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41  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR 2022 Announcements on: March 02, 2022, 09:51:17 PM
Hey Randall,
Sorry, my notices went to spam and I didn't see this until now, but Mike is on it. I should hire him. gpx tracks are posted on the website. No major changes so far. One change is for the 800 north of Flagstaff. Another section of singletrack opened on Babbitt Ranch before the winter closed things down up there. The track now stays straight at Cedar Tank, then turns north to the forest boundary where it picks up the trail. There have also been 3 smaller re-routes near Sunflower, just before reaching Sycamore Creek. I hear the next project in the area will focus on the north side of AZ87 to add singletrack and eliminate a bunch of jeep road riding. Could be finished this spring as it's going out to bid soon. The ATA always has projects in the works and as I get updated gpx files, the 300 and/or 800 will get updated. Check the website regularly for the latest version.

You'll also see a Legacy AZT to Patagonia gpx track posted. This is for anyone who may not make it through the private ranch land before sunset, but wants to keep moving or someone who starts an ITT at an odd time where it affects the sunrise to sunset only access of the ranch land. Either route is acceptable for the race, but know the legacy route is longer, slower and more difficult. You'd be wise to take the new trail and get through the ranch property in daylight, it's great riding. For reference, it's the final 2 miles or so of the route before it reaches the SR82 underpass, roughly miles 52.5 to 54.5.
42  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR 2022 Announcements on: December 04, 2021, 10:00:36 PM
Well said, Tim.

In the original post I now have the rider limit set at 60. That's a combined total for both the 300 & 800. Registration will open on September 20, 2022 around 7a Arizona local time. As mentioned, a link will be posted here, the AZTR website and the Facebook AZTR page. Put a notification on your phone. I was a bit surprised it didn't fill up this year, next year could be different. The Stagecoach400 registration recently opened and it filled within hours!! Anyone's guess.

Also as mentioned, ITT's are always welcome and don't apply to the 60 rider limit. All I ask is if you're going to do an ITT, do it any day except the day of the Grand Depart. So please don't plan an ITT a few hours before or after the Grand Depart. Day early or later is fine. Personally, I prefer the 300 in the spring, but in a effort to spread out the users and resource allocations, the Grand Depart will remain in the fall. In 2021, we had 41 spring ITTs spread over 6 weeks or so.

Welcome and happy planning!!
43  Forums / Ultra Racing / AZTR Rules Carousel on: November 23, 2021, 04:46:15 PM
Hey gang!! Too early to start thinking about 2022's Grand Depart? Heck no!! Grand Depart: Thursday, October 20th, 2022 - 7a local.

So, the obvious change: The 300 and 800 will both start from border monument 103, same day, same time.

How can this be when it couldn't happen this year? The rider limit has been lowered. It's now a combined rider limit of 60. *There were less than 50 for the Grand Depart this year. As always, ITTs are highly encouraged. Who doesn't like following dots over a longer period of time? In the future, if demand warrants it, I'll revisit the start logistics.

The other change is moving the start date up one week to the 3rd Thursday in October. I think this year's finish times give a good idea of the pacing for the 800 and I'd rather not have riders finishing well into November. The main goal is to give riders the best opportunity to ride the AZT on the North Rim.

Website has been updated & gpx files disabled (always available in the yearly archive folders).

The only route changes for 2022 should be ATA projects.

I expect another good crop of spring ITTs, perhaps I'll give it another go without a blizzard this time!! Keep the AZT stoke alive!!
44  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR: Fall 2021 Race Discussion on: November 13, 2021, 12:06:19 PM
Yes, all three finished last night around 11p.  headbang

That leaves one lone 800 rider out on route, Jesse is making his way up to Mt. Peeley.
45  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR: Fall 2021 Race Discussion on: November 13, 2021, 09:24:08 AM
Did Alexandera and Zack finish with Jolly?

Trying to get confirmation on that. I'd assume so...
46  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR: Fall 2021 Race Discussion on: November 10, 2021, 10:52:20 AM
Hopefully our three riders at the South Rim can snag some camping permits for tonight. Meanwhile, down south, Jesse Reyna has un-scratched. He lost his tracker on day 1 and we were able to get him another in Kelvin. He's singlespeeding the 800. He had gone off route to have his knee looked at, probably cost him a couple days, but he's still at it.
47  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR: Fall 2021 Race Discussion on: November 07, 2021, 10:03:49 AM
Considering the reported trail conditions, the Moving Average Speeds of everyone seem fast.
In 2016 Neil B's was ~6.2 mph.  Nate was 7.0 mph and the 800'ers still moving at present are 6.2 mph or faster

Interesting. That's impressive considering the removal of so many paved miles - Tonto Basin, North Rim in particular. I'll be curious to see if a 7 day finish in the 750 is on par with a 9 day finish on the 800.

That's great news re: Alexandera, I just saw her tracker update as well.
48  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR: Fall 2021 Race Discussion on: November 07, 2021, 07:48:33 AM
I've reached out to a few people, but so far no word from Alexandera. Hopefully, it's just dead SPOT batteries. I'll assume no news is good news for now.

