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81  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2018 Race Preparation on: February 15, 2018, 02:02:46 AM
This might be worth watching if you're worried about bears
All those with bear fears (and even those without) watch the video. It will go a long way to helping you understand the risks and what precautions you need to take. Thousands of cyclists have pedalled down the TD route and I can’t say I have heard of a single attack. Educate yourself and forget the rumours.
Enjoy the race.
82  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2018 AZTR300/750 Race Discussion Thread on: February 12, 2018, 11:58:20 PM
Hey all, the new kid on the block back in 2017 FINALLY finished his trip report.  It's long as hell, has lots of pictures, and can be found here:

Maybe it'll help get some of you lucky saps doing it in 2018, more stoked up.  Yeah, yeah, that's the ticket:  I held off finishing my trip report so it'd be ready just before this year's event.

I really hope is that Rhino's grandma doesn't read it, track me down, and throat punch me in disgust.

Wow! That took me 2 days to get through! Almost glad you didn’t get to Stateline as I have to go to work!  icon_biggrin (kidding)
Thanks for the detail though. It all helps with a rookie’s planning.
83  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2018 AZTR300/750 Race Discussion Thread on: February 05, 2018, 05:26:21 PM
Sweet! Looking forward to returning to this section. The one overwhelming memory of the trail was the sheer amount of upper body work to lift the loaded bike over so many huge deadfalls. That, and camping at the high point on what was a very cold night.

Woo Hoo! What a year to be in on the race with the full meal deal!!*

*Note: Enthusiasm may wane rapidly as the race progresses
84  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2018 AZTR300/750 Race Discussion Thread on: January 23, 2018, 08:25:24 PM
What issues did you guys deal with Rhino?
His Grandma had to carry his bike for him...... Wink
85  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2018 AZTR300/750 Race Discussion Thread on: January 17, 2018, 02:18:41 PM
I posted this in another forum and thought I might post it here to get a few more responses.
For events like the AZTR and the CTR, what would be a better choice in bikes, the Salsa Spearfish or the Horsethief? I am looking at racing them not this year but soon and just want to make a good decision that I won't regret later on. I have ridden them both for a few hours on a demo before and really liked both of them. I have never raced a route before but am really looking forward to it, I have just toured a few and never for as long as the AZT300 or the 750. How are these bikes going to feel day after day. Is there even a clear winner or is more of your personal choice. I can see that the trend of longer travel bikes is becoming a thing with Jesse Jakomait setting the CTR record on a GT sensor which is not an ultralight rig which says that these races can be done many different ways still be very competitive.

Heath, I am grappling with the same dilemma for this year’s race. Which bike? For me it is between Full sus or hardtail. Clearly, any of these races can be done on any bike (see El Freako setting a new SS record and 2nd overall last year on a SS hardtail) so the way I see it is the factor most affecting bike choice is YOU. Is it going to be your only bike after the race? If so, the Spearfish is very short travel, could you live with that as a daily ride? (Must admit, I love the look of the Spearfish but they are mucho $$ here in Australia) The other part of the argument is “can I live with the bike during tthe race”? This is important as these races are almost all mental and if you are hating your bike after a few days it will just add to the weight of things driving you to quit and you definitely don’t need to add to that list!
This is my ideal setup but realistically, I will be on my hardtail at this stage. Good luck with your decision. Wink
86  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2018 AZTR300/750 Race Discussion Thread on: January 16, 2018, 02:48:26 AM
IMO you will appreciate the B+ in many of the remote section enough to make them worthwhile. If your are doing the sleepdep racer thing skinner or taller could be faster.
That is what I am thinking but the sleep dep racer keeps whispering in my ear....

I run nothing but 27.5+ or 29+ on my bikes out here and have actually had far fewer tire issues with the + setups vs. back when I ran standard 29" or 26" tires.. does anyone even remember those little things?

To further my point, I just recently replaced the 29+ Chupacabra tire on the rear of my Stache which I put on the week prior to last year's AZT300 that probably had around 1500 miles on it since then with 0 issues, and the front tire is still going strong!

Having said that I will most certainly have an irreparable tire failure 15 miles into the Canellos this year  laughing5

You are royally screwed for flats now!
But I do appreciate both of your “on the ground” insights re the + size option. I will try some 2.8s on during training and see how they roll. Cheers.
87  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2018 AZTR300/750 Race Discussion Thread on: January 09, 2018, 07:36:09 PM
It's worth trying a pair of 29er rims and tires in your B+er. You may just need a wheel set.

