Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Hub dynamo and electronics thread.
on: December 08, 2013, 03:10:14 PM
Well attached are preliminary pictures of the B&M Luxos U setup that my wife plans to use on the Trans Am Bike race.
First picture: Her bike on new fluid trainer for those cold and dark days (like right now!)
Second picture: The Luxos U. We went with a rigid carbon fork since this is a road ride. The Origin 8 Black Ops fork came with removable canti stud. I took one of the studs and reversed it and moved it up as high as possible and then mounted the light to it. Ideally it should be mounted centered on the fork right at the crown. Two reasons I didn't do this. There is no hole to mount the light there and it would probably interfere with a front bag.
Third picture: The switch is mounted on the right hand aero bar. The switch turns the light on and off, and when off if you hit it, it will flash briefly to warn a driver. It has daytime and night time modes and brightness and throw varies according to your speed. The back side of the switch contains a covered USB port so you can charge a USB device such as a GPS or phone. It is suppose to deliver up to 1 amp depending upon speed.
Fourth picture: Our SP PD-8 dynamo hub. I have around 2,000 miles on it and it works great.
The light has a lithium cache battery in it to help smooth out the USB output and to make this a standlight.
How does it work?? Haven't had it out on the road yet!!!
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2013's most impressive bikepacking performance?
on: December 03, 2013, 09:38:15 AM
I am going to go with Billy Rice, although there were many great performances by others this year.
I rode with Billy on the Tour Divide in 2012 and saw his ups and downs. At one point I thought he was going to quit, but then he turned it on towards the last half of the race and pulled away from theisold man and picked off several other riders in front of him.
When I heard about his yoyo TD attempt for 2013 I was skeptical. Of course I was glued to his blue dot for the entire journey. Doing two laps of the TD course is incredible and he was the only racer to do the whole course and he did the whole course in both directions, which essentially makes him the winner twice!
He made a great effort on the return trip to get forest service permission to go through the closed areas.
Although he is not the fastest racer out there he certainly is one of the toughest!
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Trans Am Bike Race - June 7th, 2014
on: November 28, 2013, 09:13:50 AM
I believe that the etrex 30 has a barometric altimeter in it which I think is very valuable. Also it has the ability to look ahead at your route from the downloaded GPX file, so you can see the elevation profile that lays ahead of you. Topo fusion software allows you to simplify and split the track so you can download the whole route onto your GPS. Ridewithgps (do a search on the internet) is really cool too. You can load the file into that and look at it with many different views, from satellite to topo. Loads real fast too!
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Flagstone 500 thread.
on: October 11, 2013, 08:22:08 PM
I have been messing around with google earth (my new addiction!) and the more I think about it the more I am leaning towards loop rides due to logistics. It is nice to leave a car in one place and be able to come back to it at rides end. I am creating a loop from Cave Creek AZ going north (east of Hwy 17) and then west into Sedona. I don't have the second half mapped out yet but it will follow the route from Sedona south that Tim put together. Attached is the Google file of the part I have mapped out. Any feedback? It looks like google maps took their pictures during the spring when the Verde River was really flowing. Is crossing the Verde River where I have it mapped generally doable?
Forums / Ultra Racing / Flagstone 500 thread.
on: September 23, 2013, 09:41:56 AM
Thanks for the Flagstone route file you sent me! Really excited about this route. Do you plan on setting a date for a race?? I and many others would be interested in doing this.
Attached is a file for preview in Google Earth:
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR 2014 Planning
on: September 04, 2013, 07:54:08 PM
Tim, Thanks for the gpx file. I converted it to a KML in Topo Fusion and viewed it in Google Earth. Looks like a great route! I noticed from Phoenix to Tucson the route was a straight line. Still more work to do or was there a file problem??
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR 2014 Planning
on: August 31, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Let me know when you have some stuff together. Do you plan on a Superior to Black Canyon connecting section?? I do want to do a border to border probably next April but I want a little "easier" route. I think ending in Kanab Utah would be a nice thing since there are some services there. The AZT 750 is a little too manly for me!
Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Hub dynamo and electronics thread.
on: August 21, 2013, 08:26:46 PM
Following is a reply I got from pedalpower.com
Thank you for your email. The only thing that would increase the output from your dynamo is in fact to ride faster, the cables will only transmit what the dynamo will put out. So if we say at a speed of 12kph you can product 200mA per hour output from your dynamo, you may produce 350mA per hour at 18kph. Cables themselves do nothing to influence the output from the dynamo. If your present speed puts out (let’s just pick a figure) the 350mA per hour and you want to charge your cache battery, let’s say the 10,000mAh version, you simply divide the 10,000 by the 350 to see how many hours it would take to charge the cache battery, so in this scenario you have a time of 28.5 hours approximately. (of continuous riding with no devices attached). With the variation in speeds, the amount of time you ride, whether you have other devices running from the cache at the same time, the results can be quite different, but the energy from the dynamo is being used. If for instance you have an iPhone attached to the cache as you ride at again say 18kph and 350mA ouput. Let’s say that the iphone has an internal battery of 1500mAh and without being attached to any charger would last 3 hours on GPS mode or apps, this would say that the internal battery of the iPhone depletes at 500mA per hour (1500/3). From the dynamo you are putting in 350mA so you have a net loss of 150mA per hour when you are riding at that speed and charging the iPhone. So your cache would be depleting at 150mA per hour not charging. Battery management is the best way to go, start with all your devices fully charged and the cache fully charged. Trickle fee the cache continually from your dynamo to collect whatever output you have in the internal battery. With devices like GPS or phone, switch them off when not needed and collect the energy from the dynamo ready to use later. Our most popular cable by far is the Super-i-Cable Hope this info helps, if you have any other questions I will be happy to answer them for you.