probably have it within you to be nice to more.  its your way.

he said Thanks!
We're NEW owners,and we try to do our best.
i told him about our race. How nice the riders try to be. And that they are pretty much " DONE IN " at that point from lack off sleep nutrition and who knows what ailments at that point.

So that's it!

Connor's done.
But maybe not!?> ??

Because, he might STILL get well after treatment....and Decide, SCREW this! I'm going back.
Valiantly, bail out...due to complications beyond his control.

So we will STILL have to wait and see!

For now, THERE IS NO WORLD RECORD OF Mike Hall's being broken.
Mike made a goal. Pursued it on his own terms. And accomplished the task at hand. A VERY brave it will be for " anyone" to try and break it.  icon_scratch

So, IT STANDS ....and probably WILL stand for a bit, anyways.
There are many more who are competitively minded.

But the TD is an EPIC formidable opponent to be reckoned are a lot of Epic Endurance rides; with all that it will CAN AND DOES throw at the Endurance Rider.....who, at their core, is trying to make their heats sing; and truly are!~  thumbsup

To tackle such an Epic Endurance Challenge, it is and WILL be like putting yourself in a blender; then it will spit you out STINGING you GOOD before you land anywhere nice. Especially, If your not wise as to what it can dish out.  nono

It WILL always be there.


So that's the UpDate as I " just " heard it from the Rancher Owner himself.
There ya go gang!
2  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2016 - race discussion thread on: June 25, 2016, 06:50:14 PM
Chris Plesko ......WOW! WTF do you think your doing?   LMAO > And to BOOT ! - on SINGLE SPEED bike!  nono  nono Nah! Nah! Nah! That's just AWESOME !!! 

                        thumbsup thumbsup thumbsup * Congratulations BIG time buddy!  thumbsup thumbsup thumbsup

                                                                   I mean...WHO DOES THAT ? =  headbang *** not many!!!  headbang

Following your blue dot I can't put into words how much a pleasure it was! ...I could hardly comprehend my younger childhood days of riding a single speed CCM bike. Oh how sweet it was.
But to fathom riding  .....2,713 miles this year 2016 a definitely a FEAT of EPIC proportions!

Then to follow you catching up to Mike Hall, closing the gap (at times!) ...was just like being SUPER man himself !~
3  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2016 - race discussion thread on: June 25, 2016, 07:41:20 AM
I made a change with my poster for Mike, being confused as to what the " REAL Finish Time " was / is for Mike Hall.

* Changed it to > 13 days - 22 hrs - 14 min - 0 sec.
[ it did read 23 hrs ] Ooops! sorry folks.  icon_scratch

 I added in where & what through me off in another picture below of the trackleaders page. Time to lower right says 13.22 >While the top said 23 hrs.
So > Being SOOooo SOooo excited for Mike Hall...and hearing about those  " Pivot girls " coming out to extract Mike from the Finish Line with lots of love and affection of GOODIES , treats and a Van with bedding in it...WARMS my HEART to the core!

Gosh! if those pivot girls EVER read this...*** PLLLease ! ~ I would like to meet such AmaZzzing girls in my life who go to such Pay - it - Forward Extraordinary help someone who has just  laid every ounce of sweat on the trail / road.

PLEASE PIVOT CONTACT ME. love you guys / gals to bits! for being those type of people!
Almost sounds like Mike Riemer from Salsa!  headbang


                                                                                Way to go Pivot girls !
                                                                 headbang PIVOT girls ROCK !  headbang

                                       thumbsup  Thanks SO VERY much for showing some kindness!!!  thumbsup
4  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2016 - race discussion thread on: June 24, 2016, 03:57:02 PM
When you figure it the end of the day when all is said & done! = " We're REALLY ALL on the SAME Team ! "

Huge Thank You for ALL those who have laid down the path and followed your journey's to inspire us all to where we are breaking "Epic Distance times", looking at gear / equipment choices differently ...and following what makes our hearts sing!

 thumbsup BIG HUGE shout - out to Joe Polk....who painstakingly man's the phones > of MTB Cast pod-casting < ALL on his own....DJ'ing intro's and putting the "TRUE-Ups!" for an entire days call ins..... awaiting your phone calls so you CAN ALL validate, share your stories , your challenging journey to NOT GO UNNOTICED <> and lets us all feel what your feeling along your EPIC journey's !
Wow! Joe Polk  headbang  thumbsup<> THANKS so VERY very much buddy for such an idea !  thumbsup

Also Kudos to Mathew Lee & Scott Morris for behind the scenes race managing our TrackLeaders which lets us all know where everyone is at; and speeds and POSSIBLY - Up - date times in the future ?  thumbsup  headbang
Thank you guys BOTH of you for ALL your relentless work behind the scenes.  thumbsup

The road of The Epic Endurance Rider / Racers on this planet.

