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Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2013
on: June 03, 2013, 05:42:49 AM
The Live Tracker does not show the Gold Dust, it has the valley route through Selkirk and then heading up instead of using the zig zag to get to Boreas Pass. I did not even know that was possible, must have a look.
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2013
on: June 02, 2013, 09:55:12 PM
Haven't heard from him in a few days. Hopefully he'll call in.
He said he was averaging 150 miles a day but that the southern parts of the ride had been really tough on his bike. He prefers an early start but because of the delay in Salida was going to keep on going tonight as far as he can. Perhaps I should mention the pass is not open yet, well the gate is closed, you can get around it. We had hardly any snow until late March, however the usual reason for delay in opening is the infighting between the various authorities as to who is going to clear it. I forgot to ask him about the Gold Dust Trail, presume it is not part of the route this year.
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2013
on: June 02, 2013, 08:58:51 PM
Billy left Como about an hour ago heading north, sorry no pictures I was not ready!
He is feeling strong but has had some major mechanical issues, spent the morning in Salida getting them fixed, said I would see him again in about 23 days!
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TD'12 Race Discussion
on: July 18, 2012, 07:37:35 PM
Unfortunately I have had 'issues', the business up here has been terrible, economy, drought, fires etc and I have been trying to keep the place going. I do have some more photos and will try and recap.
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TD'12 Race Discussion
on: July 18, 2012, 10:44:49 AM
![]( My last Grand Depart rider. Now he has an excuse, he had to fly back to Europe from Silverthorne for business and then went to England to take part in a knee deep mud race along the South Downs, back to Denver yesterday and over Boreas today. Makes me tired just typing it. I have a feeling Giorgio will not however be the last to finish.
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TD'12 Race Discussion
on: June 23, 2012, 08:41:05 PM
Silly question. How long is the race, really? Description says 2745 miles, but Ollie is at mile 2729 miles right now, and he has a heck of a lot more than 16 miles to go! I'm guessing he has another 140 miles at least which puts the race around 2880 miles. I know there are alternates, etc., but I didn't realize they added this much distance. What mile will Antelope Wells be?
I was wondering the same. I show customers the map and was asked the same question.
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TD'12 Race Discussion
on: June 23, 2012, 08:35:11 PM
![]( Max and Erik, they must be sharing the same sleeping back as the Spot just shows Max unless you can move around at the closest setting. Max was of the view that he was carrying far too much and would choose a lighter strategy for next year.
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TD'12 Race Discussion
on: June 23, 2012, 08:28:34 PM
![]( The Long Ranger just left, on his back wheel! In the dark. He thought he was chasing down Mark a few hours ahead, we looked and Mark is in Steamboat with swollen feet. ![]( Bread Pudding and Ice Cream was his choice.
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TD'12 Race Discussion
on: June 23, 2012, 10:34:32 AM
I have no idea how you could regulate teams if it was considered an issue.
Ollie and Craig cycled most of the way together, would they be a team?
I probably have had more people come in with some one else than as singles, often they have been cycling together for sometime, something happens and they break up, new groups re form. There may well be some people who start intending to cycle together, that does seem to be the exception, and unless you are on a tandem I wonder how many go the full way.
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TD'12 Race Discussion
on: June 22, 2012, 09:13:22 PM
![]( The Italian Job's, 2 beers each here. Giovanni and Danilo, tucked up upstairs, 5.00 Breakfast... Washing should be done so my turn to sign off.
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TD'12 Race Discussion
on: June 22, 2012, 09:10:22 PM
![]( I think this is Terry. Apologies if I have the name wrong. Terry decided to not rush off, they have been cycling together for a few days and will no doubt catch up again.
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TD'12 Race Discussion
on: June 22, 2012, 09:05:55 PM
![]( Georg stopped for a Coffee and sandwich, not sure what happened but he consumed my full English Breakfast ex a few baked beans. He was having mechanical problems and had to flee to Salida for repairs. He is saving his beer for the finish.
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TD'12 Race Discussion
on: June 21, 2012, 06:16:57 PM
![]( Katherine in her natural environment. Andrew arrived from the South at the same time, he had the benefit of a 20mph tail wind. Katherine would not have it so good.
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TD'12 Race Discussion
on: June 21, 2012, 06:15:43 AM
Is the race finally starting? a three mile gap between OW and CS this morning. It isn't much, but a bit more than usual... Looks like AJ had something go wrong in Gunni?
The map is misleading on names, two Gunnison's. At one level we are shown as Fairplay but if you zoom in it shows Como.