Hi, I'm Matt. I live a carfree lifestyle in San Francisco, CA.
Most of my experience which could be considered quite novice is bikepacking and backpacking in marin county via the goldengate bridge bike, bus, or Ferry. Some of my regular places are the Marin Headlands, Angel island, China Camp, Camp Taylor and Point Reyes. I usually travel a little heavier as I carry a gear for two. My soon to be 7 year old son Keshiro "Keni" has been accompanying me since he was 4. I'm inspired by so many of the threads with these huge treks on them. I'm looking forward to a solo trip this spring (maybe with a friend Just only carrying gear for one). Not a lot of long single tracks I know of to get from point a-b camping here but, lots of fire roads. I'm leary of barreling through single track with my posion oak allergy anyways. I'm always contorting around it just hiking. So far I've pick up some great gear tips here to lighten things up and transport gear better.
I'm just not about to give up the tent though. Ahh bugs on my face!!
He is a pic of us on a backpacking trip at Point Reyes taking at medow divide. We rode the first 3 miles hiked in the last 2.
http://img196.imageshack.us/i/dsc02688rn.jpg/Sorry imageshack has been a pain lately.