You's are " ALL World Class athletes " in a Epic Endurance Club of your own. = World Class !
Way to go ALL of you's !

 headbang I cherish my friendships with you " ALL "  headbang

BIG Congratulations again to Mike HALL for inspiring me to NEW heights.
AND YOU TOO Lael Wilcox ....showing the women in this world...that there is always room for following your heart. Thank you! (*too!)

YOU BOTH are truly extraordinary athletes !

I only, hope (personally) you = Keep'er going ! ....Keep'er going ! ....Don't loose your fitness levels.

 thumbsup  I AM so interested in hearing YOUR Next goals / dreams to come !?  thumbsup
5  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2016 - race discussion thread on: June 24, 2016, 08:32:40 AM
Congratulations Mike Hall !!!
For SMASHING the Tour Divide previous World Record out - of - the - park !!! 13 days, 23 hrs, 14 minutes.
WHO does that ?
YOU DO. Wink Way to go!

NOT to forget all the CHAMPIONS that have become before us; who also were relentless and paved the way for better race times to come about; and for more care and effort given to gear and equipment.

**** GO Jay Petervary GO ! ...presently doing the Trans AM with all his might; as his partner bailed; and is its Birthday today! Go Birthday Boy! Happy HAPPY Birthday buddy!

Lael Wilcox
Congratulations TOO!
Your have VERY Much inspired me and spirited my way to come back in my recovery. THANKS kindly! Wink

Your ALL World Class for just trying such Epic Endurance Races / events! YOU ARE! Way to go every one!
I THANK you ALL for inspiring me! For being you! Wink

You took the time, took some courage, added in some relentless effort ....because it takes a lot to save money $$$$ to do such races from far away, get gear, separate your self from family , friend, work, sons and daughters. various responsibilities...and just make it here! Wow! Way to go!

Your ALL in a World Class Club of your own!
The Epic Endurance athlete extraordinaire.!!!!

Keep'er going everyone!

The way I see things like this: ~

Everyone has an Everest.
Every Everest is SPECIAL.

We are TRULY ALL on the SAME Team!
So keep the Camaraderie going - ok gang!?
Keep'er going!

You can.
IF, you think you can.
6  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2016 - race discussion thread on: June 10, 2016, 10:12:34 PM
Crazy Larry and I followed the SoBo group on the first day, down as far as Elk Pass. Very WET day, very cool...about 34 degrees F  Lots of steady steady rain, and some pretty cold looking racers. During early hours of the race, lead group of about 5 was through Mt. Shark at about 10:35 am. That group included Mike, Josh, Seb and a few others.   .   Lots of pics to come.
Not sure what happened to Mike's SPOT.... but I can confirm that he was well on his way, way beyond the point where it says he was (is) near Canmore.

We drove out to Mt.Shark immediately after visiting the NEW Tour Divide trail route junction At Spray Lake Damn road. Upon setting up some LOUD Rocky Theme sonig music and some balloons we waited and waited. A group of 5 Leaders to include Mike Hall appeared....riding fast and happy.
 We high fived...and Mike continued on down the road south from Mt. Shark .

What I figure in an educated that Mike is NOT playing any games but his spot possibly dislodged from its mount on his bike...and someone has returned it possibly to Nordic Centre. As it appears his spot is located some where near THAT location. AND so my educated guess...because it DID  KEEP moving but along the old route.....AND I SAW Mike Hall pass Mt. Shark Go figure!? IT DID HAPPEN>  He's NOT at THE present location of his spot in Canmore.

I wish him and Josh and the lead group Best Wishes for GREAT pushes and ALL the other riders who's Everest is just as special as the 1st place riders. We all have our Everest. It is "Special" NO matter who you are.

So that's my .02 cents.
WHAT A GREAT day of TONS  and TONS of interviews along Smith Dorrien Way Road...and Boulton Grocery store, too! Amazing video'S!  AND GREAT  GREAT Grand Depart STaRT this year. A VERY VERY LOUD rider CHEER ! Wow!  Wow!  Wow!  headbang

Way to go guys and gals !!!! GOOD JOB !!!

