Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2017 - race discussion thread
on: June 18, 2017, 03:26:52 PM
I'm on FB a good bit. I still think forums are important and consider this particular forum a better source of information about different races. If I had to make an analogy it would be this forum is the Chilton manual and FB is the magazine. FB is going to appeal to a broader audience, a more general audience, because that is what is there. To me this forum is the racers' forum.
In the end, things change. I don't think FB necessary has to supplant this forum nor should it. It's just another medium. There are plenty of racers who post there and don't do calls anymore. It's just part of inevitable change. That said, I still tell people if you want to get deeper insight into the the race then Bikepacking.net is the place to come do that.