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1  Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Compressing things to fit in frame bag? on: May 24, 2016, 03:23:35 PM
Thanks for the replies guys!
Skipping the stuff sack for my sleeping bag might be an option, but I think I would have to go for a dual compartment frame bag to have a "clean" and "dirty" compartment. I have done some testing with my sleeping bag(400g down summer bag) and the supplied stuff sack, and I can actually get a pretty narrow profile of it with a bit of persuasion. I want to keep the tent as low as possible for handling, even if it is a light one( dual skin, under 1kg). The tent packed is shorter than the down tube, so I think I'll be able to fit it in there as well.

About water, I'm thinking a camelback or similar instead of bottles. Takes up a lot less volume for the same amount of water, and a lot of frame bags comes with a hole for the tube as well.

I'm still waiting for my new bike that's lost in shipping somewhere it seems. When I get it I'll get a better idea if I can fit what I need without a front bag.
2  Forums / Question and Answer / Compressing things to fit in frame bag? on: May 21, 2016, 09:48:04 AM

I'm refining my setup for this summers trip with my road bike, and I plan to go from handlebar bag, small frame bag and seat post bag to no handlebar bag, full frame bag and a larger seat post bag to make it more aero.
I have had my sleeping bag, sleeping mat and tent(~2kg in total) in a handlebar bag, but I want to put this in a full size frame bag instead.
Does anyone have any good solutions for how to compress for example a sleeping bag to fit a narrow frame bag? I have a 400g down sleeping bag, but the normal compression sack is still too wide for a good fit in a frame bag. Are there any compression sacks that compress things more in one direction for a good fit in the frame bag?
I could of course throw it in the saddle bag, but I would use that only for clothes and such. This way I would only have to bring in the saddle bag if I check in to a hotel.

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