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1  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2016 - race discussion thread on: June 16, 2016, 11:00:35 AM
Judging by the pace of the guys heading from Bannack to Lima, the trail must be a real mudfest or something - Luke Bodowes covered just 45 miles in 9 hours. I was very glad it was dry last year.
2  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2015 - race discussion thread on: August 06, 2015, 09:04:19 PM
Coming from living at sea level (and having never ridden a bike above 3000ft before) , I was surprised that I really didn't notice the altitude at all. I guess it just varies person to person.

Also, huge thanks to Marshal and his wife who saved me from a long and depressing ride back from the border.
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