Hope you ALL call in. 
And I Hope JOSH'S WIFE can reply to this reply. !   Wink to how Josh and Mike and the boys are doing ! Jackie too! The girl leader at that moment. 
7  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2016 Tour Divide Preparation on: May 31, 2016, 01:00:48 AM
May 31st. 2016 ~ Banff, Alberta - TD area weather.
 headbang 10 DAYS TO GO gang!   headbang

Notes: Hopefully, " IF " the sun comes out long "MAY" dry the dirt trail enough....that tread loading mud won't be so bad.
NO guarantee's on this , though.  icon_scratch

*** Remember! ~ its the Rockies....what'ya expect? Smiley LoL

                                                  **** PLEASE PASS THIS SITE ON TO THE REST OF THE I can get Bear Spray / Bear Banger kit GROUP order in FAST ! ok?
                                               Please sign list in comments on Facebook site FAST >......> AND pass it around QUICK QUICK for me to put my Group Order in - k?
                                                                                                                        THANKS everyone!

***  thumbsup Gonna be some LONG fricken FUN FUN days + long sleepless nights sleeping on the couch *once again, a'coming.... CHEERING you ALL onward for a  headbang FUN EPIC ride of a life time  headbang - for me, trying to track you all, for 2 - 3 weeks.  thumbsup

 headbang  thumbsup  icon_biggrin  GET READY TO SCREAM / SHOUT / YELL LOUDLY @ the CrazyLarry Grand Depart START LOUD CHEER !  icon_biggrin  thumbsup  headbang

                 I think (at times) who's having more fun? ME listening to ya's! .....OR...... YOU ALL yelling at the TOP of your lungs for a 5 Second pan shot video releasing HUGE amounts of excitment! (*GoPro)  thumbsup icon_biggrin
8  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2016 - race discussion thread on: May 31, 2016, 12:46:21 AM

May 31st. 2016 ~ Banff, Alberta - TD area weather.
 headbang 10 DAYS TO GO gang!   headbang

Notes: Hopefully, " IF " the sun comes out long "MAY" dry the dirt trail enough....that tread loading mud won't be so bad.
NO guarantee's on this , though.  icon_scratch

*** Remember! ~ its the Rockies....what'ya expect? Smiley LoL

                                                  **** PLEASE PASS THIS SITE ON TO THE REST OF THE I can get Bear Spray / Bear Banger kit GROUP order in FAST ! ok?
                                               Please sign list in comments on Facebook site FAST >......> AND pass it around QUICK QUICK for me to put my Group Order in - k?
                                                                                                                        THANKS everyone!

***  thumbsup Gonna be some LONG fricken FUN FUN days + long sleepless nights sleeping on the couch *once again, a'coming.... CHEERING you ALL onward for a  headbang FUN EPIC ride of a life time  headbang - for me, trying to track you all, for 2 - 3 weeks.  thumbsup

 headbang  thumbsup  icon_biggrin  GET READY TO SCREAM / SHOUT / YELL LOUDLY @ the CrazyLarry Grand Depart START LOUD CHEER !  icon_biggrin  thumbsup  headbang

                 I think (at times) who's having more fun? ME listening to ya's! .....OR...... YOU ALL yelling at the TOP of your lungs for a 5 Second pan shot video releasing HUGE amounts of excitment! (*GoPro)  thumbsup icon_biggrin
9  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2016 Tour Divide Preparation on: May 26, 2016, 03:38:15 PM
Thanks buddy!
I had found the link ....jussst as you posted.


SEE you ALL here at the YWCA for a SUPER LOUD CHEER Grand Depart !!!

Let me know, each of you, on F.B. (friend request me) or via email how I can help you out.

THERE WILL STILL AND ALWAYS BE the Over-flow hockey bag for all your extra stuff / things you don't want or need.....INSIDE THE YWCA in the bike building area / room across from Bistro Restaurant inside.
I send all used stuff....after a wash to the church; unless good I can use myself (ha ha ha) ; or leave it for next year's race is a lot - of - the - times what happens.
 If, you don't want or wish for me to send back to you; All that is necessary is leave me with money to send. = NO problem. I LOVE you guys / gals to bits for doing what your doing!

 Local WEATHER REPORTS coming on

 X 2 times weekly and every day the LAST WEEEK before Grand Depart from Banff.

***It would be nice if ~ EVERYone, remembers to sign the CrazyLarry guest book .
This to ensure, you get emailed the LOUD CHEER and some pictures and that friend you become is the friend that you'll be. A GOOD one!
 thumbsup AND [possibly] we can keep in touch along the route...for those that can REMEMBER TO SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCE......that's how we feel a part of your EPIC journey & relentless efforts made! ok gang!?  thumbsup thumbsup

*** Picture attached is my training rig......with bike camper trailer. And smoothie maker / power source on board/ fridge for all veggies for smoothies *organic only.  Ahaa ha ha haaa!
      ~  headbang GOES like ALL stink FAST behind my bike!!!!  headbang   Aaah ha ha ha haaa!   Wink thumbsup thumbsup

Cheesie  thumbsup YOUTUBE video's you might enjoy hav'n FUN ! ~


10  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2016 - race discussion thread on: May 26, 2016, 08:29:22 AM
So where is the link for the 2016 Spread Sheet ?
Anyone know ?
11  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2015 - race discussion thread on: September 01, 2015, 06:18:35 PM
so it goes...

