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81  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR 2013 Discussion Thread on: April 29, 2013, 03:28:36 PM
She's a Beautiful Beast.  I had a fantastic 300 even if I went a touch over 4 days.  By fantastic I mean I completed and survived no worse for the wear, except for a few tingling toes and an unexplained soreness across my sternum that makes giving and taking a hug surprisingly painful.  Total mileage came in at 318, the extra mileage mostly due to the trip to Ben’s Bikes on Houghton road to replace a badly tweaked rear brake rotor.  Big shout out to Ben for taking care of me and my bike.  If you are in Tucson, AZ or (strangely enough) Sequim, Wa you can go to Ben’s Bikes for some quality care.
Highlights for me were Completion, Completion, Completion! 
Spending some riding(or was it hiking) time with John Schilling – Great job John.  At the PP trailhead we were chatting with a couple other riders and the question asked was “would you do it again?”  I quickly responded “No”.  John replied much more wisely that he needed to, “process some things”.  I am now retracting my response and starting some processing of my own. (what if I hadn’t bent my rotor?  What if ...)

An evening up in the chunk of Reddington with Ron Thomson.  “Hey Ron, how are you going to shift with socks on your hands?”  Oh yeah single speed.  Heck of a piece of work Ron.

Hamburger at LPQ

A cold apple provided by my sister upon completion. Best apple I have ever had.

Gummy Bear trail magic climbing up the Molino HAB.

Chatting with Holt and Josiah at Picketpost.  Great job Holt, Sorry for the stomach issues Josiah, Great attitude even when you were suffering. Something magical about the fatigue when you are done.

Really cool to see John S. then later Nancy and her Partner Roll through the Finish. Singlespeeders.  You’re nuts.  Nancy, hope the cholla spines are working their way out!

Hands down was my ride up from the Gila to PP trailhead.  I rode straight through from Kannely ranch.  A 27hr stretch with barely a stop and no sleep. From the bottom of Ripsey to the Bottom of the Gila climb my right knee really started to complain. Then it miraculously got very quiet. From the bottom of the Gila Climb to the end I was out of my head.  I started climbing away from the Gila at about 4am and seemed to find legs I have never had.  I climbed, and rode like I never have.  It was incredible. Even at times when I was pushing my bike I couldn’t feel the weight of it.  It was wonderfully surreal.  I climbed into the canyon as the morning light hit the red walls and lit the place up. Really amazing.  Of the two last significant climbs, I cleaned the last (300ft gain) from bottom to top.  I probably couldn’t do it again.  Watching the clock on my gps from the bottom, at first I thought I would go under 4days no problem, then I thought it was totally out of reach, then it seemed like I might make it.  I hammered and gave it everything I had.  At one point something happened and I lost all my shifting abilities, and was riding as a single speed.  With about 2 miles to go it fixed itself.  In the end I missed the sub 4 day mark by 5 minutes. Kind of arbitrary considering a 3hr bike repair, taking pictures, etc.  Interesting that several other riders had a similar experience.

A quick apology to the riders at the bottom of the Gila climb that I rolled by at 4am.  I blurted out something about “getting myself the F**K out of there”, in a somewhat less than sunny tone of voice.  Not what you needed your sleep interrupted with.

On a last note. Although I did forget to reset my spot, I think it was actually my spot batteries dying that caused my disappearance on track leaders.  I noticed the red light flashing on the unit earlier, but on the back of the unit it says to move to a position with a better view of the sky.  At the time, I was down in the wash before Ripsey and just figured I needed to gain some elevation.  After that I kind of forgot about it. Kind of bummed me out when I called to be picked up.  I had been hoping my family and friends would have seen my nutty last night.  But that was not to be.  Next time?

Cheers all!
82  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR 2013 Discussion Thread on: April 23, 2013, 03:16:53 PM
For what it is worth, I rode through the night and barried myself trying to go under 4 days, but alas I rolled through PP at 9:05AM.  I forgot to reset my spot.  More later, I need to pass out.  Cheers.
83  Forums / Bikepacking / Re: Best Bag Company on: April 13, 2013, 01:45:04 PM
I'm using a combintaion of Revalate (viscacha set bag), and Bedrock Bags (handlebar bag with add on pouch, and custom framebag).  All are great.  Somewhat limited use, but love it all.  Fully packed I still feel comfortable riding almost everything. Both manufacturers have done a great job designing thier products.  It all stays where you want it, and is convenient to use.  Andrew at at Bedrock was easy to work with, delivered everything as discussed and was very helpful.  Highly recommend.  Cheers!
84  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR 2013 Planning on: April 03, 2013, 01:36:04 PM
Thanks Scott.  Is the 300 posted anywhere yet?
85  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR 2013 Planning on: March 28, 2013, 09:49:49 AM
Off topic but I thought it was cool.  Came across Scott M's (and Mathew Lee's) names in Inc. Magazine (March Issue Pg. 14 "Trackleaders".  Kudos and thanks to Scott and Mathew.  Your creativity and hard work is greatly appreciated by those of us who lake to play in the 'way out', keep up the good work!
86  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR 2013 Planning on: March 24, 2013, 10:44:15 AM
Mr. Morris,

