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1  Forums / Bikepacking / Re: Video: Bikepacking GDMBR/CDT/CT on: May 03, 2016, 08:01:32 PM
2  Forums / Bikepacking / Re: What's your career? on: April 24, 2016, 05:02:49 PM
jumping in on a 2 year old thread... shows you that I'm obsessed about this new discovery!
I've skimmed through this deep learning as I go.

I see a few teachers... I'm a 20 year vet of geography/world history/Strength Training and a football coach.
I'm posting in hopes of finding people with similar times off (fellow teachers?) that might want to do some rides on their time off.

I'm new and looking for people to hook up with/learn from.

I'd even be interested in HIRING a "Guide"!
Someone should start a business (wink) if there isn't already.
3  Forums / Bikepacking / Re: Introduction Thread on: April 21, 2016, 04:15:40 PM
First post.
I used to ride bmx decades ago, but then got involved in football and Olympic lifting which consumed my time.
Recently decided, in order to save my body from 1/2 marathons and its training, that I'd get a bike.
Bought a Specialized pitch in December, rode through the mild start of winter on the flat land around Chicago.
Fell back in love with it, joined MTBr forum and then... stumbled onto BIKEPACKING!
It instantly has consumed my thoughts.
I've spent hours of my days researching stuff.
I would like to pursue this and as a teacher I have some nice chunks of time to actually do it (minus football season).
I always loved camping and being outdoors, and imo this seems like the perfect way to see the world (the drummer from my fav band, Rush, raved about biking being the perfect way to travel).
Hope you all will bear with me as I ask some questions that you probably get tired of answering.
If anyone here does rides with noobs to show them the ropes, I'd be willing to hire you as a "guide" so I don't die lol!. I'm thinking about trying to do something in early August.
thanks for reading and for your help.
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