THAT ......
BANG on !

So it goes!
So true!

Thanks for posting the before and after pictures of Arnold Schwarzenegger when he use to be Mr. Olympia and now a sagging wreck. One might better take heed rather than put him down as to what he is representing.

It is perplexing interesting to understand that fundamental journey that " Starts " such people to give up. However, slowly fast, it is interesting to note to see it before our eyes. SCREW up!
And US, too! Can be subject to the same outcome!

But I have adopted this philosophy that I AM "Forever" trying to implement daily.
What you put into a car engine is what your going to get out of performance. Signs and symptoms 'eventually' show.

What you put into your body is what your going to get out of performance and mental wise. Signs and symptoms >....Well, there's the CATCH point!
You don't see the symptoms till later in life or a few years later; for some only a few months or less! Ya!

Throw in going to the Doctor for ailments; and you have someone dumb & dumber. ( I so remember the movie) I mean, we go think'n we can't fix ourselves. We become this helpless little vegetable that goes into the mommy syndrome asking "help me please....I'm sick"
Then, we listen to him the extent that we don't question most Doctors as to what caused this nutrition wise? What is THAT drug going to actually do??
We just take the prescription and carry on with life. Hoping it works!? WTF
It all started with what you ate. What you chose. What happened in your brain as a result.

Study how a car engine CAN fix it !!!!!
Study how a brain works CAN CAN Fix it, too!!!
Not to forget to mention your body, too!

How those pictures triggered my mind; along with a SUPER laugh! And then.....I kinda, got all serious. Scary. I could be like him if I'm not careful FAST!

So sad.
I too, AM programmed over the years with what my parents taught me to what 'they believed' was good for me. In (key word) "Their time! " NOT in mine!
These days we have more information at our disposal than EVER BEFORE in our history of living on earth.

I AM SOOoooo trying to undo this hypocritical way that had been engrained over the years (from ways of long gone past) (Parental learned) *society learned from my choices......and trying to rewrite the chemical memories already made in my mind. While all - the - while knowing better as I study more and more and more. Wondering " How the flying F&^% ....did I EVER get here to where I'm at today choosing some of these shitty things I do?? "
I'm so embarrassed some days with myself.

As I see we don't have enough GOOD examples in life.
Why is it cougar mothers can raise up their cubs the right way all the time EVERY time!??
And we parents / humans that have so much choice freedom of choice to chose from keep screwing it up; having such bad attitudes!?? WTF eh!?

It is only by choice that one single living person can change their lives.
Without doing the "pawn-off" I'll wait till this Friday; this next month; this next New Year's Eve to do the change; the time is "Now" for your NEW mind your trying to form to take heed and notice to your NEW way of training it!

Don't worry.
It'll get use to it quite quickly.
When you DO what ever it is you wish to change - RIGHT now!! The sooner, the better.

But there are other powers at play.
Those, the higher ups, Illuminati, a series of systems now in place SO SKEWED that is literally undermining where mankind is heading in direction for our health and environment.

All those thoughts zipped through my mind; jusssst from seeing the 2 pictures of someone who let me know; we're all going to age. But the thing is; do we have to so quickly???

Don't get me going.
I apologize, everyone for the tangent. But its just what was on mind that I thought I'd share; that someone benefit from; that some one might get a lift; and change. Ya, never know!?? eh.  Wink
I now, study epigenetics, neurobiology, nutrition, and the origins of what got u to where we made that 1st decision THAT made THAT slippery slope to future bad choices. It is an interesting area of study. Interesting debating with kids and youth. Let alone adults / parents alike.

Thanks for SUCH a GREAT laugh !!!!

Enjoy your journey!  

Success does not require one to keep looking out the window,
Success only requires, you, to look in the mirror.

Man - in - the - mirror. (Michael Jackson) AT the Grammy's GREAT video!  thumbsup
12  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2015 - race discussion thread on: August 30, 2015, 01:10:57 PM
Hi Larry,

I think Donald's point is that there is no discernible difference between the genders in terms of perfprmance, so why have a separate category?  The TD does not recognize age differences, so why gender?

