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241  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Jones Loop H-Bar vs. aerobars questions on: August 07, 2013, 09:26:55 AM
I tried the Titec H bar setup. Liked them but just like the Jones H bars they don't have enough room on the grip ends to properly mount conventional brake and shift levers. Can't believe they didn't add a little more length to the grip area to do it right. The loop bars look intriguing but a little pricey and they have enough space on the grip portion to mount brake and shift levers.
242  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Suspended/flexible seat post vs. Fully on: July 29, 2013, 07:24:54 AM
Thudbuster LT works well for me in conjunction with a Brooks B-17 saddle. Comfort in the saddle with the efficiency of a hardtail. One of the top rated products on

243  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Hub dynamo and electronics thread. on: July 27, 2013, 01:41:47 PM
This looks like a good deal for a nice Dynamo hub (probably sp) and an exposure revo light:
244  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Hub dynamo and electronics thread. on: July 27, 2013, 11:24:41 AM
This is a discussion on the Exposure Revo light and a few posts give some good information on other topics.
245  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Hub dynamo and electronics thread. on: July 25, 2013, 09:52:21 PM
Here is a good web page that talks about hub dynamos, bottle dynamos, solar panels, batteries and converters:
246  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Hub dynamo and electronics thread. on: July 24, 2013, 09:18:13 PM
An interesting article (if you are a geek!) on smartphone power consumption:
247  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Hub dynamo and electronics thread. on: July 24, 2013, 08:36:26 AM
I've got a SON 28 on the Fargo, with an e-Werk, for topping up Exposure Diablo, or the 800, or phone - one device at a time as required, no USB hub to reduce current and to keep the whole setup as simple and uncomplicated (read reliable) as possible. It needs to survive a heavy downpour and freezing overnight conditions to be reliable, and I don't want to be fussing over miles of cables and connectors.

Still deciding if I'll kit up the fat with a power system.

I hear you on the reliability and simplicity aspect! Your system sounds really nice. My problem was (is) using stuff I had and going on a budget. My old Garmin 60csx is AA battery powered so when you plug in the USB cable to run it, it has to come off a cache battery. The old smartphone I use simply as a music player is not waterproof but hey it still works. My cygolite charges with a usb cord too so hence the hub.
I am thinking of going with a anker cache battery with a dual usb output so I can eliminate the USB hub and some wires.
How do you recharge you phone or don't you mess with one?
It use to be the endurance bike packer went with everything battery powered but now it looks like internal batteries and a dynamo hub might be the way to go.

248  Forums / Question and Answer / Hub dynamo and electronics thread. on: July 22, 2013, 11:08:42 AM
There seems to be a lot of interest in hub dynamos and their related electronic questions. I have recently jumped on board and now have a hub dynamo, and converter box along with lots of wires! icon_biggrin

Here are a couple of pics of my set up. I am still learning but so far it is working although I am sure it will change over time.

My biggest questions are the electric draw of the various devices and the actual output of the hub once it is run through the converter plus the losses one incurs?? Also what is everyone else using for hub, converter etc??

249  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TD`13 Race Discussion on: July 06, 2013, 07:17:29 AM
I hope everyone is watching Sara Dallman's amazing finish!  She just pulled an all-nighter and has passed the 3 she caught a day or so ago.  Incredible riding!

I was instrumental in teaching her that technique as she passed me right before Pie Town last year!
250  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide over 60 division thread. on: July 05, 2013, 10:16:08 AM
Just when I thought Kent had pulled too far away from James for him to catch up, I look at their trackers and James is now just a few miles back!
251  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TD`13 Race Discussion on: July 05, 2013, 08:49:07 AM
I really want to know how Billy Rice was able to get through a closure when no one else has been able to??? Anyone know?

Good old fashioned ground work. He worked on his own to get a permit to go through the closed areas. Perseverance, planning and making things happen are suppose to be a huge part of the TD!
252  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TD`13 Race Discussion on: July 05, 2013, 07:53:26 AM
It looks like Billy Rice will be the only rider to complete the regular course AND in both directions!
253  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide over 60 division thread. on: June 30, 2013, 03:43:25 PM
Kent's lead is now around 42 miles over James. James seems to fall back then make a big push to catch up. Will that continue?
254  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TD`13 Race Discussion on: June 30, 2013, 12:03:48 PM
If my math is correct Mike Hall was 29 hours 29 minutes faster to Abiquiu than JP. That is the last point where both Mike and Jay shared the same route.
255  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TD`13 Race Discussion on: June 29, 2013, 04:27:19 PM
See that Billy Rice, our favorite YoYo is in Colorado, passing folks like he hasn't don't this already this year. Admiration.

So how many more people will Billy pass before the end of the race??

And huge props to Mike Hall for doing the unthinkable! Talk about raising the bar. How many people on the planet could seriously challenge what he has laid down?
256  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TD`13 Race Discussion on: June 28, 2013, 09:37:24 AM
Jack Brennan, race director of Tour of the Gila and proprietor of Gila Hike & Bike phoned me yesterday to say they had ordered a Welsh flag to fly at the shop in Mike's honor. I'm happy to see Mike stopped in this morn. If that flag could make it down to AW somehow, hoisting it above the port is just the kind of stunt our border guard friend Tim would have fun with.

Good luck getting it to AW before Mike arrives!
257  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TD`13 Race Discussion on: June 28, 2013, 07:49:21 AM
  Enjoyed visiting with Prentiss when he spent the is another photo of him at Montana High Country Lodge.

You missed the most important part. His shoes!!!
258  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TD`13 Race Discussion on: June 28, 2013, 07:38:41 AM
Love the flat pedals!  Is he riding SS?  I couldn't tell from the pic.
Yes. Last year he rode a much bigger gear. I don't know how much he walked but he must of worn out his Converse shoes!
259  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TD`13 Race Discussion on: June 28, 2013, 07:37:25 AM
The most epic battle of all! James Hodges has retaken the 60 plus division lead over Kent Davidson!
260  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TD`13 Race Discussion on: June 28, 2013, 07:33:46 AM
I can't believe that some asshat texted Eric. Unbelievable. it's one thing to respond when a sponsor bursts into a forum to promote questionable services, but it's something else entirely to text a racer like that. As Matthew has often said, it's better to keep the online world out of the race--which is possible if a racer chooses not to surf the web, but not if some idiot intrudes by texting, calling, etc.

Hopefully Eric will track down the number after the race and expose the jackass.

Here's hoping that Eric will take the high road and not respond. Speaking from experience focusing on the negative has never worked for me!
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