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1  Forums / Trip Planning / Need a partner / Re: GDMBR on: June 03, 2016, 05:56:43 PM
Where are you coming from?   I'm a Scot living in NZ.

All going well I will get into Banff on the 13th heading off on the 14th.  Of course that is all dependent on my bike making it as well!   hello2

If I have delays, I'll connect via here and let you know.  Who knows I may see you on the way.

2  Forums / Trip Planning / Need a partner / GDMBR on: June 01, 2016, 07:11:22 PM
Hi there, heading over from NZ and going to miss the mass start by a few days - work eh.    Whilst travelling through bear country, quite keen to connect with a few peeps.  I am thinking there might be safety in numbers, who knows!    thumbsup  Happy to go own way after getting through the hot zone.


BTW, no idea how I ended up with a vote option.
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