I got it!
I can hardly believe, I didn't catch that.
It was late ..... Smiley

If I may dabble into my perspective on this subject area....
Sorry if I bore anyone. Just a rebuttal about the subject.

Regardless of race, creed, colour, heterosexual or gay, black or white.....female or male ~ We ALL live on earth, have to exist. Eat, crap and rest.
How you spend your time on this earth is of your own choice. To quote the movie "Lord of the Rings" ~ When Ghandolf replied to Frotto " All you have to think about Frotto is " What will you do with the time that has been given to "YOU". {my personal rebuttal: "Will you follow others? Will you lead the way with doing whats healthy for you and others? Will you? Are you strong enough? or have you fallen prey to influence?? }

 Carrying on with the subject at hand...... Wink

  I believe, in the spirit of "We ARE truly ALL on the Same Team" there would seemingly be an equality that abides in saying there is no discernible difference. A wholesome feeling of fairness of true camaraderie. A sense of the Ultra Cycling Community bonding.


As we know it. As we were raised. As we have come to learn. There are marked differences in the physical makeup of humans.  THAT, very much a debatable fact due to women pushing the boundaries in fairness of equality. After all they literally bare our kids.

Having said that when factoring in age with where we are suppose to be at in life; also factoring societies rules of categorizing performance compared to age there is this unforgiving grey area but clear to some "You are what you feel"
 " You feel young...You'll stay young " Act young, feel young. Stay spirited stay young. Those areas, in our life time are newly documented as true. To those who live it...the proof is undeniable.

Much research has been done in this area of personal psychological feelings having a direct bearing on our physical state. Your mental state compared to where your physical state has arrived is a very seemingly elusive contentious issue.
In saying that, there seems to be much governance influential ways of what society comes to bare as normal; as the standard that one is suppose to go by in life and as I would call, generic thinking.
 Now if you talking about social science, quantitative research evidently requires categorization; it is the search for relationships among classes of things.
In applied philosophy/ethics, most of the discussion is about categories that can be defined by things of what is thought to be necessary and sufficient conditions, e.g., abortion, war, marriage.
 I believe, when thinking about categories allows what I call “the switching of arguments."

 For instance, when you decide what is good about heterosexual marriages, and if the same reasons apply to gay marriages, you should favor them as well. By thinking categorically, you can switch from one case to another.

 AT the end of the day....{to me} the crux of this thinking becomes a person's " individual personal Perspective " How each person is going to look decipher an official time record. World Record or not it more than likely will be an individual personal effort that got them there. Whether team, organized or paid for. Your past - what you've gone through - what you've been exposed to - your foundation background will pave the way to your personal opinion. Your personal sense of elation.

So who's better best doing the Tour Divide? It then becomes an contentious issue/point.
Many might say "just to finish" is a feat in of itself. I believe, that WHOLE heartedly!!!

*** We might think to rejoice in the glory that we just finished some thing that seemed beyond our means; that seemed and felt scary; that left us full of anxiety; full of one of the most exciting feelings in our life times!
Like rolling the dice ~ on the Tour Divide Route anything can happen. With the serious extreme weather some endure, the wildlife close call potential encounters, the detrimental factors of physical exertion under such varied harsh weather conditions, mental duress and stress surpassing most anticipated feelings...its all there. And.... "You finished!" Rejoice. You DID it ! No one can ever take that away from you.

 That effort whomever has performed accomplished it has this validation admiration of friends family (the media) and the grey area, society universally in agreement. Maybe yes? Maybe no?

 Perspective - a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view; a personal interpretation to what someone has done or someone has viewed.

In saying that.....

 The rules I believe, just stop us all from getting along. In every case, they cause us to separate ourselves from getting along being more compassionate the very core of our DNA of every individual out there. Born.

 Categorizing if there is to be a class in a hierarchy of sorts for whose who whose better also separates us but there again the effort defines us individually. All be it the consistent argument of being on the same playing field that lingers in many comparable sports; that is to brag bolster get kudos for something done that was of the same circumstances.

 When doing something Ultra and Epic there must be a relentless passion. Otherwise, if a rational person attempted such a feat they would surely give up. Because they did not have the mental spirited push that seems to accompany anyone loving what they do.


Feel young your spirit tells your brain physically to catch up 'anything' that is possible becomes possible.
 Hence, where my saying " Everyone has an Everest" " Every Everest is Special "


If one feels in their perspective someone is a hero they are!
If some one feels in the competitive sense they accomplished a given task / challenge in a very fair non-drug induced way on the same playing field then they won; they are successful.
Validation might better be heartfelt if one keeps the original goal personal.


