Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Arizona Trail 300 Update Thread
on: April 13, 2009, 06:32:32 PM
congrats to chris and the rest of the fellas. if you've ever seen Chris's quads in person you might think 32x20 was under geared.
Amen to that. All I ever saw on his blog was pictures of his ugly face. Then when I stayed with him before the CTR and went on a ride with him it was like riding with a different person. Same skinny face, but with massive tree trunk quads. Dude is STRONG!
Forums / Question and Answer / Re: AZT Questions
on: April 13, 2009, 10:33:33 AM
Water question. Did you even bring a filter? It seems like there are spigots at camp grounds and in towns. What is the minimum recommendation for water capacity?
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Arizona Trail 300 Update Thread
on: April 13, 2009, 10:28:42 AM
Man this has been such a great race! There are a few of us that are stoked to try an attempt in the fall. I don't know what was more exciting, watching the SPOT or Paris-Roubaix yesterday. What a great weekend!
To those others who are still out there, keep it up! We're cheering you on just as hard!
Forums / Question and Answer / Re: AZT Questions
on: April 08, 2009, 03:01:11 PM
Ok, thanks!
Let me ask a simple question. What map would I need to buy? I'm not much of a GPS person but I would still carry it. I'd like to have a map as a back-up.
You'd be more than welcome to join me if you wanted. It'll probably be me and 2 other strong riders making it out there next year. Maybe just me though.
Forums / Question and Answer / Re: AZT Questions
on: April 08, 2009, 02:50:59 PM
AWESOME! I thought I was gonna have to sleep like the dogs. In France last summer I had to sleep on the ground 1 night out of 3 weeks of bike touring. At one point I tried to strap the hammock up between 2 picnic tables but they just wouldn't hold.
Good to see you use the creativity that sometimes it takes to hang!
If you don't mind I'll probably be picking your brain and others more as the time goes by. I'm pretty sure I can make it out there for Thanksgiving next year. My biggest concern is the logistics from airport to trailhead back to airport.
Forums / Question and Answer / Re: AZT Questions
on: April 07, 2009, 06:48:03 PM
Ok. Thanks for the info. I REALLY want to make it out to that trail next year. I'm not sure if I have more than 4 days to give to it though. May just plan on 4 days and see where that get's me.
Forums / Question and Answer / AZT Questions
on: April 07, 2009, 09:42:02 AM
I'm trying to plan ahead for the fall of 09. I teach so I'm very limited on when I can actually travel. Is Mid November going to be to cold to do a trip on the AZT 300? I'm thinking the week of Thanksgiving. Otherwise it won't be until March of 2010. I'm thinking a 4 day trip for the whole 300.
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Chad's AZT 300
on: April 05, 2009, 09:33:38 AM
Is that the new Lynsky ti bike? Any idea what gearing he is running? Man, what a slim set-up he's got on there. I'd be interested to hear what he is carrying. It's interesting to see the different set-ups people carry based on experience and terrain.
Thanks for the updates. Positive vibes to Chad and good luck to all the 300 racers coming up! I'm going to try my darndest to make it out to the trail next year.
Forums / Bikepacking / Re: Ouachita/Womble/No Freakin Clue Trip
on: March 23, 2009, 06:41:19 AM
We sort of had a map. We used the Womble map as well as the Ouachita Race map to help with navigation. We got off the map for a while to check out other trails that we came across and ended up getting a bit lost. It wasn't that big of a deal since Arkansas isn't exactly Colorado or Alaska and we had plenty of food and shelter to get us through a couple days if we needed to.
I'm not sure on the mileage since none of us brought computers. I can say that you can easily do the Womble in one full day (loaded down with gear) and then the Ouachita is much slower and much more difficult. It's amazing how different the 2 trails were. There is a LOT more climbing on the Ouachita.
All in all I loved the trip. I wish there was more like it near Austin.