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1  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2015 TD on: May 29, 2015, 06:11:59 PM

( and I think it would be hard to get her Delorme tracker tied into trackleaders .. a buddy asked Scott about that last year, trackleaders has the API's all figured out to import Spot data, but Delorme is quite different )

Both Scott and Matthew said there would be no problem getting the Delorme to play nice with Trackleaders. Is anybody else, with he exception of the two currently being tracked, having any luck getting their details onto Trackleaders?
2  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2015 TD on: May 29, 2015, 03:43:34 PM
Can anyone help me get setup on Trackleaders within the next few days for a NoBo ITT beginning June 5? There seems to be no info coming back from both Scott and Matthew. Thanks for any help. Saul
3  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2015 TD on: May 23, 2015, 08:08:45 PM
 [/quote] Consider mailing your passport back to you, but perhaps consider doing it via registered mail. It'd be a heck of thing to have to replace.

Thanks for the advice. No passport might make it a bit tricky to get back to Australia ... ;-)

4  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2015 TD - Cash or card best on route? on: May 23, 2015, 04:49:34 PM
Are there card facilities in the smaller towns - or is it cash only most of the way? Does anybody have security issues with carrying cash whilst on the bike? Thanks for any help. Saul
5  Forums / Classifieds / ACA Great Divide Maps for sale - NEW on: May 22, 2015, 06:28:37 PM
I have an extra full set of Great Divide maps for sale. These are unused and were ordered in error direct from American Adventure Cycling Association at a cost of just over $100USD. I am willing to sell these for whoever comes up with a good offer.

Cheers - Saul
6  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2015 TD on: May 20, 2015, 03:12:48 PM
I arrive from Australia into LA June 4 for NoBo ITT. I'm planning to begin riding June 6 from AW with hopefully not too much jet lag from the loooong flight. Forgive me if I don't smile and wave to every South Bound rider whenever it is that we do cross paths.  icon_scratch

I hope all your prep is going well.

Enjoy the journey.

Cheers! Saul
7  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2015 TD on: May 20, 2015, 02:08:52 PM
I notice Billy Rice began his ride at around 10:00pm ... is the general opinion that he did this to avoid the heat of day, or that it was simply the convenient time for him to begin?
8  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2015 TD on: May 10, 2015, 07:01:48 PM
I'm coming over form Australia for this race so the conditions are a total unknown for me. I'll be riding NoBo ITT leaving June 6. It looks as though I might be on the right track with my gear selection. Thanks for the replies so far ... happy to hear more opinions so keep them coming
9  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: 2015 TD - sleeping bag question on: May 10, 2015, 06:32:24 PM
Hi guys. Wondering about temperature ranges on the route and sleeping bag temperature ratings. What would be considered a minimum rating for a reasonably comfortable attack of TD? Reasonably comfortable meaning I don't wish to ever become hypothermic again.  I plan to be sleeping in a super light 1 man tent with a Thermarest pad and a 40'F bag. Will this bag be too cold?

Thanks to anyone who may be able to offer me advice.

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