 Super Kudo's to you Lael Wilcox for having the determination relentless pursuit drive to get to where " You knew you CAN do this! "
 Your definitely in the " Wow Class Acts in life!!! "
 For THAT, you have my undying respect and admiration.  
 Your Feat will always be on the back of my mind.

 On all my lonely rides when inspiration is necessary I will remember the feats of the " many " who have paved the way before my go of the TDR.
I do not forget and can not forget all those women who came before you. Who paved the way, who took the chance like any one person does with the crap shoot of finding out what their personal body limitations are?? Those that will come after you. Those that may read this and be inspired by your CraZzzy AmaZzzing pushes in the dark cold of rainy nights pushing pedaling up steep climbs. They will all do so with the feelings that if you can do it so can we. Bravo! That is SUCH The GOOD mark to leave!  thumbsup
 We "ALL" are doing what we love when we give up so much time and effort just to arrive in Banff, Alberta - Canada Grand Depart START. To participate in the gathering of such spirited like minded individuals who's bond goes deeper than words.
 We are a fraternity unto ourselves in this life.

 Like oil surfaces on water - ALL who have taken on one of the World's toughest challenges will all be changed better people for the challenge.

 To Quote one of the amazing books veteran rider of the TDR " Jill Homer " wrote:

 When thinking of what's crazy....
 All one has to do, is to shift their perspective to realize that most of their actions can be viewed as crazy. Its crazy, I thought, that most people spend most of their lives in pursuit of complications as love and wealth when they could enjoy a simple life of moving and existing - possibly the true path to happiness.
 *Special mention always to those behind the scenes who track us, Scott Morris, Matthew Lee.

 * BIG Kudos SHOUT OUT to Joe Polk who's relentless hidden efforts is the guy who is the solid Super friendly 1 - 800 "Call-in" answering guy (*24/7) that listens to our " Each" and "Every" personal call and documents them nicely as podcasts on his MTB Cast website. When the chips are down; when the chips are in your favour and your meeting nice people on the route; having the greatest of times; toughest of times; trust me " WE ALL would LOVE to hear from you!!! "

 You CALL-in's allow us at home on the computer to feel what its like "where ever " your at WE'RE THERE WITH YOU - THANKS to Joe Polk's MTB Cast!

 Thanks Joe!
13  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2015 - race discussion thread on: August 30, 2015, 03:04:25 AM
What do you mean?
Sorry not getting the last point.  icon_scratch
Is it perhaps time to "retire" the women's record with Lael as the last holder and henceforth just have one race and one record?

What Lael did will (for sure) be known and remembered as a global feat. Especially, in the "Ultra Community"
She has laid down a NEW benchmark for women in the world to learn from; possibly strive for; and to seek a higher personal challenge for themselves.
The mental stamina necessary for such feats is astonishingly hard and tough to achieve.

  With NO stages, with seemingly NO end to cycling of what some that do stage racing call a day of riding, NO chase vehicle, NO support, battling the odds at any given moment (day/night) of various serious severe weather challenge extremes, its a no wonder it is touted at " The World's Most Toughest Race "
 Giving GREAT Kudos to other races technical with severe weather challenges and technical terrain; but they all come to a known days end is NOT to be ignored, here. That's why, it becomes a questionable debate. I believe, one is tougher on the grounds of duration under duress of stress.
 thumbsup The heartiest of Congratulations to her !!!  thumbsup  
Makes me want to feel that elation that she must have felt for knowing she could do this, from within! Wiow! Awesomely inspiring!!!! Impressive effort! Tough as a women can be!

AS long as there is sport ~ competition will always be there.
It has long been engrained into our societal ways. Almost our DNA.

 Some might do it for sport to see if they can be faster go longer go farther be better. Some might do it out of being competitive in nature. Meaning, I think I can beat you. It could be a combination of the above.
Some might do it just for the challenge, itself.
However of that, "Every one" deserves the chance~! {That is 'the why?' I AM such a HUGE Proponent of organizations like: "The Right to Play" } headbang

 That being said, there is an underlying spirit of a higher regard that lies amongst the fraternity of what some may call Ultra Cyclist. I believe, its the camaraderie of respecting each other for taking on such personal challenges, also. Seeing someone else do the same challenge a mutual bond is made internally, intuitively I believe.
 I try my best to promote that as best I can amongst the cyclist in the cycling world. As best as I can with the TDR. That thought process coming from my personal thoughts ~ that We "Really" ARE " ALL " on the same team. {at - the - end - the day talking about things}

 Sport allows us to strive. To learn patience. To learn persistence. To learn things like Perseverance, struggle, hardship, and the pride in personal achievement. Hence, The glorious moment. Yahoo! I DID it !

