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1  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TOUR DIVIDE 2014 on: June 08, 2014, 02:26:19 PM
Looks like Eric is going to make it to Sparwood! Thank goodness, all the hoopla was giving me pre-race jitters ;-) I look forward to his report, but I am optimistic.
2  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TOUR DIVIDE 2014 on: June 07, 2014, 07:29:13 AM
Its not on the new addendum, but last year I was not able to find lodging or camping at the Swan River Lodge on North State Highway 83. It is South of Condon (Map 1, Side A).

I tried calling the number this year and there is no answer. The restaurant south of there is still open. The locals said something about change of ownership and it is now condos, but not sure. I should have sent this info to Adventure Cyclists, but I didn't.

There is a nice campground at Holland Lake just south of the aforementioned area. Cyclists are permitted to camp in the picnic area (without fee, I believe that is what they said). There is a bathroom and potable water there is well. This is the last of my secrets I am going to give away ;-)
3  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TOUR DIVIDE 2014 on: June 02, 2014, 05:24:55 PM
Murray's is long closed. There is no bike shop in Rawlins, which could win an award for the least bike friendly town on the whole route.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk

There is a more unfriendly bike town on the GD route and it's also in Wyoming. The locals threw beer at me last year! It was one of two times I almost used my bear spray.

The people in Rawlins aren't riding their bikes often enough, but they were friendly. They let me park my bike inside while I watched a movie to escape the heat. :-)
4  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TOUR DIVIDE 2014 on: May 15, 2014, 06:21:46 PM
I can't believe I'm actually writing in this forum as I never thought I'd work up the stones to do this.

I'm a total newb to ultra racing on bikes. I've done two long distance thru-hikes, but this has always interested me so here we go.

Just trying to decide whether a northbound attempt is the better idea. Trolled this thread and haven't seen much in the way of people discussing leaving northbound. Wondering if there were many nobo's this year, and if so: HOW the hell do you get to AW?Huh? Maybe its possible that there is another thread for northbound riders.

Finally is it proper "form" to carry the spot and register for tracking?

Really pumped to meet everybody.

I rode NoBo last year and am happy to answer specific questions if you send me a message. There were only two places that were difficult to navigate from the map and ques. The approach to fleecer and the road to turn towards Abiquiu, after climbing out of Cuba, NM. Neither are marked well in that directions, but would be easily remedied with GPS confirmation.
5  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: TOUR DIVIDE 2014 on: May 09, 2014, 11:22:13 AM
Well, I guess I am unofficially racing TD this year :-) I haven't signed the roster.

I feel so ill prepared when I read all of the posts. Maybe this is all a part of being a veteran, I know what to expect and I spend my spare time worrying about the weather. :-) I don't even have a place to stay in Banff, yet. Last year I started in NM. Basically we were shuttled to the border, put our bikes together, signed the wall, and left. It was very anticlimactic!

I am very happy that this year I will be walking my bike down Fleecer not pushing it up!! Ah, sooo many fun stories to tell about that trip!

See you all in Banff! (fingers crossed I get it together in time!)
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