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281  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR 2013 Planning on: January 25, 2013, 06:09:49 PM
What kind of Aguamira are you guys talking about? The tablets, drops or the really small filters?
I'm a huge fan of this stuff, always seems to work for me!
282  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR 2013 Planning on: January 25, 2013, 01:49:23 AM
sorry for all the questions. Finally starting to study the map.

As far as AZT Passage 10, the GPX shows that you cross Catalina HWY and eventually get back on the azt then detour around Pusch Ridge wilderness by way of Catalina HWY. Is this the route for reasons to ride more single track or is taking the first right on the road an option. I Just need clarification as it seems like such a small portion. However I'm always up for more trail riding then road as CO285 scarred me last summer!

283  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR 2013 Planning on: January 24, 2013, 10:36:17 PM

yes you could skip the filter--I usually use a filter on multi-days but never felt the need for one on 300 or 750, that said there are a few times when you may need the aquamire-- so one could make use of a filter if inclined......

Good deal then, I'm leavin the filter at home and going to bring the Aquamira.

Question about Tucson: say I need some help from a bike shop. does any one reccomend a shop close to Broadway thats not to far west?
284  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR 2013 Planning on: January 24, 2013, 05:14:58 PM
Yah all I used was a MSR Hyperflow at Trough Springs last year. I was so desperate at that point though I almost just dunked my head in and started drinking. I looked on the ATA's water source info and it says it is dry right now. Do you know if it is just because it's winter time Tim?

Could I get away with not bringing a filter. I'm Currently in the process of figuring out my water sources but could I get away with using Aquamira?
285  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR 2013 Planning on: January 24, 2013, 12:28:47 AM
Thanks for the info, did you only use a filter?
286  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: CTR 2013 Planning on: January 23, 2013, 10:47:42 PM
I would have to agree with Dan and TrutRider. I mostly remember the climbs, and that is the main reason I will be on my Stumpy HT 29er this year. Last year I biked the CT on my Trek Fuel ex 9.8 it was great but pro pedal only does so much!
287  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: CTR 2013 Direction and Start Time. on: January 19, 2013, 11:43:51 AM
Well it looks like date and times are set on the the site! I'm really looking forward to the race this year! I love the idea of starting in town to spread people out!

Thanks to Joey and Stefan!

288  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: CTR 2013 Direction and Start Time. on: January 18, 2013, 03:05:32 PM
I say 10pm start time Saturday, it’s not like your going to sleep the night before anyways. The slower riders don’t have to kill themselves to make it to Silverton, but making it a bit more strategic for the fast riders!
289  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR 2013 Planning on: January 18, 2013, 02:00:15 PM
Assuming you mean you want a paper map to back up your electronic device.

You could just print pages off of the screen.

What I have done is make photo copies of the off road atlas pages that I need.

I find these Atlas book maps to be the best scale for trip planning, off course travel and just seeing where I am. A true USGS Topo map is usually 7.5 minutes and great for foot travel.

You should be able to get a close enough if not spot on location for water sources.

Yes a hard copy. Ill have to take a look at your link.


290  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR 2013 Planning on: January 17, 2013, 07:15:28 PM
Just got basecamp too, I like how you can use it with google earth! even with a etrex 30 I still want to get a topo map where I can mark water points! any suggestions?

Getting Excited thumbsup



291  Forums / Bikepacking / Re: Did you get out and bikepack lately? with weekly updates on: November 09, 2012, 11:07:27 AM
Thanks CCB, It was a blast glad someone can enjoy my blog haha! Cant wait for my next trip, to bad the snow is moving in for good! Its a love, hate kinda thing!
292  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: CTR 2013 Planning on: November 08, 2012, 11:13:51 PM
Anybody thinking of how different it will be going in reverse, looks like that is the plan!

The website says Durango to Denver? Do You have any inside info to report this being true?
293  Forums / Bikepacking / Re: Did you get out and bikepack lately? with weekly updates on: November 08, 2012, 10:49:38 PM
hey guys, My buddy and I did the Kokopelli's Trail last week Check out my Trip Report here:
294  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR 2013 Planning on: October 02, 2012, 08:11:15 PM
wow! so did Kurt Run that section last year icon_biggrin?
295  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR 2013 Planning on: October 02, 2012, 06:04:03 PM
wow, the full 750 involves carrying your bike? Can't your ride around the Canyon??? or is that completely out of the question?

On another note;I might be making my way out to Arizona sooner then later! any good maps out there or website suggestions you might have of at least the azt 300! thanks again!

296  Forums / Bikepacking / Re: Did you get out and bikepack lately? on: October 01, 2012, 10:50:08 AM
Hey, wassup, lads?! You guys were tearing the trail a new one...good on ya! I forgot your names but will always recall your zeal as you guys blew by me. Hope it was a great ride for ya. Cheers : )

Yeah! I'm Neil, and my partner was mike aswell! Right after we saw you we got stuck in a nice storm up on the monarch crest! Either way we finished in 10 day and enjoyed every bit of it! Going to test my luck in the ctr next year! It was really good to see a fellow bikepacker we only ran into another couple near Sargents Mesa! Glad you ha fun out there! 

297  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR 2013 Planning on: September 30, 2012, 08:15:09 PM
Whats the situation with snakes and scorpions? not a fan of either! Any encounters, I plan on using a bivy and dont want these guys all over me at night! any other encounter of wildlife on the trail?


298  Forums / Bikepacking / Re: Did you get out and bikepack lately? on: September 30, 2012, 06:36:00 PM

Yes, snapped a handful, CCB. Had plenty of disposable time at a touring pace. I did the CT Foundation's wilderness detours, took rest days, had ridiculous amounts of solo fun. Bolted from Silverton to Durango (via Old Lime Creek Road and 250) to miss impending bad weather...later grabbed a shuttle back up to Molas Pass to ride the last 75 miles of trail. Spent 18 days from the start to Durango including 3.5 rest days; 2.5 days from Molas Pass to Durango.

Not feeling the ride report mojo at all. Happy just to have done it with great memories of awesome riding and meeting up with a few great people. Sometimes that's enough.


PS: Big ups to Salida Bicycle Company, Absolute Bikes in Salida, and Avalanche Cafe in Silverton. Fine establishments manned by people who go beyond the call.

You wouldn't be Mike would you? If so I think we ran into you on the CT just before HWY 50?
299  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR 2013 Planning on: September 28, 2012, 08:17:36 PM
FS is my call too but plenty of people finish this race on all kinds of bikes.

Well then, I do want to compete as best as I can but I think Ill try them both out this winter when I come visit!
300  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR 2013 Planning on: September 27, 2012, 07:37:32 PM
noted- bring a extra care for the tires! oh and long socks....does the catclaw die off? how is it in April?

Cool well I'm going to make a trip mid winter and kinda work around the weather! The first 30 miles and maybe the last bit too! any other good sections that are accessible and good section to ride!

Any other things i should know about? I've been reading last years "azt 300/750" thread. good info, especially on water and Route! is everthing the same as least year in terms of route?

Also what bikes do you guys use? i have a trek fuel ex 9.8 120mm front and rear & a Specialized Stumpjumper comp carbon ht 29er! I love both bikes it seems as if its more of a FS trail, am i wrong?

Thanks again!
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