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1  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2016 Arizona Trail Race AZTR planning thread on: January 15, 2016, 06:57:28 PM
These questions have been asked a few times, but I haven't seen answers.
1. Any suggestions for getting to the start of the 750? My plan is to fly to Tucson but don't know how to get to the start line from there.
2. Once finished and at the Utah border what is the best way to go. I'm looking to ride to civilization to rent a car. To where should I ride? What is the safest/quickest route?
2  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Working with a Long GPS Track on: March 16, 2015, 11:26:24 AM
Montana, I tried that app you mentioned. While it works well, the track was VERY hard to see on my GPS. The line was white while my base map has a beige background. I found an app that allows you to switch to a different config file, but nothing where I can build my own custom one.
3  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Working with a Long GPS Track on: March 12, 2015, 08:10:05 AM
I appreciate everyone's replies. I think I have figured out what is going on.

1. Expert GPS thinks the track point limit is 500
2. Uploading via Basecamp or manually copying the GPX did truncate as well. It would copy fine, but when using the "Go To" function to load the track it would only load part of the track. I assumed this was at the 500 track point mark, but it was actually well beyond that.
3. I was loading the Stage Coach 400 track which consists of 31,782 track points.

I simplified the track down to 2,152 points and manually uploaded it to my GPS and it works.

Now to figure out what the real limit is (Unless anyone knows the answer already)
4  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Working with a Long GPS Track on: March 11, 2015, 09:50:42 PM
I've tried uploading a track with several different tools and they ALL hit the 500 track point limit. The only documented way to get more than 500 that I've found is to call your track "CURRENT TRACK" which gives you a few thousand points.

Base camp just truncated at 500. Expert GPS and others throw an error saying the limit is 500 per track.

if you have uploaded a track with more points can you share your steps?
5  Forums / Question and Answer / Working with a Long GPS Track on: March 11, 2015, 03:59:15 PM
For something like the Tour Divide (or even much shorter routes) I get that I have to break them up into shorter tracks with 500 track points or less for my Garmin Etrex 20. However, once I've done this I have a lot of tracks. Can I open all these tracks at once or will I need to ride to the end of track 1 then select track 2, etc.

Loading a new track every ~80 miles over 2800 miles seems ridiculous. BangHead There has to be a better way. Can I open all 34 tracks at once in an Etrex 20? Any tips, caveats, etc?
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