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Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Stashing cables in handlelbars
on: April 08, 2016, 06:27:55 AM
I have them in my everyday kit, mainly because I don't want to have to think about them when I pack.
I rolled mine into a nice loop - about the same size when you get a single serving cable from the local shop - and tucked it into the space between the stiffener and the fabric on my Revelate gas tank. I have 2 shift cables (for the Rohloff) and 1 brake cable.
Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Updating Shelter for bikepacking
on: March 30, 2016, 11:39:13 AM
My plan is to strap it to the bars (straight bars, not drop bars). This was a concern raised earlier in the thread but I did a lot of blog and tent review reading and found a lot of people using this model for bike packing. In fact, I think Mike mentioned above that he has one. So I'm sure there's a way!
I don't use a rear rack or backpack (other than a camelback for water) so I'll be very motivated to find a solution. If for some reason it's un-workable, I'll return it.
IMG_4997 by Mike, on Flickr Yup, fits nicely into a Revelate Sweetroll or my dry bag. I usually carry my sleeping pad (Air Core or Insulated Air Core), Moment (or Contrail), clothes, etc. On my Fargo I used the Contrail as it would play nicer with the bars... but sometimes I would carry it in the seat pack. Worst case with the Moment is that you have can remove the struts in the triangular ends and stuff it really small...
Forums / Question and Answer / Re: GPS setup for night navigation
on: March 29, 2016, 12:42:33 PM
You can combine routes and tracks. There is a limit on routes, but you can (and probably should) break a route like the TD into smaller segments.
The main issue I've had with routes is when combining on and off road segments. Test it out to find out what works for you.
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: if you had a blank check...
on: March 22, 2016, 06:05:36 AM
personal trainer and a nutritionist to plan every meal and workout for me, and to keep me focused and motivated move to colorado or patagonia for a couple of years, train at altitude enjoy life, bring the family with me, everyone takes time off work
then, grab whatever gear is easy to use, lightest for the durability you need depending on the trip, and whatever bike fits the best and has the gearing / cargo capacity for the trip / race / event
Forums / Question and Answer / Re: How to store food overnight?
on: March 19, 2016, 12:59:26 PM
Are you using just the sack, or the sack with the liner bag and aluminum support ring?
The last two seem a bit bulky for riding with..
Just the sack and the Opsack bag or freezer bags. Works well so far, but I've only used it once on the bike, once on an overnight backpack.
Forums / Bikepacking / Re: Tent ground cover
on: February 26, 2016, 06:02:44 AM
I use a tyvek piece with our family tent. Loud, heavy, crinkly. Works great though with the kiddos to protect the tent.
I don't carry one when going solo - TarpTent Moment or Contrail. Just carefully scan where I setup and be mindful in camp. Would the window plastic really protect you from sticks and rocks? Curious, never used it before.
Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Hub dynamo and electronics thread.
on: February 18, 2016, 10:28:31 AM
Turn the phone off or put it in airplane mode. Charge the batteries and then top off the phone in the evening.
IIRC from when I researched my system charging AAs is less efficient than charging a dedicated battery like the Limefuel, etc.
Forums / Bikepacking / Re: Aero Bars with Jones Bars?
on: February 06, 2016, 06:24:16 AM
I have a set of profile t2+ that I have mounted and test ridden. Can't find a pic, but thy worked well. Issue for me is they compete with all the other bar stuff.
Forums / Bikepacking / Re: Chips and SALSA Deadwood
on: February 02, 2016, 12:00:26 PM
Drops need to be higher for single track. You should be in the hooks comfortably, and when the terrain gets rough you should get sucked into the bike.
They aren't for everyone. And it takes more than 1 ride to get them setup right. And you can't translate your MTB size to a drop bar frame.
I set my Fargo up for a compromise - higher than a road position, more like cross. Full on height was great for techy single track but I used it for more gravel / trail / road all rounder.
Every bike is a compromise.
Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Updating Shelter for bikepacking
on: January 08, 2016, 05:47:38 PM
Having never laid hands on a Tarptent product, can those who have one tell me whether they're suitable for colder weather.
And…..I'm one of those people who always bought the tent footprint to protect the floor. Are these still a thing? Is there any point to it other than to increase sales?
I don't use a footprint with my TTs - I'm just careful with my locations. If I was in really rocky / crunchy terrain I would bring one. I have used my Contrail into the 20s and the Moment into the teens.