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1481  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Bikepacking Tarptent Build (PIC Heavy) on: March 11, 2010, 04:13:02 AM
Pitch the tarp lean to style into the prevailing winds 9 time out of 10 you won't need to move it. If you close off all sides you are likely to get condensation.

To each his own, I like the first half of Niles creation my point was that an open air tarp set up has its advantages. I also enjoy relaxing in camp, but I also enjoy practicing tarpology.

Here's a good one this was the add at the bottom of the page as I made this post

1482  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2010 Arizona Trail 300 on: March 11, 2010, 03:44:01 AM
Sounds like fun, can't wait to see this new detour.

Scott how about sending me a copy of that file?
1483  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2010 Arizona Trail 300 on: March 10, 2010, 03:58:18 PM
Take the detour if this snow keeps up we may all want to go that way.
1484  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2010 Arizona Trail 300 on: March 10, 2010, 11:00:37 AM
Sounds like a good plan still a great ride I plan to head out on Saturday morning should be on the trail in Rincon valley by 9-10 am.
1485  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Bikepacking Tarptent Build (PIC Heavy) on: March 10, 2010, 05:39:32 AM
That would do it for me I think. Unless you needed the extra walls for privacy. One of the advantages of tarp tents is having one side open and getting better ventilation then a tent. I bet you could stay dry under there even if you had to adjust it into the wind at the worst you might loose some ground but I bet you could stay dry.

Then you were talking about bug netting but only a small piece, how about a bigger area of that if you are going to have to deal with bugs having room to get away from them would be nice.

I used the bike idea this weekend using a fence, two rocks and the bike. The weather was nice and I ended up raising the whole thing on the fence end. I haven't used this tarp in rain yet but I am pretty sure it will do the job.
1486  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: SPOT on: March 10, 2010, 05:28:51 AM
Not sure on the reset it may also be a function of the website as the only time I have used one is during Coco250 and AZT300 I am pretty sure the CTR is the same site.

I think that if you want to be sure that you are on line you want to keep an eye on it making sure that, at least on the old one, both lights are flashing. If you only get one light then it needs to be reset, as I recall.
1487  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2010 Arizona Trail 300 on: March 10, 2010, 04:28:19 AM

You may want to use that snow clause a little early like say while you are on Redington road. You might want to check with the FS and find out if the Control road is open? I assume that they plow it out at the same time as the highway but you never know. Their web site says it is closed Dec 15 to March 1 so you are good there but it would suck to ride all the way up there and then find 2-3+ snow on the road.
1488  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: SPOT on: March 10, 2010, 04:07:48 AM
I don't know how to tell the difference or what the difference even is but I am pretty sure you have to reset it every day. At least that is the way it has been the two times I borrowed the old one. One guy in the AZT300 left his on all night and then disappeared in the morning and never came back up until he checked it at the end.

The old ones needed to be near the out side or top of your pack as well, can't hurt with the new one. I always put it in the pouch on the back of my Osprey The material they use on that part is some kind of stretch fabric I can actually see the lights blink through it and know it is working.
1489  Forums / Routes / Re: To Poach or not to Poach on: March 08, 2010, 03:55:54 PM
On the one hand I can't see many rangers making a big deal out of carrying a disassembled bike but then again I have heard of rangers who made a big deal out of someone using a come-along to put up a big tent. If you really want to put it down to nothing mechanized and the fact that possession pointed out so it's not just not riding.

As far as considering it poaching I personally do not and I have told rangers about my portage on the AZT none of them seamed to care they seam to think it's pretty cool all of the effort and all and the fact that I didn't poach and ride through.     
1490  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2010 Arizona Trail 300 on: March 08, 2010, 09:38:03 AM
Fair point scott.  Now to figure out how to get to the start line....

You have a bike right?
1491  Forums / Bikepacking / Re: 200oz CamelBak ? on: March 08, 2010, 04:11:54 AM
I have two 3L bladders one MSR and one Camel for bikepacking I use them both 6L capacity but I often carry 4L.
1492  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2010 Arizona Trail 300 on: March 07, 2010, 03:11:52 PM
I'm starting next Friday (3/12).  

IIRC there was a similar decision to be made for including 10 mile in last years CTR.  I think the choices were between "the colorado trail race" and "the colorado trail race except for some sections that we don't want to do".  Do you want the 300 to be known as "300 miles of AZT except for some sections we don't want to do"?

Some of us are too old to know what IIRC stands for but then my wife just googled it who knew it would be that easy.

Put me down for having to do it all there are getting to be too many finishers anyway.

That is one of the hardest parts of the whole AZT the always knowing that there is an easier way but I have to go this way and it's all Scott's fault. But even when I am not racing that is still the hardest part of sticking to the real trail knowing that there is an easier some times much easier way.