Unfortunately it has a lefty on it (Beast of the East 1) and I can't use my dyno hubbed ex-TD 29er wheelset, hence thinking of a new rig.

I've used my trusty Kona Unit 29er on the TD, several of the Western Canada bikepacking races, and lots of training rides.  It's hard to tell how much mileage is on the thing.  I've replaced just about everything except the seat post and handlebars.  Solid little bike!

Does that include the frame? I actually already have a 29er Unit set up just like yours but it is getting on for 10 years old and I have seen at least two cases of frame failure right behind the head tube on two bikes used for bikepacking. It looks like the new version gets a tapered head tube and some reworking of the head tube bracing - plus a 1x11 setup. I understand that it can take 29" wheels but am still searching for any reports on how well it takes the conversion before I commit.

Speaking of commitment, my leave has been approved today so it ooks like I am in for the 750 for 2018!! I really need to get cracking with my preparation. About all I have done so far is join the ATA......... :0
88  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2018 AZTR300/750 Race Discussion Thread on: January 08, 2018, 04:29:22 PM

I ride 650b+ (on front at least) & forgo any suspension.

Geek, I guess what I am really asking is would it just be plain stupid to add extra potential for technical issues or the extra drag of plus tyres? I think I know the answer to my own question but my problem is I sold my Ti Lynskey 29er a while back for a 27.5+ hardtail and I don’t “really” want to buy a new (or secondhand) bike just for this race. (Ok, I really do but I may be pushing the n+1 thing for the 12 month period! I like the look of the new Kona Unit as a cheap steel ride Wink ) What would Rhino’s grandmother ride....?
89  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2018 AZTR300/750 Race Discussion Thread on: January 08, 2018, 04:23:08 PM

Aren't you the one that said "half the game is 90% mental"   ; -)

I think it went “this race is 90% mental. The other 10% is........mental”. Wink
90  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2018 AZTR300/750 Race Discussion Thread on: November 30, 2017, 05:04:53 AM
Sounds like a good time. Who else is in for the full 750?
I have my leave application in with work and it is looking good but I won’t have confirmation until early January. Plenty of time.........!
I only have to source a bike, specialized gear and the route knowledge, oh and a bucketload of fitness in the next 4 months....... I am not planning on winning the thing, just getting along as briskly as I can. I also plan to take in some more of the route/experience than I did in the 2015 TD so all out speed won’t be my main priority. Looking forward to it!
91  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2018 AZTR300/750 Race Discussion Thread on: August 18, 2017, 08:28:12 PM
Yes, Scott, thank you!! And just my .02 worth.....if you don't plan on following the exact route and/or the "rules", please don't take a spot(haha, no pun intended) from someone that is planning on following the route and or the "rules". This could matter as the race fills up closer to 75.
The "just turned up for a pedal" riders probably make up 70-80% of the field in any bikepacking race but really, how do you tell who is more worthy of a gurnsey though? I am hoping to race it as a mid pack amatuer, following all the rules and not giving up. If I miss out on a place in the grand depart I will be a bit disappointed but really, an ITT a day either side is just as good. Having done a GD on the TD a few years back I realise it is about the trail and you. Not the trail and other racers.
If the race has to stay low profile to ensure it's survival, so be it.
92  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2018 AZTR300/750 Race Discussion Thread on: August 16, 2017, 04:24:26 PM
You're definitely going to want front suspension at the least for the AZT haha
Would a "plus" size tyre bike be an advantage from a ride quality point of view or would the tyres be too succeptible to punctures? I understand the trail is very hard on tyres. Do many AZ locals roll plus tyres in their general riding?
93  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2018 AZTR300/750 Race Discussion Thread on: August 16, 2017, 04:21:34 AM
Hi guys, just jumping in and saying HI Smiley I am an Aussie who will be making the trip over next year. I am hoping to make it for the race, but if not, I'm definitely doing the ride the trail next year... Timing of my ride will depend on time-off work and a few other things. But, I thought I'd get in early with the planning and all and start following these threads, as bike packing is completely new to me Smiley Cheers. Mel

Hey Mel. I am planning on an attempt next year as well, subject to leave approval. Good luck with the training and prep! Where on Oz are you?
94  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: + Size Hardtail 27+ or 29+ on: August 16, 2017, 04:13:06 AM
I really like the look of the Fuse. Shame it doesn't come in Ti.
95  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2017 - race discussion thread on: July 03, 2017, 05:12:22 PM
For those not keen on Facebook, this was posted earlier by Bonnie:

