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1  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: 5-8 Day Routes Near Ottawa, ON? on: October 14, 2015, 08:05:48 PM
Thanks for the response Kim!
I will take a look.

The other option is convincing a group to fly out to the Kettle Valley Rail Trail, a classic, that we can get on and off to find some single track. BC in April might be more appropriate than Ontario?

2  Forums / Question and Answer / 5-8 Day Routes Near Ottawa, ON? on: October 14, 2015, 05:32:24 AM
I'm a student in an Outdoor Adventure Program near Ottawa ON and looking to start planning a bike packing final expedition. Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions for multi-day routes with the potential to restock food every 2 days or so within a 6 hour drive of Ottawa, Ontario?

Would be ideal to see some single track, and willing to link together some side trails. On / off road is fine.

Key point: trip happens mid-April. We're not riding fat bikes, so snow can possibly hinder our choices!

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