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Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2019 CTR Preparation & Plannning
on: December 13, 2018, 07:01:33 PM
sweet. ridiculously light plus custom inseam and colors too! might have to get a puffy jacket too.
i was thinking pants could be nice to be able to get up and ride with until warm or keep moving late at night with if it's really cold and/or wet.
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2019 CTR Preparation & Plannning
on: December 13, 2018, 04:08:09 PM
That's smart, I like it....wish I had thought of that mid-race. Thanks! I was thinking too, I don't think doing the filter in line with the camelback would work anyways because I like using tailwind. I'm sure it'd get all gummed up and not allow calories through.
I'll definitely check out the befree option as well. Good christmas gift for the girlfriend, and she can test it first.
Also thinking of ditching sleeping bag completely and going with waterproof bivvy, down jacket, insulated pants and rain gear. Just gotta find some super lightweight insulated pants that aren't filled with goose down.
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2019 CTR Preparation & Plannning
on: December 13, 2018, 07:41:22 AM
I had a really surreal dream last night, which is rare for me.
I had made it to Silverton in great time....but when I looked down at my bike, there was nothing on it. No bags, no extra clothes, no lights, nothing...only (scantily clothed) me and a bare bike. Apparently I had been so rushed at the start I had forgot to carry anything with me. I found some bike/ski shop in silverton and was scrambling around trying to find warm pants to buy, but all they had were bib-length swim the kind they wear in the olympics to go faster. I started continuously cursing myself for being so stupid and absent minded, and then the dream ended. Fun times.
I need a better water filter setup for next year. I used a sawyer mini, but filling the plastic bag was a total pain in the ass. It would take forever to get the bag full (even when there was enough water to dunk it in), I'd get my gloves/hands all wet, then would have to screw on the filter, and squeeze the bag into my camelback bladder to get ~12oz worth of water. Then unscrew everything, refill bag....etc and repeat 5-8 more times to get a full bladder.
Maybe I'm just doing it wrong? Should I attach the filter in line with my camelback hose, and fill the camelback with stream water and make it filter while I'm drinking? Or is there another faster/easier solution/product?
Also would like to find a GPS unit to use that will either last ~4 days continuously, or has replaceable batteries with long life. Did it last year with the guidebook and pulling out my phone with trailforks to double check. Took one wrong turn that cost me an hour and 8 extra miles and also spent way too much time stopped looking at book/phone making sure I was going the right way. Is an etrek the best option, or any other recommendations? I have a wahoo elemnt, I suppose I could wire it up with an external AA battery pack, but no idea what the usage would be.
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: CTR 2018 Race Discussion Thread
on: September 24, 2018, 08:27:53 PM
There was a photographer/freelance journalist on the course this year. I talked to him a few times but don't recall his name, super nice guy.
Anyone have any info and if/where/when his work might be published?
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: CTR 2018 Race Planning and Discussion
on: July 08, 2018, 06:51:46 PM
Anyone have any experience doing the CTR plant based/ good time...without USPS package drops?
I've done fine in the past fueling on jars of peanut butter and whole wheat tortillas (both easy to pack and calorically dense), along with whatever I carry from home. My stomach's also pretty darn good at handling crappy food while exercising (ie. I've done 12hr races on oreos, coke and problem)
I think I'll be fine doing that from Waterton to Leadville/BV area, but I'm a little weary of what to expect at Mt Princeton, or late night gas station in BV if I don't time it right and the city market's not open. I'm also 6'5, which means I gotta eat a ridiculous amount of food to keep myself going. On a 4-5 day pace I'm estimating at least a day and a half, probably more between BV & Silverton, or 15k+ calories....? Thoughts? What can I expect at Mt Princeton...I've driven through there before a few times but never stopped in the town.
With that said, I'm not super duper hardcore. I'm not turning down a cinnamon roll if it *might* have eggs/butter in it, especially if I'm starving. But don't want to go the beef jerky route, especially cause I have no idea how I'd handle meat after not eating it for a long time.
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZT 750/300 2017 Planning Thread
on: March 28, 2017, 09:00:28 AM
Hi all,
first time doing this, should be fun.
i have a preliminary shuttle set up to get to the start on the evening of the 6th, but would be way more convenient if anyone else had room for one more? or is there a good for-hire (cheapish) shuttle option I could look into?