"Hello my friends! I ask that what is shared here in this private group remain in this group. Here is an update to what's occurring behind the scenes. Matthew Lee has requested that ALL Tour Divide related groups on Facebook be closed. He has directly asked David Chirnside and myself to close our respective groups and he will be addressing all others. The reason he has given is because he wants to turn TD back into an "underground event". While I don't believe that is possible in part due to the world wide spread of the exceptional documentary on NetFlix, features in Outside magazine etc, I still unequivocally support the race and therefore the race director, especially in light of pressing interest by the local governments and forestry services, not to mention liability and environmental concerns.
Matthew recently joined this group along with David's in order to make sure both groups closed. This group has now become simply a group of friends who love bikepacking, which happens to include the GDBMR/Great Divide MTB Route amongst other things. You may have noticed a change in the group privacy as well as an admin approval requirement for any member adds. Matthew is now no longer a member in this group."

Just my opinion but for the best I think. It worried me a bit that information/experience was being diluted and lost, not to mention the publicity element. FB access feels like it is turning it into an all too easily accessable ride/boast fest. Exhibit "A" - the plethora of white dots this year.
 Bikepacking racing is an underground sport for various reasons. To my mind the two main reasons are because of public liability/land access issues and just plain 'ol self sufficiency. You have to find this forum to find out about the race (I see Ride The Divide as a tasty tidbit to pique the adventurous's interest but really, it is still an underground film with relatively low exposure (applogies Mr Dion))

Fire away......
96  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2017 - race discussion thread on: June 25, 2017, 03:10:10 AM
looks like BS is riding into some unpleasant weather.

I am sure he would be pleased of the cooler weather and the rain might pack that sand south of Silver.
97  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2017 - race discussion thread on: June 24, 2017, 11:38:25 AM

Pay attention young fella, she bailed at Savery/Brush Mtn with [outside support?] mechanical and health issues but decided to head south and do some sightseeing.

Off topic .... why have you got one aero bar orange and one black? Were you not sure on which side of the single track you should ride on?

Ahh, ok. I am on holidays so it has been hard to follow at times, especially with info scattered all over the web.

The bar tape? A bloke's gotta have some secrets......

Congrats to Brian on a solid ride. Not that far behind the record with an arguably tougher route this year. Well done and now you can sleep!
98  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2017 - race discussion thread on: June 24, 2017, 01:35:32 AM
Brian is just coming out the other end of the Sapillo alternate. I bet he has tears of joy to replace the tears of frustration that that section invokes. That singletrack is pretty but brutal. I wonder if someone has put a cooler full of icy drinks at the end like in 2015? It was pure bliss to find those!
He will start to pull away from Josh again now.

Can you describe what the section is like that BL and JK are in?

Well, it isn't a particularly tricky section of single track but it comes at about the 2580mi mark and the last thing you need after riding 2580mi in 12-13 days is some narrow, high altitude singletrack in 100F heat, after the lonely cruelty of the Gila. NM is by far the toughest state as the excitement has well and truly worn off and you just want to get it done by this stage.

More photos and words in my blog on the whole TD route.

On another note. Lee Craigie has gone off route big-time and hasn't corrected, being currently at the base of the Indianna Pass climb. I wonder if she messed up the fire reroute or has maybe run out of time and is nailing it toward the finish?
Edit: it looks like she went off route waay back at Como. Anyone know what is going on?
99  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2017 - race discussion thread on: June 23, 2017, 06:10:58 PM
Brian is just coming out the other end of the Sapillo alternate. I bet he has tears of joy to replace the tears of frustration that that section invokes. That singletrack is pretty but brutal. I wonder if someone has put a cooler full of icy drinks at the end like in 2015? It was pure bliss to find those!
He will start to pull away from Josh again now.
100  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2017 - race discussion thread on: June 23, 2017, 04:02:11 PM
I can't figure out what Gary Johnson is doing. It appears he stayed on Hwy 26 instead of taking 515, turned back and correctly completed the 515 segment, and then instead of continuing on 26/287 took another wrong turn and is now is heading back up 26 towards the place he took the first wrong turn.

Or am I misreading the tracking info (very possible)?

No, thats how I see it. Not sure how you could get so screwed up though. It is steeply uphill going the way he is going at the moment but a sweet roll down the route to Lava Mtn lodge.
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