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1  Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour Divide 2015 - race discussion thread on: June 26, 2015, 06:44:32 AM
Wamsutter is the planned future route. One rider struck by a truck / nearly killed on MineralX Rd is enough. Wamsutter route (itself) is indeed -40mi, but tougher riding and all dirt (-75mi of Rawlins pavement). The approx riding time diffs Sobo (as measured by JayP) from where the two routes split / converge are as follows: Into Rawlins = 8hrs; into Wamsutter 5.5hrs. Out of Rawlins(to Slater)=8hrs; out of Wamsutter=6hrs. Wamsutter is also a faster / more centralized pit stop. Rawlins is a trap. Initial feedback from mid pack on Wamsutter route as reported by Kirsten at BML is, "tough, more exposed, slightly better wind cooperation, HOT" One plus is delicious solar-pumped fresh water occurring 40mi out from Wamsutter just as one begins to unravel.

Does anyone have any more info on this water source or other general info about this detour for people touring the route?  I assume its 40 miles north of Wamsutter and probably connected to a drill site?  Starting a tour of the route next week and this looks a good alternative to Rawlins.
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