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321  Forums / Bikepacking / Re: Tour DIvide 2011 Video on: December 02, 2011, 09:17:42 AM
Super cool movie! I enjoyed this every bit as much as I did Ride the Divide. (Seems more authentic not coming from career documentarians.)

Bravo on JP's ride, and your fine video production thumbsup Thanks for posting it.

322  Forums / Bikepacking / Re: What's up at Carousel Designs? on: October 20, 2011, 10:57:47 AM
Thanks for the scoop, matty. I did get the gist of some transitions there, so I've tried to be patient. It's been several months since I ordered.

I have no issue with small businesses having problems. It happens. That said, there is no excuse for being out of touch for weeks regarding an item that's months behind delivery schedule. Quality product aside, this kind of inaction hurts businesses.

323  Forums / Bikepacking / What's up at Carousel Designs? on: October 12, 2011, 09:33:48 AM
Anybody had any communication with Jeff B. or Carousel?

My custom pack is well overdue and not getting any response from them after trying a couple of times in the last two weeks.

Thanks for any info.

324  Forums / Bikepacking / Re: First time pitching a tarp in the wild on: April 24, 2011, 12:17:25 PM
Like the set-up using the bike. Creativity's a plus...thinking beyond the standard configs based on terrain/features. Right away I'm eyeing the rock wondering about a more wind-sheltered setup.

Foam sleeping pads rock.

Why use a ground sheet with a bivy bag? To my thinking any bivy bag worth the description is totally waterproof. For that matter, you don't need the overhead tarp either...

Just ribbin' ya, tarp shelters are great for hanging out, and they're fun to build. I'm digging my Black Diamong Bipod bivy, with or without stakes. Virtually no setup, coffin footprint. Still, a small tarp is nice for those lazy days or when you need respite from the sun. I'd run a small one even with a bivy bag, depending.

Stay stoked!
325  Forums / Bikepacking / Re: bikepacking with flat pedals/shoes on: April 24, 2011, 07:48:25 AM
Used these shoe covers on 5.10 Impacts in hours of driving rain--no issues, completely dry:

A good alternative to permanent waterproofing (read permanent de-ventilating).
326  Forums / Routes / Re: 2 weeks of touring AZ!! Any thoughts? on: March 28, 2011, 10:55:42 AM

FWIW, I echo goyo's sentiment about temperatures. I would not want spend any more time than necessary below 5K' at that time of year. Individual tolerance to heat applies, of course.

I've had mixed experience with the natives on reservations--from sharing a beer with me to having bottles thrown at me. Mostly it's been positive interaction. Not much help there, maybe except to say the reservation experience is a little more raw than elsewhere.

Good luck with your great adventure.

327  Forums / Routes / Oakridge to NF Willamette/N Umpqua lollipop on: March 28, 2011, 10:32:20 AM
Hi, spokers,

First post after some lurking. Great site, good vibe thumbsup

Just became aware of the great riding east of Eugene, and looking at a section of the Oregon 3 Rivers from and back to Oakridge. Basically taking the chunk of the ride southeast of Oakridge.

I've gotten a few bikepacking trips in--pretty sure I can ride this 180-mile lolli in 4-5 days and have fun. Looking for advice on trail conditions and logistics:

Any reason why I couldn't leave my car somewhere in Oakridge or at an appropriate trailhead and ride car to car?

When are these trails considered "in season"? My window begins now, and ideally I'd do it sooner rather than later. Snowpack? Mud? Closures? Other considerations?

On my list to contact: Bike aficionados at Willamette Mountain Mercantile; local BLM and FS ranger offices. I imagine the local page at will have knowledgeable participants.

Thanks in advance for any informational nuggets!


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