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1  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: 26" tubeless tires on: August 05, 2015, 04:41:14 PM
Right you are. I'm not comparing to "tubeless ready" tires though. All of mine are UST on UST rims, and I've not had issues.

But anyway... I just found this that looks like it may fit the bill. Claimed "tubless easy" - a new term for me!
2  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: 26" tubeless tires on: August 05, 2015, 04:22:14 PM
Indeed, that's a good point. It is the expensive "try" part that concerns me though. I've tried doing this with just one tire before, and the results were spectaculess.  BangHead One big leaky, gooey mess. I suppose I could give it another go. My preference would be something that DOES work over something that *should* work.  :-)
3  Forums / Question and Answer / 26" tubeless tires on: August 05, 2015, 03:31:42 PM
Yes. I'm going to start yet another tire thread. My frustration has peaked, and my hands are sore from surfing.

Here's the deal. I'm converting my steel hard-tail mtn bike into a bike camper. Only thing I don't have a handle on yet is proper tires. I'm well versed in what's out there for 700c. But this bike has 26" wheels, and currently sports UST full knobbies. I'm looking for something around 2.1" that are what everybody wants:

Durable enough, though light and comfortable enough
Enough tread for good fire road climbing and descending, though smooth, safe and fast enough for pavement runs
plus tubeless, 26" and ~2.1" wide.

You know... that perfect tire. For example, I love Smallblock 8's. The NanoRaptors look great. The Schwalbe Big Bens look great. But none of them match my needs. Usually the one big miss is the tubeless part.

If you know of a 26" tubeless tire that might fit my needs, I'd appreciate it immensely if you could just toss the name up here for me to check into. Thanks!
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