I would be in favor of a snow clause but it would have to be noted and if you skip it and someone else doesn't then you can't win. But I could see it being too deep to be smart to try and this might be the year for it to be deep.

Jonesy are you starting at Parker next week lucky dog you might get rained on but there wont be any shortage of drinking water. I rode from Pistol Hill to Elephant Head Fri/Sat there are a bunch of creeks running north of Rosemont. Perfect bikepacking conditions but I don't know about Oracle Ridge right now better to go down the road like Scott and I did in March of 06. You can always go back and do the whole ridge latter but you can start down the road get back up on the ridge asap (that one I know) I am pretty sure you can get back up to the ridge at Peppersauce by then you should be below the deepest snow.  

1493  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Bikepacking Tarptent Build (PIC Heavy) on: March 05, 2010, 03:08:51 AM
Looks good I like the way you started but I would have quit after the first big piece. Keep it simple and light you should be able to stay dry with an open sided tarp. I do like incorporating the bike though I did a practice set up with my poncho/tarp yesterday looked like pretty good coverage and light at 12 oz.

How much weight do you have in stakes would it be possible to use string and natural objects in the field.
1494  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: arranging drops on: March 03, 2010, 03:59:04 AM
That was great thanks for the link.
1495  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2010 Arizona Trail 300 on: March 02, 2010, 03:49:55 PM
Oracle Ridge is sort of a key element to the "fun" Wink of the AZT 300, I would leave it in unless it's replacement it truly top notch

The replacement being a road though dirt it is still a road. It's only a better option if the snow level prohibits being able to safely proceed on the trail. Most likely the snow will be mostly clear by the third weekend of April. I think a snow clause would be reasonable if there is going to be one on the 750 but it would have to be like 3 plus feet of banks. In those conditions the road can be iced up and some what exciting.
1496  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZT 300/750 gps nav for a newbie? on: February 26, 2010, 03:00:41 AM
Yes, if you keep your wits about you. Wink

On my 2006 trip I was able to follow a track track that Scott laid out for me with no cue sheet and only a basic map as a back up.

So far I don't think anybody's gotten lost while doing the 300, missed the course and came back in from the wrong direction sure, but not lost.

Just make sure you find the TH for the start and you'll be fine. Scott does not provide any beta on how to get there for a reason.  nono If you can't find the TH you don't need to go. icon_biggrin
1497  Forums / Bikepacking / Re: Bicycle Corps on: February 25, 2010, 04:41:51 AM
That looks cool I just might have to do the netflix thing and check that out. Here in Tucson at Mr K's BBQ, in the Afro American Heritage Museum, they have an old bike and some other info on the Bicycle Corps. Not sure if it is a real vintage from the right time but it helps put it in perspective what the bikes would have been like.
1498  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: First Ever Arizona Trail Race on: February 25, 2010, 04:01:22 AM
Little did you know that you should have planned a multi sport race half bike and then half snowshoe.

1499  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2010 Arizona Trail 300 on: February 24, 2010, 01:43:54 PM
That's what I thought it would be I was just surprised to see the discrepancy's in the two tracks but then I saw that you still had Oracle Ridge and figured you would still make some changes.

Not Hog it is one more north actually north of Sonoita the map shows it going trough with one way private and another way open then joining into Hog out near the end. It doesn't save any road but it would set you up to get the full Flume Trail. Just like the 300 gets the full Elephant Head Trail but this one gets both.

1500  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2010 Arizona Trail 300 on: February 24, 2010, 03:34:57 AM
I was wondering if these changes were still in the works, skipping hwy 83 yes, the Tucson reroute looks good also, and the Catalina swap also picks up some good stuff.

In comparing the full version track with last years 300 I figured you would pull it all together for the final version. I assume that every one will be on the same course. Like using the non AZT single track in Oracle State Park thus putting Oracle closer to the course.

Jonesy no good way around the Wilderness my plan was to just head up the hwy to Sonoita. There is a possibility (looking at "The Map" by Arizona Off Road Adventures now out of print) of a dirt road just south of Gardner Canyon road. Looks like it takes you all the way out to join into Hog Canyon and then joins Gardner far enough out to get to the Flume Trail out at the start of single track. This puts about 12 miles of pavement on the route but also gives a second chance at resupply. The other option I am looking at would be to take Gardner but then cut off to Fish Canyon and "B" line out to K Camp and then maybe short cutting things on the way back into town.

Oh and it's starting to look like I might get to do the 300 this year I really need to get it finished again. I would like to try for the full meal deal but as it looks like they will get snowed out up north and I am not sure it is worth the investment this year.
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