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1  Forums / Trip Planning / Need a partner / Re: NYC Brooklyn/Manhattan to somewhere with overnight camping (spring 2021) on: May 13, 2021, 05:48:54 PM
croton point park or ward pound ridge are good overnights from the city. most of the riding is on greenways or rail trails
2  Forums / Trip Planning / Need a partner / Hurricane 300 on: April 13, 2020, 06:44:30 PM
Business is on hold during the COVID19  and I need to get out.
gonna sneak away on the fattie for 4-5 day trip in the next few weeks to do the Hurrican 300 in central florida
did in a few years ago, driving from NYC - will diligently practice social distancing & PPE, when around others.
would like to leave before may so weather is ideal
3  Forums / Trip Planning / Need a partner / Re: S24O on Long Island on: August 14, 2018, 08:37:32 PM
HI - great Sub 24  - fat bike best after oct 1, Robert Moses State Park to Otis Pike Preserve (primitive camping with stove allowed on dunes  beach )
18 miles each way. some soft sand, but 99% ridable.
4  Forums / Trip Planning / Need a partner / Re: Any one from the Central Florida Area??? on: January 13, 2018, 12:48:15 PM
the Huracan 300 race is scheduled on feb 3, 2018 - it is a great way to do the route. you will learn from riders experienced on that trail.
5  Forums / Trip Planning / Need a partner / Huracan 300 Orlando FL bike packing trip Feb 10th on: January 10, 2017, 06:37:55 AM
firmed up my plans I will be starting my ride 2/10 and would average 55 miles per day. Riding on a 27.5 plus - pace is not to aggressive, just trying to put in some base miles and have fun, anyone interested in starting out with me. post a reply.  a gpx file below - will be starting from apopka.
I could have parking for 1 other vehicle first overnight lake clearwater campground at mile 51 from start, 2nd overnight Santos Campground 55 mil from 1st stop, 3rd stop Croom campground, 80 mi from 2nd stop, 100+ mile last day. 4 days in all -

6  Forums / Trip Planning / Need a partner / Re: Huracan 300 on: January 03, 2017, 07:26:29 PM
tried to reach you via the email you posted - however it bounced back. here is the email I sent.

Would love to explore possibility of riding the Huracan 300 with you. age is not an issue, I am out to enjoy a ride, not trying to break records. just trying get some base miles in over the winter and get out of NY - I will likely ride my fat bike or a plus bike, so speed is kind on not important and you may find yourself waiting for me. My bike packing experience is limited, with (2) 4 day + trips and a couple of sub 24s -  where I lack in bike packing i make up in medical skills should they be needed. I am a competent mechanic.
I prefer a hammock set up if possible - was planning on arriving central FL on Jan 26th and departing Feb 2.
but just found out about the feb 4th mass start event and was thinking about doing that. while that is a race, I am just gonna ride it.
let me know your thoughts and if you would be interested.
7  Forums / Trip Planning / Need a partner / Huracan 300 on: December 31, 2016, 03:24:44 PM
looking for riding companions for a january or february Fat tire bike packing trip in central florida
following the Huracan 300. Not to aggressive pace as it will be early season for me and unsure how many miles I will have over the winter. I am 55 year old new to bike packing - retired FDNY Paramedic, avid mountain biker and outdoorsman.

8  Forums / Routes / Re: Racquette Lake Loop - great kid friendly new york back country trip on: May 24, 2016, 07:00:21 PM
here is gpx -  short loop sagamore lake is not possible after may. but all else is great.
9  Forums / Routes / Racquette Lake Loop - great kid friendly new york back country trip on: June 06, 2015, 07:42:33 AM
I wanted to create an introductory trip for my 11 year old boy and expose him to bike-packing. he is a competent mountain biker, but as always with kids it is important to keep it fun, have a bail out for bad weather and access to facilities.

