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1  Forums / Bikepacking / Re: The perfect bikepacking shoe on: November 10, 2014, 10:21:46 PM
I have a few friends who use them for enduro and winter training. They have been very fond of them, held up great. There were some issues with a buckle and a sole but Giro has fixed those issues with the new models.
2  Forums / Bikepacking / Re: Anybody from Europe here? on: May 19, 2014, 12:28:01 PM
Aarhus, Denmark Smiley
3  Forums / Routes / Scandinavian and European trail recommendations on: May 05, 2014, 10:54:29 AM
My first post on this forum was about getting hold of some gear here in europe. My second post on this forum will be on where to use all this gear Smiley

I am looking for recommendations on trails to try out this bikepacking phenomenon. I am based in Denmark so trails in Sweden, Norway or even northern Germany would be perfect. I wouldn't mind having to go by train in order to get to some even longer/tougher/georgeus rides.

Are there any european bikepacker who care to chime in? Or anyone with knowledge of great trails here in europe/scandinavia.

Thanks in advance,

4  Forums / Question and Answer / Suggestions for a set of bags in Europe on: April 22, 2014, 12:34:22 PM
Hi guys,

first post on this forum as I have just recently decided that this discipline within the cyclingsphrere needs some attention as well Smiley I have decided to start small and only stay out for 2-3 days with food and water available through stores and such nearby. For these kind of trips i have decided to go with a saddlebag and handlebar roll. The stuff from Revelate looks very good and the quality is top notch according to my research. There is just one problem, I can't find anywhere in europe to but these or similar bags. Does anyone have a suggestion as to where i might purchase both a saddle- and handlebarbag?

Thanks in advance,

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