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Forums / Question and Answer / Re: Krampus build
on: July 27, 2016, 11:03:53 AM
thanks for the feedback! what are thoughts on 1X vs. 2X? I've seen both. I'm biased towards fewer moving parts but if 2X10 makes a big difference compared to 1X11 or even 1X10 then I'll go for it.
Forums / Question and Answer / Krampus build
on: July 26, 2016, 02:55:08 PM
Hi all, apologies for an open-ended question but I'm putting together a Krampus frame scratch (the full builds are sold out in Canada). I'm working with a buddy who works at the bike shop I'm ordering it through and expecting to mostly just follow the stock build list but I'm wondering if anyone has recommendations for anything I should do differently from stock. I'm okay spending a little more but don't want to go overboard. Will be using it for 50% messing around on local single track and 50% 2-3 day bikepacking trips. Thanks!