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21  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2015 - race discussion thread on: August 14, 2015, 04:51:06 PM
Cool, looks like Lael has a SPOT tracker again!! She's smokin' the route so far, Go Lael, GO!!

Your right!
I think, she's BACK to being inspired from having a SPOT once again.
Yipppie !
GO! Lael GO! girl

So happy and wishing her SO SO WELL things like weather and having NO repairs on her bike GO WELL as can be!
22  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2015 - race discussion thread on: August 11, 2015, 03:32:53 AM
Go!  Lael Wilcox Go !
This time, you know a LOT Of what to do! = THAT GOOD GOOD feeling of (*at least) knowing this time round what you wished you would have known; might have done before; now you know.
NOW (*if your reading this) GO KICK SOME ASS !!!
I don't blame you, one bit, for slamming out another go of it ! YAHHHhhhhoooo !!! Bravo! Kudos to you Lael !  thumbsup

May the weather be on your side, this time round.

Watch out for that hypothermia that always seems to bite me ! ....  nono
I following you every inch of the way; loosing MUCH sleep one more time.
|Here goes another couple weeks of my summer again  >< BUT WELL worth the inspiration  thumbsup|  headbang
23  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2015 - race discussion thread on: August 09, 2015, 02:14:12 PM
Lael Wilcox - YOU GO GIRL ! GO GO GO GO!!!!!

Kudos to Lael Wilcox for going after breaking her own World Record - ONCE AGAIN ! THIS is SUPER to see!!!
*** She has definitely gotten bit by the TDR bug to better her ways.
I AM wishing her SOOoooo well. Inspiring the heck - out of this boy!!!!   thumbsup   icon_biggrin Especially, after my serious cycling accident which I shrugged off as not being more than a bit of a kicker in my butt to go harder next time.

Lael ~ If, you get'n to read this....which I'm sure while your doing your ride (this time 2nd time round) you WiLL NOT ..... I am just saying in case, " Always believe sweetie!  " Always " You CAN DO THIS !! I know you CAN !

Following on the edge of my seat 'Once' again! Like the 2105 Grand Depart Group doing it. Watching this year's race was nail biting ! Didn't miss a blip though.
***Wishing there was a replay button for her ITT madly, now. For my days, that I do miss.

Is this possible Scott/Mathew?

Although, I can kick myself HARD as heck for missing sending her off....I got mixed up with a way to decipher the faded yellow dots on the trackleader map to take them as VALID or NOT?? >?? So, I thought she might have already left Banff when noticing it. DanG !!!!  icon_scratch

Anyways, hope you all get as inspired as I am watching a female  thumbsup " KICK SOME ROYAL ASS with some BIG HARD Pushes!!!  "  thumbsup
24  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2015 - race discussion thread on: July 12, 2015, 11:16:02 PM
Congratulations Billy and Lina !
Team Rice Burner.

You just separated yourself from the rest - of - the - world in SUCH a Proud Honourable GOOD way!

Here's hoping ALL you've become learned increased fitness levels to PROUD NEW heights, is used to excel to higher adventures!

Care for any more Rice Krispy Squares?
You'll have to come back!  headbang

Your TDR friend
Crazy Larry
25  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2015 - race discussion thread on: July 12, 2015, 08:37:43 PM
Billy and Lina
To me ~ The race is STILL in progress!
Till the Last person crosses the finish line. Yup!
Last is JUSSSssst as important as FIRST! Right everyone!

Everyone has an Everest.
Either to do.
That they've done.
That is to be accomplished.
That is dreamed of doing.

Everyone's Everest is just as important as the next person's Everest.

Well, Billy and Lina if you get the chance at the finish line to read've kept me up all hours of the night, STiLL!  thumbsup
That's a GOOD thing!

I stay up every year, watching the Tour Divide for a period of 30 days every year now. For some 12 yrs.
Some years, I have to admit are more exciting than others. That *for me, is because I get the chance to meet you ALL. (well most of ya's! that allow me to meet you)  Wink
Others that stay secretly hidden, do so I'm sure, out of their own free will and personal ways.  

