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1  Forums / Bikepacking / Re: BB200 - Reliability Challenged on: November 04, 2016, 12:48:53 PM

Don't know what happened.  Give this a whirl.  Maybe it was too boring that the internet decided to save you all :-)
2  Forums / Bikepacking / BB200 - Reliability Challenged on: November 04, 2016, 10:55:28 AM
Taken a while to write but thought I'd share my BB200 2016 woes.

It was definitely a reliability challenge this time...... :roll: ... hallenged/
3  Forums / Bikepacking / Re: Introduction Thread on: November 03, 2016, 05:38:16 AM
Hi Everybody,

I'm Karl.  UK (Manchester) based bikepacker.  I enjoy mountain bike ITT events as well and have completed the Highland Trail,  BB200 and the Peak 200 this year.  I set off on my biggest adventure on 1st March 2017, riding 2500 miles from home to the top of Europe (Nordkapp, norway).

If your interested you can read about my adventures @

Ride Safe!
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