We just completed a short overnight on our fat bikes.  with add ons we did - 34 miles total -
our route was a loop in the racquette lake region of the adirondacks in NY

 on a combination of single track, double track, jeep roads - with less than a mile on pavement. some of the ride had challenging climbs, and sections that were technical, but not overly so - just enough to be fun.
in route planning we made sure there was a lunch stop ( to limit rehydrated meals) , ice cream stop at a general store,  allowed for overnight options at a campground or an adirondack park trail side lean-to. ( we choose the lean-to )
but slept in our hammock set up. also brought our pocket fishing rods, and caught a few fish.

great trip, my son can not wait to do this again.
10  Forums / Bikepacking / Re: Summer Bikepacking Shoes on: May 11, 2015, 07:19:32 PM
Pear Izumi X Alp - great shoe for trail and not bad walking. comfortable enough for extended wear.
11  Forums / Trip Planning / Need a partner / 4/18 - 4/19 Adirondack, NY Sub24hour shake out backcountry bikepacking overnight. on: March 25, 2015, 09:14:14 PM
Long Island Hurricanes scholastic mtb -
will be doing a kid friendly overnight 4/18 - 4/19
approx 30 miles on fat bikes & mountain bikes self contained. start Brown Tract Campground( have ranger approval to park preseason ) -  near Raquette Lake,
double track, single track, jeep/fire road and a tiny amount of pavement.

any parents / kid pairs that are interested in joining us.

great shake out trip, beautiful views, never too isolated, with bail outs to shorten trip if problems arise. thumbsup
12  Forums / Routes / Vermont Bike packing with on: March 01, 2015, 12:42:58 PM
this spring I am planning a 3 day - 2 night trip for two 11 year olds- they are decent single track riders and can handle most terrain.

we planned a route through bikeroutetoaster ( excellent app ) mostly dirt roads and rail beds with some single track tossed in 54 miles from plainfield vt to littleton nh. through groton lake  and woodsville the to the ammonoosu rail trail.  54 miles ( keeping it under 20 miles a day to ensure we have time for fun and do not push the kids too hard beyond the point of fun.) any recommendations for campsites and fun stops welcomed. more important any recommendations for taking along kids
let me know.
route attached
13  Forums / Routes / Backcountry or MTB Point to Point in New York or New England with 11 year old on: February 01, 2015, 10:22:22 AM
Hi Forum - Anyone with recommendations for a NYS or New England point to point route with camping for two adults and two 11 year olds kids. The kids are competent trail riders and can ride any intermediate trail and some most difficult trails- the adults will carry most of the gear. this is their first bikepacking venture so we want to make it fun for them. The ideal trip would 3 - 4 days of 20 - 25 miles a day  - closer to 20 if there is significant climbing. We are considering the Rhode Island N/S trail, but I was told there is a lot of paved sections and a bit of hike a bike. the guide book seems out of print and I do not know for certain. Any help on that would be appreciated or other trail suggestions welcomed and appreciated.

14  Forums / Routes / Re: Bikepackng route with pack rafting eastern USA. NEED ROUTE IDEAS ASAP on: December 28, 2014, 10:30:30 PM
thinking of doing a trip along the barrier island beach on the south shore of long island this march. if you guys are ok with the salt environs.
would start at historic coney island  go just under 120 to montauk pt.
pack raft can be done from the east point of the rockaway peninsula to atlantic beach 500 meters in a sheltered bay. ( fresh water accessible immediately upon landing)
also pack raft opportunities from gilgo st park to democrat point fire island 750 meters sheltered inside inlet. moriches inlet 1000 meters and sheltered by pelican island
and shinnecock inlet. while not the most technical fat bike ride the environment and scenic aspects would make this quite an adventure.
15  Forums / Trip Planning / Need a partner / Long Island NY (coney island to montauk) along the beaches on fat bikes this March on: December 28, 2014, 08:59:35 PM
Looking for a few adventurous souls to enjoy a 5 day TRAFFIC FREE fat bike trip as we run the south shore of long island along the barrier island beaches this march - <120 mi almost all of it on beach, and possibly pack raft between the smaller crossings of barrier islands if we have the right group - in planning phase - tricky parts of logistics ( western portion in which there are significant beach enforced regulation restricting overnighting on beach/fresh water access) I have that legally worked out for the trip. Ride is One way - we clean up in montauk - have a shower and good meal and take the train back to NYC or points in between.  
interested parties - post your email with response.
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