I'll be working on the water list for that section next. But like Mark said it's pretty fast. There is water and a resort and CG at Canyon Lake off course. Also there is water and showers at La Cholla CG.
There can be a lot of traffic on the beginning paved part of Apache Trail but there's really nothing past Tortilla Flat.
Here's the water list from the end of the 300 to Pine.
#28. Town of Superior (Cstore, restaurants, motel) 5 miles off course highway or LOST trail
#29. Apache Jct (fast food on course everything else including bike shop off course)
#30. Tortilla Flat (restaurant, water) (water at CG across road) 17 miles from AJ
#31 Burnt Corral CG (water spigot) 19 miles form Tortilla Flat
#32 Cholla CG (water, showers, fee campground) 10.5 from Burnt Corral
#33. Punkin Center (Cstore spigot after hours, restaurant) 13 miles from Cholla CG
#34 Jakes Corner (Cstore, Bar and Grill) 10 miles from Punkin Center
#35 Rye (restaurant) 8.5 from Jakes
#36 Payson (everything including Bike shop closed Sundays) on course
#37 Pine (Cstore, restaurants, cabins) off course there is a 2 track to stay off highway. 22 miles from Payson
I can't remember what all was on course at AJ I remember the fast food. Mark do you know was there a Cstore there also. Seems like there was a big motel there as well.
After Pine it's the AZT all the way. I'll be reworking the water table from a bike stand point as well but for now.