Meanwhile, Chase knocked out the Canyon portage over night!! She's been killing it out there, so stoked to see her dot at Stateline soon!! Joe D. should be dropping in today and Brad Kee seems to be on a mission, pulling an all-nighter last night. Perhaps setting himself up for a good rest tonight, then huge final push to the end??
49  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR: Fall 2021 Race Discussion on: November 02, 2021, 01:23:21 PM
Here's a fantastic AZTR race report by Eszter over at
50  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR: Fall 2021 Race Discussion on: November 02, 2021, 10:31:16 AM
Taylor, thanks for the update and also glad you found a suitable ride for your time in the desert.

We have our first 800 rider in the Canyon!! Go, Garrett, GO!!

The 800 field keeps slimming down, but a solid crew is crankining northbound. Looks like Nate hit the Goldridge descent in the 0-dark-30 hours before sunrise today. Chase should get through it in daylight.

The final couple of riders on the 300 will reach Picketpost in a few hours, gutty effort out there to all!!

I'll start getting the results posted later today.
51  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR: Fall 2021 Race Discussion on: October 31, 2021, 06:41:21 PM
FYI: Adam Hale's SPOT batteries had died, he recently pinged so perhaps another rider gave him some spares??
52  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR: Fall 2021 Race Discussion on: October 31, 2021, 06:37:32 PM
An interesting turn of events for those two, good for them respecting the closure time. John or Scott, wouldn't the riding more AZT clause have allowed them to continue north from Ptown and rejoined at Hog canyon. It can't be faster and if it makes it possible for someone to continue in active mode it would possibly ensure that riders aren't tempted to push the closure time.

Scott & I were discussing exactly this. Going forward, riders will have the option to stay on the legacy AZT to Patagonia, then SR82 to Hog Canyon (new singletrack when complete) if they are up against the sunset closure of the route. It's tougher & longer, so no time advantage there. Similar to the CTR and the Leadville bypass. We heard folks from Patagonia will continue to maintain the legacy section of AZT.
53  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR: Fall 2021 Race Discussion on: October 30, 2021, 10:31:55 PM
Hey all,
Just got home from a few days down south.

To answer some questions:
Garrett turned around in the Goldfields because he was having trouble navigating the singletrack turns in the waning light. Too bad because where he turned around the singletrack was done!! He's making great progress north now.

The two fellas that are currently white dots took the old AZT route into Patagonia because they weren't going to make the sunset cutoff on the new section of singletrack that leads across private ranch land. They then scratched, but wanted their trackers to remain active while they toured around.

Kurt reported 2008 conditions on Oracle Ridge!! Fun!!

We should have a batch of riders reaching Picketpost tomorrow. Some solid times being thrown down in spite of the rough conditions. Although Scott and I rode some AZT today near Colossal Cave and had a difficult time finding catclaw. Hmmm. Smiley

Also, I've been compiling some photos, pretty much all from Thursday here: 2021 AZTR
54  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR: Fall 2021 Race Discussion on: October 27, 2021, 08:41:01 AM
Any word on Miron? In the other thread Scott mentioned he was targeting 48 hours... hopefully everything is ok with him.

I believe he's scratching since he wasn't on a 48 hour pace.
55  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR: Fall 2021 Race Discussion on: October 27, 2021, 07:56:50 AM
A few more 300 ITT dots got going this morning, Jason & Jennifer Hanson & Melissa Ross.
56  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR: Fall 2021 Race Discussion on: October 27, 2021, 07:56:06 AM
Here are this year's Rigs of the AZTR
57  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR: Fall 2021 Race Discussion on: October 26, 2021, 11:54:43 AM
Here are Tim's pics from Stateline, the finish to the 800 is a bit more rowdy this year!!

58  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR: Fall 2021 Race Discussion on: October 26, 2021, 07:09:41 AM
Another 300 rider starting this morning in the wee hours, Miron has now crossed into the west Canelo Hills.
59  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR: Fall 2021 Race Discussion on: October 25, 2021, 09:08:57 AM
Boulder Creek shouldn't be too bad, the ATA had a crew up there for an entire week trimming and doing tread repair. The section I rode was probably better than some of the stuff he's been on already. Not sure about the stuff on the west side of 87 by Sunflower, but at least Goldridge is clear.
60  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR: Fall 2021 Race Discussion on: October 25, 2021, 06:50:29 AM
Let's get some AZTR chatter going, Garrett has been out on the 800 route since Wed. He took a motel night in Kearny last night and is back on route as the sun comes up today. Should be a nice day along the Gila.

Follow the dots here:

Looking forward to sending everyone north on Thursday morning. It's been a long time coming, almost 2 1/2 years since the last Grand Depart. Lots of changes to the route since 2019. Let's hope the snow holds off up north and the riders get to experience the full AZT all the way to Stateline...including a gap jump at the finish?? Hopefully, AZTtripper will post some of those pics!!
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