Any news on the updated track?
87  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: On bike nutrition. How much do you put back in? on: March 24, 2013, 10:16:20 AM
I guess I will add that you don't need/have to replace those calories while you are moving.  You can keep going without doing so, but probably not at an intensity that will 'tax' your cardiovascular or muscular system in such a way as to trigger an adaptation response.  Which means you are out there spending time and not getting the return on your investment that you could if you were optimally fueled. Plus you may feel crappy at the same time.  For most physical training, we need to push our bodies to, or past, the edge for it to "think" it needs to adapt. On the other hand, your body may get better at working in those conditions so there still may be a training benefit.
88  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: On bike nutrition. How much do you put back in? on: March 24, 2013, 10:03:43 AM
Hmm..I bet there is some scientific proof, although I can't reference it.  The reality is, most of the 'bugs' were talking about are in and around us all the time.  The reason we don' get sick is because our immune system can control their populations or the quantity of the pathogen is low.  It is when the exposure population is too large, or our immune system is compromised, or a combination, and our system is overwhelmed.   That being said, we probably have enough exposure to the likely suspects that we don't need to go out of our way to expose ourselves to them.  Regarding on the bike nutrition I think what has been said is pretty good advice.  Our digestive system can process 200-350 cal/hr if not under extreme stress (anaerobic or near).  You can not replace calories at the same rate you burn them while exerting yourself at the levels we are talking about. About the best you can hope for is the 200-300/hr.  If you take in more than that it will just sit in your stomach, sloshing around, waiting to be processed.  That usually is not a good thing. The difference in what you take in and what you are processing is mostly compensated for with fat. As long as oxygen is available and some other chemical components, our bodies will primarily convert fat to sugar as fuel for sustained effort. Our bodies prefer simple carbohydrates (sugars), it is easier and faster to convert to a sugar that is 'burnable".  But after available carbs have been used (our liver stores about 2000 cal worth) our body goes to fat stores for energy.  A pound of fat on your body contains about 3600 calories.  You body can convert that to energy.  Even a  lean individual (10% body fat on a 150lb person = 15lb fat) has days if not weeks worth of energy stored on their bodies.  So you replace what you can while you are moving 250ish calories, you take in the same amount before you sleep - 6 hrs sleeping = 1800 cals - and then exert yourself at a level that allows your body to convert fat to sugar and you can move for a long time.  If you exert yourself at too high of a level and you have already used up your easy energy (glucose in your liver and already processed carbs) you bonk because you body now needs time to convert fat to sugar.  So, in my opinion for ultra distance racing/riding you really shouldn't carry more than 250-300 cal for each hour you will be out, assuming you can refuel at will.  Any more than that is extra weight.  Additionally, you really shouldn't need anything for about two hours (2000 calories in a well stocked liver). If you are out for more than two hours then you go to the 250ish cals per hour starting almost immediately.
89  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Securing your bike on: March 24, 2013, 08:57:13 AM
Take it with you.  If someone can take a baby stroller in or a shopping cart, then i can take my bike in.  Otherwise in sight or at hand as best you can.
90  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR 2013 Planning on: March 23, 2013, 06:25:16 PM
Ditto on the double rampage.
91  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: The BikePacker's Kitchen- stoves, cookkits, water treatment discussed here on: March 23, 2013, 09:39:00 AM
I am curious. For those of you filtering with a pump version filter, how careful are you about keeping the intake line apart from the output line.  Do you worry about contaminating your gear/filter with water from the outside of the tubing (the part you drop in the stream,pond,puddle etc.).  My filter came with a Ziploc type bag for the input line, which I use, but I am not super careful about not letting any unfiltered water touch filtered water components.  I have not used the system much, but have not had any issues so far. Thoughts?
92  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR 2013 Planning on: March 16, 2013, 11:02:06 AM

