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1  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2015 - race discussion thread on: June 24, 2015, 09:51:01 AM
A HUGE Thank You to all the TD riders that stopped at the Montana High Country Lodge.  We are not quite done as there are a few riders still moving that might stop in. 

A special thank you to Joe Polk and Matthew Lee for all you do to make the TD a success. 

It is time for me to GO FISHING!

Russ, thanks a bunch, great pics, fond memories of crashing that wedding on last year's TD.. and getting some great hospitality at the Lodge


2  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2015 - race discussion thread on: June 23, 2015, 09:08:44 PM
Wamsutter is the planned future route. One rider struck by a truck / nearly killed on MineralX Rd is enough. Wamsutter route (itself) is indeed -40mi, but tougher riding and all dirt (-75mi of Rawlins pavement). The approx riding time diffs Sobo (as measured by JayP) from where the two routes split / converge are as follows: Into Rawlins = 8hrs; into Wamsutter 5.5hrs. Out of Rawlins(to Slater)=8hrs; out of Wamsutter=6hrs. Wamsutter is also a faster / more centralized pit stop. Rawlins is a trap. Initial feedback from mid pack on Wamsutter route as reported by Kirsten at BML is, "tough, more exposed, slightly better wind cooperation, HOT" One plus is delicious solar-pumped fresh water occurring 40mi out from Wamsutter just as one begins to unravel.

presume the new route no longer includes Aspen Alley ? Was a very scenic spot and reward for escaping the construction road last year..
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