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Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2012 TDR LOI's
on: March 05, 2012, 08:42:17 PM
No, not yet the new bike design is a chopped down version of an older design, that we converted to crank forward. I will add a photoshopped image to my profile of what it should look like. It is still in development I am riding the original design now.
This is not a recumbent, it's a crank forward.
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TDR 2012
on: March 05, 2012, 05:21:08 PM
Hi and thx for the input.
The bike I hope to ride (profile pic photo shopped image)In most irregular conditions I can ride further than a conventional mountain bike due to having three wheels. The weight is about the same as most the mountain bikes I have seen data on for TDR. Some things may be a challenge but there are so many advantages to being on three wheels in an ultra event.
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide Basics: Training
on: March 05, 2012, 04:46:38 PM
My only experience at racing at altitude was driving to Denver for a race. I did not really notice any issue with altitude but I was young and unstoppable back than.
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2012 TDR LOI's
on: March 05, 2012, 04:43:30 PM
Count me in for 2012 unless something huge happens at the factory and I don't get my ride done in time. First ever TDR trike rider......glad to be first for something. I will probably be driving up to Banff. Although I still have this idea of a tandem TDR ride dancing in my head.
Forums / Trip Planning / Need a partner / TDR tandem partner 2013 UPDATED
on: March 05, 2012, 04:30:46 PM
I have been interested in trying the 2013 TDR on a tandem tricycle but need a strong rider with tandem experience to partner with. I plan to do the 2012 event Solo on one of our Tri-Cross machines, would still like to find a riding/training partner in Oregon/Washington.
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TD website?
on: March 05, 2012, 03:56:22 PM
@TheArtist I have been trudging through the TD threads haven't seen a user I recognized at Matt yet. I have 35+ years experience riding tricycles and been places on them that most mountain bikes would't even think of going; or at least before these DH/Freeride monsters came out. I have ridden the mountains of China and through Indonesia on a tricycle. This is far more visible than a mountain bike, I have no concerns about my bike choice it is everything else that worries me.
Forums / Bikepacking / Re: Introduction Thread
on: March 05, 2012, 03:50:19 PM
Hi I am DocTrike, life long bike rider, racer, bike builder, and bike designer. I don't have much experience on a mountain bike, but played with a BMX in the 1970's and did a lot of trail riding on alternative bikes from the early 1980's to present. I am here for info about TDR and GDR, mostly research into gear and and training methods for Ultras.
I live 3 months of the year in Taipei, Taiwan and the rest bouncing around the PNW. I was car free bike rider, and in recent years work has got in the way and I have only done a few monthly centuries last few years. I do the STP Bike Classic in one day each year. I am into alternative bikes of all types.
I have ridden all over Asian and the PNW. Ridden hundreds of trail miles in Taiwan and China on recumbents and folders. Work, age, and life have all gotten me out of that routine, I am trying to get back to that mindset. Looking forward to tearing up the trails on my recumbent trikes. I own a custom recumbent trike shop in Portland, Oregon
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide Basics: Training
on: March 05, 2012, 03:36:45 PM
@TheArtist cheers for that we don't have many big mountains here in the PNW, but will try to do m best with what I got. I love hills climbing has always been my favorite part of cycling find the biggest hill they say I can't climb and attack it.
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TD website?
on: March 05, 2012, 03:30:14 PM
@TheArtist thanks I have been doing as much online research as possible watching all the videos and analyzing the movie for trail and bike details. I need to get the maps next. I wish Mat had a better presence, as he has a lot of experience to share; but he seems to want to stay under the radar which is totally acceptable.
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide Basics: Training
on: March 05, 2012, 03:15:05 PM
I am cross training on speed skates 2000M + 6 days a week and riding 2-12 miles per day to and from practices with about 4-8 hours additional speed skating on the weekends. I am doing 1 century a month starting now in March. I usually do a local double century in one day without any training in between 10-17 hours with multiple long stops for riding partner to catch up.
I would like to hear what special training is required for the altitude and climbing of the TDR and multiple days of 100+ mile rides for 3 weeks. Has anyone of the race vet's posted a training schedule anywhere?
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TDR 2012
on: March 05, 2012, 03:09:20 PM
Would like to hear the race from Vet's on gear selection and trail conditions as am riding a three wheel mountain trike. Where are all the race Vets?
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TD website?
on: March 05, 2012, 03:06:35 PM
I haven't heard anything from TDR in 3 months, I heard from GDR in 4 hours. I would really like to hear from them and race Vet's get some idea of gearing and trail conditions as I will be ring a three wheel mountain bike.