 The glorious moment, (for some) is and becomes "life altering" when the struggle is so great that it has surpassed any personal challenge before hand some glorious moments turn into " Feats " " Epic moments in time " in the lifetime personal to that individual.  

However, of that.
Success as it is known then becomes a skewed subject matter. Much of the time compared to those around us. Validated by many things common in society. As we go through life and learn, observe, grow with NEW knowledge and understanding of things some may come to decipher things in a different light.

As I have come to know success in my life.....

" Success does not require you to look out the window " {comparing one's efforts with another .... as we have been taught growing up }
" It only, requires one to look in the mirror "

Many of the answer one seeks can simply be found by looking in the mirror.


I have this saying: I hope you like it?

  You may fool the whole world,
Down the pathway of life,
And get pats on your back as you pass.

But the fellow who's verdict,
Counts most in your life,
Is the one starring back from the glass.

*** Ultra Cyclist and cycling enthusiast alike ~ See you at the Grand Depart START "each year" in Banff, Alberta - Canada. I'll be waiting to greet you!  Wink
14  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2015 - race discussion thread on: August 23, 2015, 08:57:48 PM
                                                                                            Congratulations Lael Wilcox !

Your enduring pushes, seemingly limitless persevering heart, courage of a lion, slugging it through the most frustrating sticky mud around on the planet, dark nights of steep hilly climbs will be yours to savour when thinking of what can I do next?

Kudos to such an adventurous courageous girl.
Setting this World Record was a daunting task at hand.
However, through your believing it can be done, you got the task at hand dream of doing DONE DEAL!

                                                                                                MISSION Accomplished !

 I can hardly wait to read in your words what it was like - the why's? the where you found the courage to push?
I will wait, patiently.
As I go for some of my rides I WILL always think of the courageous riders who have laid down something to think about; to dream about; to ponder of what truly " Can be " If one only keeps believing.

 You really proved the point.
Any thing is possible!
And raised the level of what can be done with believing.
Oh Wow Lael ! Love ya for THAT!

My heartfelt Thank You's go out to you!!
Thanks for not giving up!
You would have spoiled my every hard dreamed of pushes in my days to come!  thumbsup

By - the - way!
What's next?
Please, email me FAST - when you get the chance for an interview - k?  Wink

{Tidbit: Sorry I missed your START}
Recovering from my accident I'm still not out of the woods with bad sleep habits...I slept in.  icon_scratch
15  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2015 - race discussion thread on: August 23, 2015, 08:55:42 PM
                                                                                            Congratulations Lael Wilcox !

Your enduring pushes, seemingly limitless persevering heart, courage of a lion, slugging it through the most frustrating sticky mud around on the planet, dark nights of steep hilly climbs will be yours to savour when thinking of what can I do next?

Kudos to such an adventurous courageous girl.
Setting this World Record was a daunting task at hand.
However, through your believing it can be done, you got the task at hand dream of doing DONE DEAL!

                                                                                                MISSION Accomplished !

 I can hardly wait to read in your words what it was like - the why's? the where you found the courage to push?
I will wait, patiently.
As I go for some of my rides I WILL always think of the courageous riders who have laid down something to think about; to dream about; to ponder of what truly " Can be " If one only keeps believing.

 You really proved the point.
Any think is possible! Oh Wow Lael !

My heartfelt Thank You's go out to you!!
Thanks for not giving up!
You would have spoiled my every hard dreamed of pushes in my days to come!  thumbsup

By - the - way!
What's next?
Please, email me FAST - when you get the chance for an interview - k?  Wink

{Tidbit: Sorry I missed your START}
Recovering from my accident I'm still not out of the woods with bad sleep habits...I slept in.  icon_scratch
16  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2015 - race discussion thread on: August 19, 2015, 06:33:56 PM
Go! Lael GO !

Comparison with TrackLeaders Map overlay beside Google Earth Map Lael goes over the " Highest Point " on the Tour Divide Route. Wow!
What a trooper with her having such the consistent speed~! AmaZzzing toughness that girl has!

Here's wishing you Lael  THE BEST Wishes for GREAT Pushes from Crazy Larry ...Keep'er going ALL the WAY !!! ...if Nicholas can pass this on to you in one of your CALL - ins!
Thanks Nicholas!

Your gonna do this Lael !!!

I'm at a coffee shop (Tim Hortons) dragging my heavy laden computer around on my Bob Trailer to check every time I'm near FREE internet on Lael's location.   
SO suspenseful and inspiring to the core!!! Just what I needed at this point~! Thanks Lael !!!!  thumbsup
Congratulations !!!  headbang   thumbsup
17  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2015 - race discussion thread on: August 18, 2015, 05:49:09 PM
Here's hoping those storms stay away, Flinch.