I feel for you brother!  This will sound a little out there but whenever I am trying to heal from something I try and visualize the actual repair.  Pick a visual that works for you. Something like little workers in your blood stream that get carried to your injury and and start putting up brick and mortar on your breaks, and some more little guys that are in there working out and cleaning up inflammation and carrying it away. This isn't an all the time process, just here and there when you find yourself thinking about your injury, try and make it a positive visualization.  It may or not be the same but it seems relative. I just read an article which indicated that during weight lifting, actively concentrating on the specific muscles being used caused up to 26% more muscle fibers to activate then when just going through the motion.  I believe and feel our bodies are responsive in ways we are often not aware of, and they are amazing creations. As an added bonus i will send some of my psychic energy your way!  Heal well.
93  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR 2013 Planning on: March 07, 2013, 08:15:29 AM
Scott,  I made my payment on paypal for my own spot.  I received my paypal receipt, but no other message with a link to the form to fill out.  Is it me or the system?  Please advise. 
94  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR 2013 Planning on: March 04, 2013, 07:24:04 AM
I will be leaving for Parker Canyon lake from theSouthwest side of Tucson (S. Joseph and W. Irvington) on the 19th about 6:30-7am.  I will have room for at least 1 maybe up to 3 or 4.  Anyone interested can email me at
95  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR 2013 Planning on: February 22, 2013, 11:17:54 PM
The great wide open in the Canelo Hills and a desert denizen thumbsup
96  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR 2013 Planning on: February 19, 2013, 10:03:15 AM
Thanks Marshal.  I completely understand the too many variables aspect. Itinerary is probably not the best word.  Perhaps someone has had a particularly memorable sunrise sunset moment they would care to relate.  Just curious because of my experience last year.  I attempted an ITT a couple of weeks before the group start and had an interesting outing.  I had a good ride from Parker Canyon to Patagonia where I proceeded to eat too much pizza and sit for a little too long.  On my way up the road to Sonoita the wind picked up and my body started to kind of shut down.  I got onto the dirt road just north of Sonoita and headed in to a b***h of a headwind, while my body was revolting.   I ended up pulling over and laying down for a couple of hours, out of the wind, next to a windmill tank. When I finally got up and moving again the light was starting to fade.  I ended up riding the flume trail in the dark, which was really nice, although I am wondering if I could have made it in the daylight.  I continued on to about mile 80 before i sacked out feeling pretty crappy.  I kind of slept (i was cold) until daylight when I got up.  The morning was gorgeous and started out with a nice downhill into a sweet smooth track through scrubby trees and grasses along a stream bed.  I had a strong morning and was feeling good about getting to Colossal Cave about 1pm, where I pretty much ended up pulling the plug because of GPS  and off route family matters.  The camping spot for that first night turned out to be the perfect place to start the next day, although maybe it was just because I had gotten through whatever was mucking me up the night before.  Sorry for this post guys, the fact that I bailed last year has been on my shoulder for the last year and I am really amped to taking another run at it in.  So I think I am just making conversation because I am excited about April 19.
97  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR 2013 Planning on: February 18, 2013, 10:34:30 PM
Here is a little mental exercise for you riders who have ridden the 300 several times.  Assuming a 72-80 hr finish time, could/would you propose an itinerary for riding certain areas at certain times of the day for the most dramatic effect.  Like, push a little further in the dark so that you ride a certain section for sunrise, or ride more/less in the dark to be in a better more dramatic spot in the light.  Or are there any areas you would highly recommend riding in the light if it just means shuffling sleeping and riding hours? Conversely, which areas may as well be ridden/walked at night with no loss of speed/viewing pleasure. The likelihood of me adhering to any specific schedule is almost nil, but it may give me me a short term daily goal.
98  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR 2013 Planning on: January 31, 2013, 09:10:40 AM
Good day,

Couple of things.
1)I have a spot locator.  I assume there will be tracking.  If true, what do I need to do to 'register' my spot for the trackleaders site?
2) One little tip for folks who haven't ridden in an area with prickly things like those cute teddy bear cholla (cactus).  It's a good idea to have a comb or pick for cactus removal from yourself or another.  For the pros, two sticks will work but I have seen some funny/tragic incidences where a cactus ball/segment was flicked off one part of the body and stuck into another, using a hair pick gives you a bit more control. Slide the teeth of the comb/pick between you and the cactus and pull. A small par of pliers is handy too - spines in tires or yourself.
99  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR 2013 Planning on: January 30, 2013, 11:19:57 PM
I'm thinking,  you are riding there....yey!
100  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: AZTR 2013 Planning on: January 30, 2013, 11:36:35 AM
Yes. Tucson is the closest international airport to the start. About 2 hrs by car.  You could probably fly in to Phoenix for less but then you would have another 2ish hrs from there. I will be having my brother or sister (both live in Tucson) drive with me to the 300 start in my vehicle so they can take it back. I should have room for a couple of people if you or someone else needs a ride from Tucson.   I expect to arrive in Tucson on the 17th and might be able to provide a little support to others coming from abroad.  I may even be able to wrangle a place to sleep for a night or two for someone.  I can't commit to that though, I haven't asked my siblings yet.  Anyone interested could email me direct at
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