It was exciting that you brought Lina along Billy! GREAT idea!
Lina THANKS SO MUCH for listening to your DAD.
THANKS Lina for showing so many others - on the couch - what and how to push and challenge yourself which really adds character and personality to being such the nice person to know!
IT WAS GREAT to meet you!!!
Hope you enjoyed the Rice Krispy Squares from the Question & Answer Session.?
AT the end of the day you WiLL NOT Regret doing this!
Remember, pushing the limits means - EXACTLY that! PUSHING means to surpass that which you already know.

So what are YOUR THOUGHTS - Lina!??
Love to hear what you've learned think and can't wait to do an interview so get in touch with me - ok!?

Congratulations to ALL who kept'er up!
Can't wait for you's 1 by 1 to get in touch with me this year~!

Your START-Line CheerLeader Grand Depart Photo organizer & The Annual Crazy Larry's Question and Answer
Crazy Larry

26  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2015 - race discussion thread on: June 29, 2015, 09:49:25 AM
*** Heartiest of Congratulations Miss Lael Wilcox !!!!  headbang
THAT was an ImpreSSive Epic Ride of a Life-time!!! - eh!?

 thumbsup NOW THAT WAS IMPRESSIVE AS CAN BE !!!  headbang

There " ARE " many who are Touring this Route; as it is an Epic Accomplishment - JUsssst to finish this Tour Divide Route with all its logistical nightmare's!!!  
Anyone who a Champion to themselves!
AND that is something one - can - take with you; for the rest of your ENTIRE Life-Time of living MORE adventures hopefully~!

  *** "The fact that you took the time energy logistics like separation from job family friends, obtaining a bike gear equipment, lonely days of training, Your Personal rides in Isarael, Ride from Alaska jussst before doing the Tour Divide Route is a testimony to the person you truly ARE! "
YOU NOW enter the Elite Fraternity Club of Ultra Endurance Adventurer Cyclist of the Word.
There ARE ONLY a handful.
Bravo. Kudos to you there young courageous lady!!!

You set a NEW Women's World Record at 17.01.51 beating out an ALREADY AmaZing time from Eszter Horanyi at 19.03.35
BUT TO ME *Personally ~ We are TRULY ALL on the SAME Team!
*Hopefully, the course/route stays the same, so that each rider setting goals can have the same playing field in the future!? eh?

We love our cycling!
We love what makes our hearts sing; and have the ability to do it.
There are MANY who can not.
SO Rock ON Miss Lael Wilcox.
You've set the standard to make MANY MANY a heart sing!!! ~ For quite-a- while to come!!!!  headbang

Lets just say, "You've rattled the hornets nest for both women and men alike~!  headbang
Thank you for all your lonely days of training and the many many miles you put on to come here to Banff, Alberta-Canada.

However, of that, history is STiLL - in - the - making with Billy Rice and his daughter being the FIRST EVER to ride the Tour Divide Route paving the way for many a father and daughter team; EVEN mother and son or daughter team to ride the EPIC Route >ALL Self Supported !
Meaning NO help! NO Stage tents setup for you. NO water waiting. NO food supplied.
THIS IS ALL YOU ....and YOU ALONE to see if you can pull it off!

When you do.
YOU WILL take one of the most gratifying feelings of a Life-Time!!! *SO I've heard, I haven't did this route / race for some, yet!  Wink

***I really enjoyed INTEVIEWING YOU while you were riding making HISTORY happen before me!  
      THAT Was SOooo COOL !!! James Prosser ( a fellow rider who also could not participate this year, was in the truck driving while I filmed) We both were in AWE and SO SO excited to follow you!
So when you read this ....Please STAY in Touch ok!?  Wink  thumbsup

Thanks for being THAT person who instills adventure, the curiosity to 'choose' to personally challenge one's self, and the courage to do such Epic Rides in SUCH an Epic AmaZZzing Time!!!

However, the RACE IS NOT OVER YET!  nono
There ARE many more adventurous cyclist who are also making their hearts sing; to accomplish one of the World's MOST TOUGHEST Races due to its extreme variety of terrain climate conditions that 'can' change so drastically on a moments notice that personally challenge EACH SELF-Supported cyclist touring / racing for some.

