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121  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide race discussion on: July 09, 2014, 10:26:02 PM
Argh, is anyone else planning to race next year and getting really itchy feet right now?  It doesn't help that I live just 20km away from Banff - the start of the TD is RIGHT THERE.  Surely no-one at work will notice if I disappear for a few weeks?  And my family probably won't mind... I'll just start loading up my bike and sneak out the door this evening perhaps.
I'll be there! planning starts right after the CTR. Congrats to everyone this year, your rides have motivated me!
122  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: $1 Million Dollar Unsupported MTB race on: July 03, 2014, 09:01:56 AM
here is your chance for a free entry.
123  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide race discussion on: June 29, 2014, 10:11:51 AM
Adding together Stopped and Moving time gives 16:02:40 - a few minutes faster than Ollie in 2012. Another truly great Tour Divide completion - well up there in the all-time list of TD rides.

Amaizing! Where are you finding the extra 3 minutes from what Trackleaders says?
124  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide race discussion on: June 29, 2014, 09:48:21 AM
He is done, top notch performance!!!!!!
125  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide race discussion on: June 26, 2014, 05:21:11 PM
Quote from: Angler on June 26, 2014, 01:57:19 PM
I'm going to be honest with you.  When Calvin was here with a table load of other riders he seemed kicked back.  I took him as a guy going for a personal best but not killing himself [in fact the cafĂ© personnel were taking bets he'd never make it out of the state]. So I was as surprised as everybody else when he stepped it up the ranks.  For a young rider and a nice guy I rooting for him.

And wow just checked him out and 3rd place BEHIND THE TANDEM TERRIBLE?  I'm way overly impressed.

Very impressive for a 21 Y/O, exciting to see. I'm super stoked for him.
126  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide race discussion on: June 25, 2014, 10:18:43 PM
I hope he does, same with JP. I hope next year!!! Let's add Kurt into the mix too, and Jefe, and Mike and Ollie!
127  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide race discussion on: June 25, 2014, 08:17:20 PM
Sam and Katy are crushing it, are they on pace for the tandem record?
128  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide race discussion on: June 24, 2014, 07:54:03 PM
I agree with you, Toby.  Also, one of the rules that you discuss on your website is the one regarding utilizing one's phone to determine where other competitors are on route and/or contacting friends/relatives to figure out the same.  I realize that is tough to police, but a ton of the "rules" are tough to police.  That one seems to really irk me.  I just can't see any reason why that one is permitted.


That reminds me of Ride The Divide movie, when Reuben Kline finds a computer to see where Matthew was. I also remember Matthew asking where Ruben was. Although it was not a phone, Computers are very easily accessible.
129  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide race discussion on: June 23, 2014, 10:25:00 PM
He has to be soooo stoked right now!
130  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide race discussion on: June 23, 2014, 07:03:01 PM
Jefe is in Salida, 5 hours back From Phantom JP. What does everyone think, can he catch him? Does anyone know if JP had issues with weather and what not from here on out?

This is typically when Jefe sleeps less and goes for the gold, at least in previous CTR's.
131  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide race discussion on: June 23, 2014, 04:51:06 PM
Is that confirmed? earliest completion of the route ever?
132  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2014 CTR Discussion on: June 23, 2014, 11:19:40 AM
I guess since we start on Sunday, construction should be a non-issue though, right? I went through on Sunday last year and they had taken the day off.

Haha, whoops...Valid point. I got stuck last year, and it really put a damper on my last day, I ended up sleeping under the pilot car, then got absolutely soaked in Tarryall... and the sun never came back out. I really hope I have better luck this year, I was pretty wet from Leadville on. Monsoons are starting early, maybe they will end early, wishful thinking Smiley!!!
133  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2014 CTR Discussion on: June 23, 2014, 09:29:54 AM
Did a little shakedown ride from Waterton Canyon and back home to Silverthorne via Boreas Pass this weekend; too much snow to continue on over Georgia. We started at 6am on the nose to try and duplicate race day. Had a fairly solid ride and made the Stagestop Saloon at 8pm. Pat was in his spot on the porch and recognized me from last year. He is already fired up for the race.

Pat was such a great guy to see at that point last year. Was there any construction going on like last year? I remember the workers saying they were going to be doing the 2nd half next year. If so what time did you get there?  That may be a bit of an annoyance yet again, trying to time it perfectly may be easier coming from Denver.
134  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Dixie 200 '14 on: June 22, 2014, 11:12:00 PM
135  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide race discussion on: June 22, 2014, 01:44:17 PM
hehe, I'm guessing he does not have enough time... Funny, he does not have to worry turning his light off with the dynamo. Thanks for sharing!
136  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2014 CTR Discussion on: June 21, 2014, 10:00:47 PM
Hi Aaron, I  had friends ride it last fall and the trail crew told them it was open to biles as far as they knew. I heard it was an awesome ride and seems like it would link up to the section from tincup to the Alpine tunnel quite well.  Which I believe is open to bikes.  This would make for an epic canyon creek ride.  Btw good riding with you on the ctr last year it was nice we had such a big posse on that hot as hell day in cochetopa hills.-  Nate from gunny.
I have heard people riding the new segment, I would like to do it this year at some point if it is legal. Nate, your racing again this year?

137  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide race discussion on: June 21, 2014, 07:14:23 PM
angel8 angel8

I hope Katie and Sam's 14 hour silence is Spot-related and not trouble.

Yep, per MTBcast... They are in Pinedale, still in 2nd overall...WOW!
138  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide race discussion on: June 21, 2014, 06:05:38 PM
Yeah, just chatted with Dave he is hanging out tonight, going to greet jefe and chat with Kristen. Apparently She knows Dave's brother from college.
139  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide race discussion on: June 20, 2014, 04:04:28 PM
Yes, super awesome photos!
140  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide race discussion on: June 19, 2014, 10:02:21 AM
Ha, Max is one funny dude. I was expecting to hear they kicked him out and called the cops. The experiences are one of a kind on the TD.
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