Calls: Serge Chiasson called in to recap his finish!
Joe Polk... I don't know how you were able to transcribe all MTBCast calls back in the day! I thought I'd give it a try with Serge Chiasson's final call. He did a great job illustrating what makes the Tour Divide so special and I appreciated his appreciation of the 2010 TD'ers.
MTBCAST: TD12 - Serge Chiasson called in with a final call:Hello everyone, this is Serge phoning, this will be my final call. I’m just calling for thank-you’s and acknowledgements and final thoughts about the route.
It seems like such a long time ago I was sitting on the start line in Banff with tears in my eyes happy to finally begin the adventure of a life time. It was an incredibly tough ride, I have much respect for riders who take longer to do it, it is probably a lot harder to go slower than fast, spending more days and nights out there.
Everyone who had to scratch, be proud of yourselves for taking on the challenge. The true life changing event of the Tour happens when we decide to commit to this huge adventure where failure is a greater possibility than success. Not many people in the world would take on a risk like that.
Thank you Matthew Lee and TrackLeaders and everyone involved for making this happen. This might be the greatest sporting event in the world and it certainly is the most beautiful bike race in the world. Participating in this was a dream come true. Henry Desgrange, the founder of the Tour de France would love this race; except he would have crowned Dave Nice champion because he is the only one using a fixed gear. Big thank you to my family and friends and the community of Ferne. Ferne is mountain bike heaven where everyone understood the need to take on such an adventure. I received a lot of kind and overwhelming gestures of encouragement before I left and it really was a big push in the back. I realize in those last few miles to the border that most of you believe in me more than I did myself. And this really means a lot to me. I would not be the cyclist or the person that I am if I were not surrounded by all of you.
Special thanks to Paul Attalla I would never have made it to Banff with out you. Straight Line Bicycle and Ski, my bike worked perfectly the whole time.
And I am sure it has been mentioned a lot by other riders, but the one key ingredient required to complete this ride is definitely the kindness that is found everywhere on this route. It’s absolutely overwhelming. It’s everywhere and this ride would not be possible without it. This is a ride through the heart of America and it is beautiful and its people are beautiful.
Finally, my heart goes out to all the riders in the 2010 Tour Divide. I thought of Dave (Blumenthal) a lot out there. I can only imagine how hard it must have been to keep riding; it was very courageous, and I am sure that is what Dave would have wanted.
This is Serge … signing out for the final time from the 2012 Tour Divide. …what a ride… thanks everyone. Bye.