Way to go!!!
I AM SO AWESOMELY inspired to ride my bike!
And do the Tour Divide - one day!!!  headbang

I AM, and have taken 30 days to follow you ALL; as I LOVE each one of you AMaZing cyclist from around the world; and thoroughly enjoy helping you in whatever way is possible when you come to Banff, Alberta for the START of the Grand Depart AND participate in the Crazy Larry's Grand Depart Group Picture ! (*Too!)  headbang
Glad to have met you along side the road to interview you while riding.
Please, let me know where to post it!? (*if you wish it posted?) Or send it to you!
27  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2015 - race discussion thread on: June 26, 2015, 10:12:40 PM
Well, How are ya'ALL feel'n ??

THAT WASSSssZzzz one - hell - of - a race to watch - keep track of!!!

I was on the seat-of my chair for most of the entire race! (*Literally!)

Many people (*Avid Cyclist enthusiast) fail to realize that it took a TON Of effort for pretty much ALL - the - participants (Ultra Cyclist) whether Touring the route or *for some, racing it to get here to Banff, Alberta for the Grand Depart START.

THIS EPIC RIDE - Personal Challenge - for many, like you if you choose to participate next year, IS NOT OVER, YET!
The Annual Crazy Larry Grand Depart Group Picture > "Every year!" < WILL BE even better yet next year! ***2016

I've already reserved the World's Largest Pixel camera to take the picture at the YWCA meeting spot for START neutral peleton ROLL-out!

There were and STILL-ARE going to be, many late nights watching those AmaZzzing Girls doing this race. HUGE Kudos girls!!!! Love ya's! BIG Time!!!  headbang
And watching the rest of you's finish.

Although some may say:
Someone came in 1st.
Someone came in 2nd.
Someone even came in 3rd.
We the lovers of biking - Especially, Ultra Cycling Routes, are ALL on the SAME Team!

You ARE ALL on A Team / Fraternity / The ONLY Club of its kind!
The Ultra Cyclist
- Epic riders of the Tour Divide Route! Toughest DARN race - in - the - World!

This route takes much courage, personal push {beyond-what-some-may believe} to finish.

BIG Shout out to Joe Polk of MTB Cast for the extended HARD HARD work of sorting listening to EACH & EVERY Call you's call in. Wow!
And for Scott Morris and Matthew Lee for TrackLeaders tracking you ALL. (AND, the many other races they do!)

Remembering ~
   "The fact, that you came to Banff - took the time to go through the mirage of logistics just to prepare - from relationship separation ...time away, to jobs, to financial means, to lonely days of training, to educating yourselves on the course doings/changes/deviations/Spot doings, to equipment choices - THIS ALL is a Testimony to the person you truly are! "
Bravo to you ALL!
Kudos to ALL your efforts!

I love you's ALL - to - bits!! *Honestly! headbang

I'm get'n set for my go of it "Presently" planning *IF Blood tests come back GOOD - To try it possibly in August 2015

I'd love to interview, each one of you.
So Please, give me a dingle.
I'll be fix'n to edit an (under construction website shortly) Should be an area for writing your stories SOON! ok!?

Wives, friends of riders *Please, pass this email around - ok!? I'd appreciate that a TON!  thumbsup

Ok Back, to watching the rest of ya's "Make Your Hearts Sing! "  
Rock ON !  headbang

28  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2015 - race discussion thread on: June 21, 2015, 02:14:32 AM
I know this may be of little consolation to you....but "Always Believe".
Believe you can 1st finish such an Epic Race; 2nd that you might have no problems then again, you might as anything that can happen on the Tour Divide.
Learn from any errors that might seem to surface more clearly (in the now) will only get you more encouraged to come back a 2nd time to try it yet again!
Life is SO much about perspective. Keep your perspective in that " The fact, that you showed up for such an Epic Race; is a TRUE testimony to the person you truly are"
Your making your heart sing!
You've given your 'self' the chance by choosing it.
When the time is right, for your 2nd chance, seizing the opportunity will shed a lot more light on the life you wish to lead; and personal challenges you wish to over-come.
Best Wishes for GREAT pushes as I would say to a GOOD friend and Canadian Champion "Cory Wallace"
Everyone else, I really hope you ALL enjoy your Epic Adventurous Ride of a life time.
For some.
This won't be your last crack at this.  nono
Just keep believing.
If "You" can believe it. Envision it. Then its yours for the choosing to do.
Keep'er going everyone! Keep'er going!
You CAN do this!  headbang
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