Yeah, absolutely. Throw some dates out there. March would be good. Let me know and let's go! My friend Stacy who is a very strong cyclist would likely join. We rode the CT in late August. It was awesome!!
I want to pre-ride the AZT300 course before the race. I can ride the course in one the these months: Jan, Feb or March. Touring pace would be fine, but we can step it up a notch too. Message me if interested. Dana
My bikepacking partners, Stacy & James & myself will be departing Waterton Canyon on Aug 22nd biking the CT to Durango. We plan to be out on CT for at least two weeks. Would love to meetup and ride! We are currently in Salida right now getting ready to do a shakedown bikepacking trip to Buena Vista and back to Salida via Colorado Trl.