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Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour de Los Padres 2018
on: April 01, 2018, 07:27:41 PM
Just read the post from Art on the Gillam Springs area water situation and it made me suspect the "small rivulet" I saw in passing at 135.5 was just leftover moisture and puddles in the drainage from the rain. I didn't want anyone counting on this one in the coming weeks as it seems Art has taken a better look around. My apologies for any confusion.
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour de Los Padres 2018
on: April 01, 2018, 01:00:59 PM
Just finished Proper route on Friday. Very fun and Plenty challenging. Kudos to Erin on a fine adventure. Here are a couple notes: Didn't check water at 113 and was not able to find any at 125. First water after Ventucopa for me was at 133ish in a trough still half filled from recent rain. Did not go to Gillam Spring but there was very small rivulet running at 135.5 turn to left. Miranda Pine Springs mile 151 is confirmed water. Water was more frequent as noted on cue sheets after 195.7 Lastly, I forgot to reduce the Proper Route for my etrex20 down to less than 10000 points so the route ended halfway - ooops. Of course I had the cue sheets, Gaia phone app back up and the Tour route on the GPS once it joined back in. Also, the public transport option worked well on Amtrak bus from SB and Kern transit to Frazier Park.
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour de Los Padres 2018
on: March 24, 2018, 08:54:26 PM
Anyone ridden since the last rain? Looking to start on Tuesday 3/27 if it's not too early for trail conditions. Any local insight would be appreciated.
Forums / Ultra Racing / Re: Tour de Los Padres 2018
on: March 05, 2018, 11:43:13 AM
Planning an April 1 ITT if weather and conditions permit. Anyone interested in ride share from Tahoe area or share shuttle from Santa Barbara. Can be flexible on start day.