Yes! I see,the weather is not so hot; but then again, 80 is hot either way you look at it when riding Ultra Epic!  Wink

Glad you keep'n track !  headbang I'm Lov'n it!!!

I'm heading out to hwy for usual Supper at TransCanada Norquay Exit; hotspotting with the phone for internet on my computer gives me a GREAT advantage to enjoy my backyard; PLUS + keep track of Lael.

I wish I could fly to the finish area. But don't know any Airports close by.  Wink

Picture below shows how weather can change on the TDR at " Any " time.

They left with rain.
29 km later at the Canmore Goat Creek turn they arrived in a Flash Snow Storm! = 1 inch in 1 hr (Huge flakes!)

Rock ON Lael !!!
Your going to DO THIS !  headbang
18  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2015 - race discussion thread on: August 18, 2015, 05:14:23 PM
Good point Vic !  thumbsup

Remembering the times of asthma, and still trying to ride forward shows Lael has some what I call 'true TDR grit' to push mentally and if the goal was to finish it SURE showed!  thumbsup

Now, with doing it a 2nd time, knowing she's learned from her 1st with a few talks to boot, I can {only imagine} what must be going through her head knowing deep down inside her "self" that I'm going to DO THIS and DO IT better!!! I believe, is where her head-space is at, right now.

So she's got some pretty GOOD vibes to push her through to the finish.
***And for some of us (out there) one has to come to realize (over so many miles/kilometers) that " ANY thing, can happen on the Divide ! "  Wink

***Weather being such a HUGE HUGE factor in all of what we so easily can state - with our theories.

Fantastic Flinch ProOut Farley etc. have gotten into the Calculations. I thought, I was the only one, (at times) get'n right into this so fully! Way - to - GO !!!  thumbsup
So funny {But SUPER enjoyable!!!} I'm loosing MUCH sleep - ALL over again!  Wink thumbsup headbang I LOVE it though!!!!

BushMountain >Thanks for the posted pictures! LOVE THEM MADLY!!! And help to make the TDR experience of sitting on the edge of my seat - watching at highways edge while cooking my suppers HOTSPOTTING the internet with my phone, to keep track.
You guys / gals truly ROCK and help make the TDR what it is by extending yourselves with your SO SO extraordinary hospitality {so I here  Wink )
I can hardly wait to get to seeing what a GOOD meal of carbs protein calories taste like!!!? Do you have - to GO plates / bags? ? PM me PLEASE !

I included a picture {that for me} was an unforgettable 'eye-opener' of just how tough you have to be with mental push; logistically prepared WELL ! for rain that is !!!! - 6 days of it that year in 2014 Grand Depart START picture was in pouring rain which didn't let up much for an entire 6 days stretch reports were told.

BEST wishes for GREAT pushes Lael !
I'm SOOOOooo on your side with sending some GOOD GOOD GOOOOOOOOOOOD vibes through to you!
GOOD thoughts are going your way from me as you PUSH like NO tomorrow; I'm SURE that you are using all - you - have or can muster.

Congratulations for making it TO Salida and onward !

GO GO GO!  headbang

My prediction: Lael your going to finish nicely! You will be a changed person for the rest - of - your - entire life, too! IN a GOOD way!  thumbsup
                      If ~ Weather stays on your side, your feeling not hampered from your asthma, your fueled up nicely (as you see fit for your needs) and some onboard for the finish push, your going to break your own record.
My guess: You'll be back! {at some - point - in - time}  Wink
19  Forums / Trip Planning / Need a partner / I'm interested ! on: August 15, 2015, 04:56:10 AM
* I'm interested!

STarT for me = Banff though.
Goal just to finish! That's EPIC enough for me 1st go.
Logistical problems to possibly get in my way = NEW job; NEED to buy NEW almost everything; including getting into shape from a bad cycling accident already a year back; possibly bringing along portable SAT phone. Not about speed <>its about jussst being able to finish.
Then, there is the $$$$ necessary to have in case of problems. FULL Medical coverage etc.
PM me. Lets chat!
Your friend
20  Forums / Trip Planning / Need a partner / Re: Starting the Divide ride 1st week September? on: August 15, 2015, 04:49:59 AM
I'm interested !
Possibility is there/lots on the go/but ya never know.
Equipment needs to be ordered; New bags; New everything actually; along with a NEW job = THAT might be my stickler to allow me NOT to go.  icon_scratch
Depart Banff, though.
Finish time = just to finish! Ha!
Contact me for PM
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