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21  Forums / Bikepacking / Re: A trip across Sinaloa's northern bays on: November 04, 2009, 06:46:15 AM
A couple more pictures that I liked.

A nice day for riding.

22  Forums / Bikepacking / Re: A trip across Sinaloa's northern bays on: November 03, 2009, 07:03:10 AM
The pictures should be back in an day or two, a couple of pictures got too popular and exceeded my bandwidth limit  BangHead

I have been training for El Tour de Tucson with some local roadies and the lay back pace and terrain was very rewarding (The gazillion mosquitos and the tiny tires did add some difficulty Wink)

23  Forums / Bikepacking / Re: A trip across Sinaloa's northern bays on: November 02, 2009, 08:33:09 AM
Thanks for the replays guys,

Scott, take a look at this.

Next year, maybe?

24  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Any Rawlands on the group. on: November 01, 2009, 08:30:44 PM
This is a better photo of the tires

25  Forums / Bikepacking / Re: A trip across Sinaloa's northern bays on: November 01, 2009, 08:21:14 PM
Upon arrival, we setup to ride, with a stiff wind at our face.

Leaving the coast we got in the farming country.

Arriving at Bachoco, then Juan Jose Rios and soon to Los Mochis.

The steed at the end of the journey, best damn bike I have  thumbsup

Overall a very nice trip, some great company and great practice for some future Bikepacking trips.
26  Forums / Bikepacking / Re: A trip across Sinaloa's northern bays on: November 01, 2009, 08:20:30 PM
The private beach of San Ignacio brings back a lot of memories, nice secluded place. In the back La Bahia de Navachiste.

We set up camp in a nearby beach in a cloud of mosquitos that later on succumbed to the evening wind. Falling fast to sleep I woke up to this view.

After some fumbling trying to get a ride, we talked a fine gentleman into taking us to Cerro Cabezon, our next town in the trip.

Bahia de Navachiste is even nicer than Ohuira, lots of fishing on this area.

27  Forums / Bikepacking / Re: A trip across Sinaloa's northern bays on: November 01, 2009, 07:40:30 PM
Getting out of that mess was not hard and soon we were doing Photo opps on the salty flats.

Looks easy without the damn mosquitos.

You can laugh at us flatlanders, but those short hills were mean late in the day.

28  Forums / Bikepacking / Re: A trip across Sinaloa's northern bays on: November 01, 2009, 06:52:28 PM
After some huffing, shouting and just hopping along the rocks, we thought it was over, only to find this.

Every town in Mexico has a house that will either give you or sell you some food, and we weren't about to cross those hills on an empty tank.

Ahhh, the joys of Shrimp season, Camarones Rancheros, rice and tortillas.

Slowly riding out of town wearing a couple of pounds of shrimps.  icon_biggrin

A newly constructed small ditch got us lost, as we began contemplating a mosquito infested camp in the middle of nowhere.

29  Forums / Bikepacking / Re: A trip across Sinaloa's northern bays on: November 01, 2009, 06:51:41 PM
Happily riding across Ohuira Bay.

We even saw some friendly dolphins along the way

Seeing Lazaro Cardenas across the bay made us realize that those hills were not going to be as easy as once thought.

Lazaro Cardenas doesn't have a channel, so they make do with high tides and some resemblance of and unfinished pier.

Unloading the bikes at Lazaro C.

That pier was some nice exercise after sitting in the boat, maybe a little more than we bargained for.

30  Forums / Bikepacking / A trip across Sinaloa's northern bays on: November 01, 2009, 06:50:34 PM

The state of Sinaloa in northwestern Mexico has several beautiful bays, some of them have inspired many dreams in the past.
Falling in the same trap, I envisioned a while back a route to cross them while mapping a loop that will take me from my home and back.

As summer creep on me, it became impossible to do the trip, so I just put the plan on hold, and as autumn slowly came, the plan was on !!!.

The plan was simple enough, ride the dirt roads from my home to a Campo Pesquero (Fishing camp),
hitch a ride in a Lancha to the other side of the bay, cross a few hills, look for a place to camp, repeat on the next bay and ride home.

So off we went, trying not to hit too much pavement and on route to Paredones on the Ohuira Bay.

After riding for a while on a very nice Saturday morning we started to see some blue on the GPS  thumbsup.

Exchanging some beer money for gas, we were on the water in a matter of minutes.
31  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Any Rawlands on the group. on: November 01, 2009, 03:21:19 PM
Sweet bike, looks like a Dsogn but without brake tabs. Nice Swift, I have to try one of those.

Have you tried dirt drop bars? On-Ones, WTB Dirtdrops?
32  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Any Rawlands on the group. on: November 01, 2009, 01:28:02 PM

How did you got a hold of a Dakkar, I have been trying to get one but they are not available yet. Please post picts.


The tires are 700x40c IRC MythosCX Slick, and are a very fat 40c, I just finished a trip on very rocky terrain and holdup really good.


33  Forums / Question and Answer / Any Rawlands on the group. on: October 22, 2009, 08:55:23 PM
After riding around on my Racer-x fully locked out most of the time I decided to put together a Monster Cross or DropBar 29er to see if that would be better suited to the endless miles of dirt roads around my town.

I rescued an aging Raleigh hybrid frame and after a week of scrubbing, painting and digging deep in my parts bin I came out with this contraption.

Needless to say, it has become my favorite bike, simple, tough, cheap, perfect  thumbsup

Now, as much as I like the bike, what I like best its the kind of bike it is, so I started looking for basically the same thing, but in a lighter, more up to date and classier bike. Then I found Rawland Bikes and I think that finally found what I am looking for. Disks, 650 or 700 wheels, cool and designed for a drop bar.

Do somebody on the forum has any experience with it?

Thanks for your help. 
34  Forums / Bikepacking / Re: Introduction Thread on: October 21, 2009, 10:51:47 PM
Hi, My name is Edmundo Fuentes,

Thanks for a fantastic site, I have been a lifelong cyclist very interested in exploring and offroading.

After a few years Jeeping I am back on my bike.

I will try to contribute some routes and rides in the Copper Canyon area in Mexico, already have some GPS maps of mostly backroads at if interested.

I am also putting together some info on lesser known routes along the coastal Sinaloa and Sonora states.

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